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Biomechanics Midterm
Study Guide
 Statics
Sports Medicine
Net force
Center of gravity
Quantitative vs. Qualitative
 What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative?
What are some examples of each?
Metric Conversions
0.21 km = _________ m
3.64 cm = _________ mm
425,000 mL = ___________ L
2.7 m = __________ km
0.000895 m = ____________ cm
Word problems
o Ex: A dollar bill is 15.6 cm long. If 200 dollar bills were laid end to end, how many meters
long will be the line by?
Directional Terms
Three planes of the body?
Three axes?
Relationship between the planes and axes?
o Anterior/Posterior
o Superior/Inferior
o Medial/Lateral
o Deep/Superficial
o Proximal/Distal
o Flexion
o Extension
o Abduction
o Adduction
o Ulnar deviation
o Radial deviation
o Supination
o Pronation
o Inversion
o Plantarflexsion
o Dorsiflexion
o Rotation
o Internal Rotation
o External Rotation
o Horizontal Abduction
o Horizontal Adduction
o Elevation
o Depression
o Lateral Bending
Movement Analysis
o Examples:
 Walking
Push Up
Mechanical Loading
 Load – Deformation Curve
What are the types of mechanical loading? Draw them on the curve.
 Vectors have a __________________________ and _______________________________.
Word problems
o Scalar
o Biplanar
Tip to tail method
Sine, cosine, tangent method
Kinetic Concepts Problems
 Examples:
o A force of 20 N acts upon a 5 kg block. Calculate the acceleration of the object.
o Calculate the pressure produced by a force of 800 N acting on an area of 2.0 m2.
o A force of 20 N is applied perpendicular to the end of a bar of length 0.5 m. Calculate the
torque produced by the force.
Bone Basics
 What are the functions of human bones?
What are the differences between cortical and trabecular bone?
What are the four types of bones? Their function? Examples of each?
Process of bone remodeling and Wolff’s Law.
Be able to recognize each of the bone injuries we discussed in class (Greenstick, spiral,
compression, stress fractures; osteoporosis; female athlete triad)
Human Skeletal Articulations (Joints)
 What are the types of joints and what is the function of each?
Discuss each type of connective tissue, including cartilage (articular and fibrocartilage)
What factors affect joint flexibility?
Describe each type of stretching we talked about in class (static, passive, active, dynamic, PNF).
Human Skeletal Muscle
 What are the properties human skeletal muscle?
Identify the structures of human skeletal muscle.
Label the components of a muscle fiber.
What is a motor unit?
What is the difference between fast and slow twitch muscle fibers?
How does the training for power and endurance differ?
Compare and contrast the characteristics of parallel and pennate muscles.