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Study Guide Unit 6
Rise and Fall of Empires and Kingdoms
Name: ____________________________
Romans used
coins, which
made this
Fall of Rome
Romans did not Name at least 4 problems that
make everything Rome experienced that caused it
they needed so
to fall
they had to do
was the king of
this group of
brought in
helped spread
promoted this,
teachers because this religion
which helped
he thought this
his cities grow
was important
The empire
ruled by
The huge
building that
Justinian built
The system of
protection for
The system
where serfs
would farm the
land for the
lords in
exchange for
Code of
behavior that
knights were
required to
Code of
behavior that
samurai were
required to
Byzantine Empire
Name of the
Reason why he
Roman laws
changed these
that Justinian
Name at least 2 problems that Rome
had and the US still has today
Three groups of invaders that
threatened Charlemagne and where
they came from
Group of people
What these people
who captured the did to the Hagia
Byzantine Empire Sophia
Feudal System and Arab Empires
Group that had Group that
Another word for
the most power were the
a knight
in the Middle
during the
Middle Ages
Group that did not
own land, they
simply rented
their land from
the lord (2 names)
Safavid, and
empires were
of this religion
Arab empires
tried to expand
and get more
territory by doing
The name for
the highest
Islamic leader
Although they
had a different
religion, they
generally showed
for people of
other religions in
their empire.
Describe barter.
Describe why money was easier to use than barter.
Why was this time period called the Middle Ages? What is another name for this time period?
Show the different levels of the EUROPEAN and JAPANESE feudal system:
Most Power
Least People
Most People
Least Power
Put these in the correct order:
________ Christians are persecuted for not believing in Roman gods
________ Rome becomes too big to control and starts experiencing many problems
________ Jesus is born, and then Christianity starts spreading because of missionaries
________ Pax Romana—no war, wealth, health, and good times
________ Rome falls in the west and the east becomes the Byzantine Empire
________ Rome becomes an empire under Augustus
________ Rome really starts to grow due to trade across the Mediterranean Sea
________ Emperor Constantine becomes a Christian