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U.S. History
Chapter 2 Test
Review Sheet
Terms: nationalism, Manifest Destiny, sectionalism, popular sovereignty, abolition, incumbent,
arsenal, martyr, secession, rout, casualties, sovereign, armistice, habeas corpus, total war, atrocities,
greenbacks, inflation, Freedmen’s Bureau, 13th Amendment, Reconstruction, martial law, 14th
Amendment, 15th Amendment, suffrage, impeachment, scalawag, carpetbagger
Nationalism gives way to sectionalism
Sectionalism: key differences between North and South- economies, view on tariffs
Missouri Compromise (1820): Maine=free state, Missouri=slave state; no slavery north of
Missouri’s S. border (36°30´)
Section 2
1. Compromise of 1850: What did the North get? What did the South get? Clay’s role
2. Underground Railroad: Harriet Tubman, relationship to Fugitive Slave Act
3. Uncle Tom’s Cabin: author, impact
4. Kansas Nebraska Act: Stephen Douglas and popular sovereignty, “Bleeding Kansas”
5. Dred Scott v. Sandford: decision, significance
6. Lincoln-Douglas debates: significance for Lincoln and Douglas (impact on 1860 pres. race)
7. John Brown’s Raid: impact
8. Election of 1860: reaction of South- secession; first state to secede; Confederate president
Section 3
1. Dates (years) of the war; first shots at Ft. Sumter
2. Advantages of the North and South at the beginning of the war; goals and strategies of each
3. Important Union and Confederate generals: Lincoln’s search for a general
4. First Battle of Bull Run: significance
5. The war in the West: Grant—goal of capturing Miss. River
6. Battle of Antietam: significance; Emancipation Proclamation: Why issued? Which slaves freed?
7. Gettysburg, Vicksburg: dates, location, events, significance of each
8. Sherman’s March: destruction of Atlanta; total war
9. Appomattox: final surrender
10. Economic issues: financing the war (North and South); inflation
1. African Americans in the Civil War: number/reason for serving; discrimination in Union Army
2. Women in the Civil War: roles, impact
3. Medical care/ technology
Section 4
1. Lincoln’s second inaugural address: “With malice toward none; with charity for all.” - meaning
2. Three plans for Reconstruction: Lincoln’s, Johnson’s, Radical Republicans’ (Congressional)
3. Lincoln’s assassination: conspiracy, motive, assassin, result
4. Johnson’s impeachment: reason, Senate trial and vote, effect
Politics in the postwar South: African Americans, carpetbaggers, scalawags
Ku Klux Klan: goals, methods, impact on return to white power
Election of 1876; Compromise of 1877 (disputed election of Hayes) = the end of Reconstruction
Successes and failures of Reconstruction
*Chapter 2 Map- selected items