Download Cell Structure Common Cell Traits Living cells are dynamic and

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Cell Structure
Common Cell Traits
Living cells are dynamic and have several things in common. A cell is the smallest unit that is
capable of performing life functions. All cells have an outer covering called a cell membrane. Inside
every cell is a gelatin like material called cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm of every cell is hereditary material
that controls the life of the cell. However, many of the organelles that cells contain depend on what
type of cell you are talking about. Plant? Or Animal?
Activity 1(10pts)
Comparing Cells
Not all cells are created equal. Not all cells have the same function as other do either. Check out
the websites listed below. Develop a summary paragraph that explains the similarities and differences
among cellular organelles when referring to plant and animal cells. There are many similarities, but be
careful, there are many differences. Your paragraph should include three similarities with explanation
and three differences with explanation. Save your paragraph as a word document with the name of –
comparing cells.
Excel at Cells
Cells Alive!
Comparing Cells
Inside a Cell
Activity 2(50 pts.)
Cell Structure and Function
Each organelle of a cell has its own specific job or duty. It is like a miniature city working to keep
the cell alive and functioning. Researches the following websites listed below and create a test that will
enable you and classmate to quiz each other. The test can quiz your knowledge on types of organelles,
function of organelles, organelle labeling, or any other quizzical concept that you can think of pertaining
to the concept of cell structure or you can use the Jeopardy template that has been downloaded onto
the website for the same credit. If you choose the Jeopardy method then the following statement will
not apply to you.
Your test should include at least twenty questions and created as a word document. You will
need to save one test as a student copy with a name of – cell structure test – and one copy as – cell
structure test answers - , the cell structure test answers document should include all answers needed to
grade the given test. If you used the Jeopardy template then
Excel at Cells
Cells Alive!
Comparing Cells
Inside a Cell
Activity 3 (25 pts.)
Moving Cellular Materials
You will make an activity or example that will teach the following three concepts:
1. Why the function of a selectively permeable membrane is useful to a cell.
2. How the processes of diffusion and osmosis move molecules in living cells.
3. Explain how passive transport and active transport differ.
This activity or example can be made from scratch or found by researching reference materials or the
Activity 4
Chapter 2 Book A
Vocabs should be saved in your assignments folder with the name of – vocabs_ch2a.
Any websites or resources can be used for these assignments. Websites listed are merely suggested