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EQ: How did Rome go from
Republic to Empire?
Do Now: Analyze the
following map of Rome in
44 BC. Answer the
following Questions:
1. What inferences could
you make about Rome
by studying this map?
2. What might be some
consequences of
expanding your territory
to this size?
By the 3rd century B.C., the
Romans conquered the Italian
peninsula & began to exert power
in the Mediterranean world
But, the growth of
Rome threatened
Carthage, the
superpower of the
Mediterranean world
In a series of battles known as the Punic Wars,
Rome defeated Carthage & began the dominant
power in the Mediterranean
After the Punic Wars, Rome conquered
new territories & gained great wealth
One of the generals who led
Rome’s expansion was a
politician named Julius Caesar
The Rise & Fall of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar took
advantage of the chaos
in Rome & was named
dictator in 46 B.C.
He initiated a series of
reforms that offered Roman
citizenship to conquered
people & created new jobs
Many Senators feared
Caesar’s popularity &
power as dictator of Rome
In 44 B.C., Senators assassinated Julius Caesar
The assassination led to another civil war
led by Caesar’s adopted nephew Octavian &
his best general, Marc Antony
End of the Republic & Rise of the Empire
■Caesar’s death changed Rome:
–People no longer trusted the Senate
to rule Rome & the Roman Republic
came to an end & the empire began
The Roman Empire
 By 31 A.D, Octavian Augustus
was name Rome’s first
emperor; he served much like
a King in that his power was
absolute and he named his
successors. This date marked
the end of the Republic and the
beginning of the Empire
(imperial rule).
The Roman Empire
 Augustus created a stable government
which was centralized and bureaucratic
and issued economic reform. For example,
he made the tax system more fair.
 Augustus’ rule began a 200 year-span
known as the Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
- a period of peace and prosperity which
ended after the death of Marcus Aurelius.
The Roman Empire
 Social and Economic problems were
hidden. To keep the restless mobs of
people content, Roman emperors issued
a policy of “bread and circus” in which the
poor were given free food and all citizens
were entertained using tax dollars.
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went from Republic to