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Sociology Ch. 4 Study Guide
Name __________________________
Test on _______________________
Reviewing Facts:
 Secondary group
 Postindustrial society
 Bureaucracy
 Hunter-gatherer society
 Rationality
 Role strain
 Horticultural society
 Gemeinschaft
 Out-group
 Reciprocal roles
 Aggregate
 Master statuses
 Subsistence strategy
 Gesellschaft
Understanding Ideas:
 When fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the
role expectations of another status, the situations is known as …
 The term social category refers to…
 Secondary group is to co-workers as primary group is to …
 Exchange theory holds that …
 The socially determined behaviors expected of an individual performing a role
are called …
 The expected behavior of someone occupying a particular status is called a …
 A status assigned according to standards beyond one’s control is a(n) …
 Specialization in the performance of specific economic activities is called …
 All of the following are forms of accommodation except (know some forms)…
 One example of an achieved status is …
 Emile Durkheim described different types of societies using the concepts of …
 A system of statuses, roles, values, and norms organized to satisfy one or more
of the basic needs of society is a(n)…
 People waiting in a theater line are an example of …
 The tendency of organizations to become increasingly dominated by small
groups of people is called …
 The network of interrelated statuses and roles that guides human behavior is
called …
 The practice of exchanging on good for another is called …
 Corresponding roles that define the pattern of interaction between related
statuses are …
 The sociologist who developed a model of bureaucracies still in use today is …
 The basis of exchange theory is the concept of …
Developing Ideas: Be able to classify characteristics and descriptions of the following
types of societies.
 Hunting and gathering
 Pastoral
 Horticultural
 Agricultural
 Industrial
 Postindustrial
Short Answer:
 Sociologists have traditionally recognized five major social institutions. What are
 What are the four sources of conflict identified by sociologist George Simmel?
 Although we tend to think of conflict as negative, what are at least three useful
purposes sociologists have pointed out that conflict can serve?
 What is the criticism of bureaucracies known as Parkinson’s Law?