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Transcript Page 31 Friday, November 17, 2006 5:17 PM
Section 3 Quiz
Key Terms and People
Directions: Choose the term or person from Column II that best fits each description in
Column I. You will not use all the answers.
Column I
Column II
1. the Union general who led a 400-mile march of
destruction through Georgia and South Carolina
2. the right guaranteeing that no person can be held
in prison without specific charges being filed
3. the Union general who scored five victories in
three weeks during the summer of 1863
4. the general who was offered command of
Union forces but remained loyal to Virginia
5. the event that marked the last major Confederate
attempt to invade the North
6. a military strategy that targeted not only troops
but also any resources needed to support an army
a. Robert E. Lee
b. Emancipation
c. habeas corpus
d. Ulysses S. Grant
e. Battle of
f. Gettysburg
g. William
T. Sherman
h. total war
Key Concepts
Directions: Write the letter of each answer or ending in each blank.
7. What advantage did the South have in the Civil War?
a. a larger army
b. superior military leadership
c. a well-developed railroad network
d. banking, insurance, and finance industries
8. What was the outcome of the conflict along the east coast early in the war?
a. Neither side could gain a clear and decisive victory.
b. Union armies captured the Confederate capital at Richmond.
c. Confederate troops pushed the war north of Washington, D.C.
d. The Union lost a number of key strongholds in the North.
9. The Emancipation Proclamation
a. immediately freed all enslaved persons.
b. applied only to areas under Union control.
c. discouraged enslaved African Americans from joining the war.
d. symbolically redefined the war as being about slavery.
10. To help pay for the war, the North
c. stopped printing paper money.
a. imposed income taxes.
b. discouraged western settlement. d. suspended habeas corpus.
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