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Ancient Rome – The Path of Roman Conquest
~ At War Rome became more powerful and began a rivalry (fight) with _________________________
for control of trade in the Mediterranean Sea. Rome fought _________________ wars with Carthage,
called the _____________________________________ - from Punicus, the Roman word for Phoenician.
During the First Punic War, 264 B.C.E. – 241 B.C.E., Rome gained control of the island of
_________________________, and it became Rome’s first _______________________, or self-governing
region. Rome continued to be victorious during the Second and Third Punic Wars. It divided its new
lands into self-governing regions, forced the conquered people to pay __________________, and many
were taken as _____________________. Some Roman plebeians lost their jobs because the slaves
replaced them as free labor. ___________________________ arose between the Romans who were rich
and those who were poor.
~ Change Is Coming Leaders struggled for power, which led to a series of
______________________________. For three years, a dictator named _________________________ had
control until 79 B.C.E. Then leadership returned to the consuls. ________________________________
was elected consul in 60 BC. Caesar and his army were popular with the Roman citizens. Caesar
showed he was a strong leader, and he was made ________________________. Caesar made many
changes for the Roman Empire, including changing the Senate so it better represented the people,
creating jobs, giving citizenship to more people, and helping the poor. Some senators feared That
Caesar was planning in becoming king, so they plotted his death. Caesar was killed by a small group
of senators on March 15, 44BC. This is known as _______________________________________ on the
Roman Calendar. His death led to a time of unrest in Rome.
~ End of an Era ________________________________________, a general in the Roman army, became
Rome’s new leader. Then Octavian, a relative of Caesar challenged his rule. In 43 B.C.E., Octavian,
Anthony, and another general named Lepidus agreed to form a _______________________________,
or group of three rulers who share power. These three leaders struggled with one another for power,
and civil wars broke out. Eventually, Octavian, Caesar’s great-nephew, defeated the others at the
Battle of Actium. In 27 B.C.E.. the Roman senate gave Octavian the title _________________________,
which means “respected one” or “holy one.” and began his rule of Rome. This was the end of the
Republic. Augustus was Rome’s first emperor, but he never used this title. Instead, he adopted the
title ___________________________, meaning “first citizen”. The Roman Republic ended when
Augustus’s rule began.