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Chapter 4
protein Structure and Function
figure 4–5 Hydrophobic forces help
proteins fold into compact conformations.
the polar amino acid side chains tend to fall
on the outside of the folded protein, where
they can interact with water; the nonpolar
amino acid side chains are buried on the
inside to form a highly packed hydrophobic
core of atoms that are hidden from water.
In this very schematic drawing, the protein
contains only about 30 amino acids.
side chains
side chains
core region
side chains
unfolded polypeptide
hydrogen bonds
can be formed to
the polar side chains
on the outside of
the molecule
folded conformation in aqueous environment
proteins fold into a conformation of lowest energy
Each type of protein has a particular three-dimensional structure, which
is determined by the order of the amino acids in its chain. The final folded
structure, or conformation, adopted by any polypeptide chain is determined by energetic considerations: a protein generally folds into the
shape in which the free energy (G) is minimized (see p. 91). Protein folding has been studied in the laboratory using highly purified proteins. A
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protein can be unfolded, or denatured, by treatment with solvents that
disrupt the noncovalent interactions holding the folded chain together.
This treatment converts the protein into a flexible polypeptide chain that
has lost its natural shape. When the denaturing solvent is removed, the
protein often refolds spontaneously, or renatures, into its original conformation (figure 4–7). The fact that a renatured protein can, on its own,
regain the correct conformation indicates that all the information necessary to specify the three-dimensional shape of a protein is contained in
its amino acid sequence.
Each protein normally folds into a single stable conformation. This conformation, however, often changes slightly when the protein interacts
with other molecules in the cell. This change in shape is crucial to the
function of the protein, as we shall see later in this chapter.
figure 4–6 Hydrogen bonds within a
protein molecule help stabilize its folded
shape. large numbers of hydrogen bonds
form between adjacent regions of the
folded polypeptide chain. the structure
depicted is a portion of the enzyme
lysozyme. the polypeptide backbone is
colored green. hydrogen bonds between
backbone atoms are shown in red; those
between atoms of a peptide bond and a
side chain in yellow; and those between
atoms of two side chains in blue. note that
the same amino acid side chain can make
several hydrogen bonds. (after
C.K. Mathews, K.e. van holde, and
K.G. ahern, Biochemistry, 3rd ed. San
Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2000.)
hydrogen bond between
atoms of two peptide
hydrogen bond between
atoms of a peptide
bond and an amino
acid side chain
hydrogen bond between
two amino acid side
backbone to backbone
backbone to side chain
side chain to side chain
the Shape and Structure of proteins
purified protein
isolated from cells
figure 4–7 Denatured proteins can
recover their natural shapes. this type
of experiment demonstrates that the
conformation of a protein is determined
solely by its amino acid sequence.
renaturation works best for small proteins.
original conformation
of protein re-forms
When proteins fold incorrectly, they sometimes form aggregates that can
damage cells and even whole tissues. Aggregated proteins underlie a
number of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease
and Huntington’s disease. Prion diseases—such as scrapie in sheep,
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or “mad cow” disease) in cattle,
and Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease (CJD) in humans—are also caused by protein aggregates. The prion protein, PrP, can adopt a misfolded form that
is considered “infectious” because
can convert properly folded PrP proECB3 ite4.07/4.07
teins in the infected brain into the abnormal conformation (figure 4–8).
This allows the misfolded form of PrP to spread rapidly from cell to cell,
causing the death of the infected animal or human.
Although a protein chain can fold into its correct conformation without
outside help, protein folding in a living cell is generally assisted by special
proteins called molecular chaperones. These proteins bind to partly folded
chains and help them to fold along the most energetically favorable pathway, as we shall discuss in Chapter 7. Chaperones are vital in the crowded
conditions of the cytoplasm, because they prevent newly synthesized
protein chains from associating with the wrong partners. Nevertheless,
the final three-dimensional shape of the protein is still specified by its
amino acid sequence; chaperones merely make the folding process more
efficient and reliable.
proteins come in a wide Variety of complicated Shapes
Proteins are the most structurally diverse macromolecules in the cell.
Although they range in size from about 30 amino acids to more than
10,000, the vast majority of proteins are between 50 and 2000 amino acids
long. Proteins can be globular or fibrous; they can form filaments, sheets,
rings, or spheres. figure 4–9 presents a sampling of proteins whose exact
structures are known. We will encounter many of these proteins later in
this chapter and throughout the book.
Resolving a protein’s structure often begins with determining its amino
acid sequence, a task that can be accomplished in several ways. For
many years, protein sequencing was accomplished by directly analyzing the amino acids in the purified protein; the first protein sequenced
was the hormone insulin, in 1955. Today we can determine the order of
amino acids in a protein much more easily by sequencing the gene that
encodes it (discussed in Chapter 10). Once the order of the nucleotides
in the DNA that encodes a protein is known, this information can be
converted into an amino acid sequence by applying the genetic code (discussed in Chapter 7). The amino acid sequences of millions of proteins
have already been determined in this way, and they have been collected
into vast electronic databases that allow users to obtain the amino acid
sequence of any protein almost instantaneously.
figure 4–8 Prion diseases are caused by rare proteins whose misfolding
is infectious. the mammalian protein prp is the best known of these
proteins, but other examples are known. (a) the protein undergoes a rare
conformational change to give an abnormally folded prion form.
(B) the abnormal form causes the conversion of normal prp proteins in the
host’s brain into the misfolded form, which forms protein aggregates that
disrupt brain function and cause disease.
Question 4–1
urea used in the experiment shown
in figure 4–7 is a molecule that
disrupts the hydrogen-bonded
network of water molecules. why
might high concentrations of urea
unfold proteins? The structure of
urea is shown here.
(A) prion protein can adopt an abnormal,
misfolded form
very rare
normal Prp
abnormal prion form
of PrP protein
(B) misfolded protein can induce formation
of protein aggregates
misfolded protein converts
normal PrP into abnormal
converting more PrP
to misfolded form
creates an aggregate
protein aggregate
Chapter 4
protein Structure and Function
SH2 domain
cytochrome c
5 nm
figure 4–9 Proteins come in a variety of shapes and sizes. each folded polypeptide is shown as a space-filling model, represented at
the same scale. In the top left corner is the Sh2 domain, which is featured in greater detail in panel 4–2 (pp. 128–129). For comparison,
part of a Dna molecule (gray) bound to a protein is illustrated. (after David S. Goodsell, Our Molecular nature. new York: SpringerVerlag, 1996. With permission from Springer Science
and Business Media.)
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the Shape and Structure of proteins
Although all the information required for a polypeptide chain to fold is
contained in its amino acid sequence, we have not yet learned how to
reliably predict a protein’s detailed three-dimensional conformation—the
spatial arrangement of its atoms—from its sequence alone. At present,
the only way to discover the precise folding pattern of any protein is by
experiment, using either X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, as we discuss later in the chapter. So far,
the structures of about 20,000 different proteins have been completely
analyzed by these techniques. Most have a three-dimensional conformation so intricate and irregular that their structure would require an entire
chapter to describe in detail.
Because the structure of a large protein can be overwhelming to look at,
we will illustrate the intricacies of protein conformation by examining
the structure of a smaller protein domain. As we discuss shortly, most
proteins are formed from multiple domains, each folding into a compact
three-dimensional structure. In panel 4–2 (pp. 128–129), we present four
different depictions of SH2, a protein domain that—as a part of proteins
involved in cell signaling—has important functions in eucaryotic cells.
Built from a string of 100 amino acids, the structure is displayed as (A) a
polypeptide backbone model, (B) a ribbon model, (C) a wire model that
includes the amino acid side chains, and (D) a space-filling model. As
indicated in the panel, each model emphasizes different features of the
polypeptide. The three horizontal rows show the SH2 domain in different
orientations, and the images are colored to distinguish the path of the
polypeptide chain, from its N-terminus (purple) to its C-terminus (red).
We will describe the different structural elements in this protein domain
From Panel 4–2, we can clearly see how amazingly complex protein
conformation is, even for a small domain like SH2. To visualize such
complicated structures, scientists have developed various graphical and
computer-based tools that generate a variety of images of a protein,
some of which are depicted in Panel 4–2. These images can be displayed
on a screen and rotated to view all aspects of the structure (Movie 4.1).
In addition, describing and presenting such complex protein structures is
made easier by recognizing that several common folding patterns underlie these conformations, as we discuss next.
The a helix and the b Sheet are common folding patterns
When the three-dimensional structures of many different protein molecules are compared, it becomes clear that, although the overall
conformation of each protein is unique, two regular folding patterns are
often present. Both were discovered more than 50 years ago from studies of hair and silk. The first folding pattern to be discovered, called the
a helix, was found in the protein a-keratin, which is abundant in skin and
its derivatives—such as hair, nails, and horns. Within a year of the discovery of the a helix, a second folded structure, called a b sheet, was found
in the protein fibroin, the major constituent of silk. (Biologists often use
Greek letters to name their discoveries, with the first example receiving
the designation a, the second b, and so on.)
These two folding patterns are particularly common because they result
from hydrogen bonds that form between the N–H and C=O groups in
the polypeptide backbone. Because the amino acid side chains are not
involved in forming these hydrogen bonds, a helices and b sheets can
be generated by many different amino acid sequences. In each case, the
protein chain adopts a regular, repeating form or motif. These structural
features, and the shorthand cartoon symbols that are often used to represent them in models of protein structures, are presented in figure 4–10.
how proteins are Studied
tions of these 20 modifications is possible, the protein’s behavior can in
principle be altered in a huge number of ways.
The set of covalent modifications that a protein contains at any moment
constitutes an important combinatorial regulatory protein code. The
attachment or removal of these modifying groups controls the behavior
of a protein, changing its activity or stability, its binding partners, or its
location inside the cell (see Figure 4–44). This regulatory code enables the
cell to make optimal use of its proteins, and it allows the cell to respond
rapidly to changes in its condition or environment.
how proTeinS are STudied
Understanding how a particular protein functions requires detailed
structural and biochemical analyses—both of which require large amounts
of pure protein. But isolating a single type of protein from the thousands
of other proteins present in a cell is a formidable task. For many years,
proteins had to be purified directly from the source: the tissues in which
they are most plentiful. That approach was inconvenient, entailing, for
example, early-morning trips to the slaughterhouse. More importantly,
the complexity of intact tissues and organs is a major disadvantage
when trying to purify particular molecules, because a long series of
chromatography steps is generally required. These procedures not only
take weeks to perform but they also yield only a few milligrams of pure
Nowadays, proteins are more often isolated from cells that are grown
in a laboratory. Often these cells have even been “tricked” into making
large quantities of a given protein using the genetic engineering techniques that we will describe in Chapter 10. Such cells generally allow
large amounts of pure protein to be obtained in only a few days.
In this section—and in Panels 4–4 to 4–6 (pp. 164–167)—we outline how
cells can be grown in culture and how proteins are purified from these and
other cells. In the how we know section (pp. 158–160), we describe how
these proteins are analyzed to determine their amino acid sequence and
their three-dimensional structure. Finally, we shall discuss how efforts
to probe protein structure and function are being conducted on a large
scale, with the hope of obtaining a deeper understanding of how sets of
proteins cooperate to make life possible.
cells can Be Grown in a culture dish
Given the appropriate surroundings, most plant and animal cells will live,
proliferate, and even express specialized properties in a tissue-culture
dish. Experiments performed using cultured cells are sometimes said to be
carried out in vitro (literally, “in glass”) to contrast them with experiments
on intact organisms, which are said to be carried out in vivo (literally, “in
the living”). These terms can be confusing, however, because they are
often used in a very different sense by biochemists. In the biochemistry
laboratory, in vitro refers to reactions carried out in a test tube in the
absence of cells, whereas in vivo refers to any reaction taking place inside
a living cell, even cells that are growing in culture.
Although not true for all types of cells, most cells grown in culture display
the differentiated properties appropriate to their origin: fibroblasts, the
precursor cells that give rise to connective tissue, continue to secrete
collagen; cells derived from embryonic skeletal muscle fuse to form
muscle fibers that contract spontaneously in the culture dish; nerve cells
extend axons that are electrically excitable and make synapses with other
nerve cells; and epithelial cells form extensive sheets with many of the
how proteins are Studied
20 mm
100 mm
50 mm
figure 4–48 Cells in culture often display properties that reflect their origin.
(a) phase-contrast micrograph of fibroblasts in culture. (B) Micrograph of cultured
myoblasts, the precursor cells that give rise to muscle, shows cells fusing to
form multinucleate muscle cells. (C) Cultured precursor cells that give rise to
oligodendrocytes, the glial cells that support and nurture neurons in the brain.
(D) Cultured epithelial cells can form cell sheets. (e) tobacco cells, from an immortal
cell line, grown in liquid culture. (a, courtesy of Daniel Zicha; B, courtesy of rosalind
Zalin; C, from tang et al., J. Cell Biol. 148:971–984, 2000, with permission from the
rockefeller University press; D, from K.B. Chua et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
104:11424–11429, 2007, with permission from the national academy of Sciences;
e, courtesy of Gethin roberts.)
properties of an intact epithelium (figure 4–48). Because these phenomena
occur in culture, in a controlled environment, they are accessible to study
in ways that are often not possible in intact tissues. For example, cultured
cells can be exposed to hormones or growth factors, and the effects that
these molecules have on the shape or behavior of the cells—or on the
proteins they produce in response—can be easily explored.
100 mm
Cultured cells can also provide a ready source of raw materials for biologists interested in purifying and studying a particular protein or protein
machine, as we see next.
purification Techniques allow homogeneous protein
preparations to Be obtained from cell homogenates
Whether starting with a fibroblast culture, a piece of liver, or a vat of cells
that have been engineered to produce the protein of interest, the first step
in any purification procedure is to break open the cells to release their
contents; the resulting slurry is called a cell homogenate. This physical
disruption is followed by an initial fractionation procedure to separate
out the class of molecules of interest—for example, all the soluble proteins in the cell (panel 4–4, pp. 164–165).
With this collection of proteins in hand, the job is then to isolate the
desired protein. The standard approach involves purifying the protein
through a series of chromatography steps, which separate the individual
components of a complex mixture into different portions, or fractions.
After each such step, one uses some sort of assay—for example, a test for
the protein’s activity—to determine which fractions contain the protein of
interest. Such fractions are then subjected to
steps until the desired protein is obtained in pure form. The most popular
forms of protein chromatography separate polypeptides on the basis of
their size, their charge, or their ability to bind to a particular chemical
group (panel 4–5, p. 166). If antibodies that recognize a particular protein
are available, they can be used to help extract that protein from a mixture
(see Panel 4–3, pp. 144–145).
50 mm
Chapter 4
protein Structure and Function
protein X covalently
attached to
column matrix
matrix of
proteins that
bind to protein X
adhere to column
figure 4–49 Affinity chromatography can be used to isolate the binding
partners of a protein of interest. the purified protein of interest, here
protein X, is covalently attached to the matrix of a chromatography column.
an extract containing a mixture of proteins is then loaded onto the column.
those proteins that associate with protein X inside the cell will bind to it on
the column. proteins not bound to the column pass right through, and the
proteins that are bound tightly to protein X can then be released by changing
the ph or ionic composition of the washing solution.
A similar approach can be used to isolate those proteins that interact
physically with the protein being studied. In this case, the purified protein
of interest is attached to the matrix of the chromatography column; the
proteins that bind to this protein will collect in the column and can then
be eluted by changing the composition of the washing solution (figure
most proteins pass
through the column
purified proteins
Proteins can also be separated by electrophoresis. In this technique, a
mixture of proteins is loaded onto a polymer gel and subjected to an
electric field; the polypeptides will then migrate through the gel at different speeds depending on their size and net charge (panel 4–6, p. 167). If
too many proteins are present in the sample, or if the proteins are very
similar in their migration rate, they can be resolved further using twodimensional gel electrophoresis (see Panel 4–6). These electrophoretic
approaches yield a number of bands or spots that can be visualized by
staining, each one containing a different protein. Electrophoresis and
chromatography—each developed more than 50 years ago—have been
instrumental in building an understanding of what proteins look like
and how they behave (Table 4–2). Both techniques are still used very frequently in laboratories.
Once a protein has been obtained in pure form, it can be used in biochemical assays to study the details of its activity, and it can be subjected
to techniques that reveal its amino acid sequence and precise three-dimensional structure (see How We Know, pp. 158–160).
the name “protein” (from the Greek proteios, “primary”) was suggested by Berzelius for the complex
nitrogen-rich substance found in the cells of all animals and plants.
Most of the 20 common amino acids found in proteins were discovered.
hoppe-Seyler crystallized, and named, the protein hemoglobin.
Fischer proposed a lock-and-key analogy for enzyme–substrate interactions.
Buchner and Buchner showed that cell-free extracts of yeast can ferment sucrose to form carbon dioxide
and ethanol, thereby laying the foundations of enzymology.
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Sumner crystallized urease in pure form, demonstrating that proteins could possess the catalytic activity
of enzymes; Svedberg developed the first analytical ultracentrifuge and used it to estimate the correct
molecular weight of hemoglobin.
tiselius introduced electrophoresis for separating proteins in solution.
Bernal and Crowfoot presented the first detailed X-ray diffraction patterns of a protein, obtained from
crystals of the enzyme pepsin.
Martin and Synge developed chromatography, a technique now widely used to separate proteins.
pauling and Corey proposed the structure of a helical conformation of a chain of amino acids—the
a helix—and the structure of the b sheet, both of which were later found in many proteins.
Sanger obtained the amino acid sequence of insulin, the first protein whose amino acid sequence was
Ingram produced the first protein fingerprints, showing that the difference between sickle-cell
hemoglobin and normal hemoglobin is due to a change in a single amino acid (Movie 4.12).
Kendrew described the first detailed three-dimensional structure of a protein (sperm whale myoglobin) to
a resolution of 0.2 nm, and perutz proposed a lower-resolution structure for hemoglobin.
Monod, Jacob, and Changeux recognized that many enzymes are regulated through allosteric changes in
their conformation.
how proteins are Studied
large amounts of almost any protein can be produced by
Genetic engineering Techniques
Advances in genetic engineering techniques now permit the production
of large quantities of almost any desired protein. In addition to making
life much easier for biochemists interested in purifying specific proteins,
this ability to churn out huge quantities of protein has given rise to an
entire biotechnology industry (figure 4–50). Companies now use bacteria,
yeast, or cultured mammalian cells to mass produce all sorts of proteins
that are used therapeutically, such as insulin, human growth hormone,
and even the fertility-enhancing drugs used to boost egg production in
women undergoing in vitro fertilization. Preparing these proteins previously required the collection and processing of vast amounts of tissue
and other biological products—including, in the case of the fertility drugs,
the urine of postmenopausal nuns.
Using the same sorts of genetic engineering techniques, scientists can
also design proteins that perform novel tasks: metabolizing toxic wastes,
synthesizing life-saving drugs, or operating under conditions that would
destroy most biological catalysts. We shall discuss these methods in great
detail in Chapter 10.
automated Studies of protein Structure and function are
increasing the pace of discovery
Biochemists have made enormous progress in understanding the structure
and function of proteins over the past 150 years (see Table 4–2, p. 162).
These advances are the fruits of decades of painstaking research on
isolated proteins, performed by individual scientists working tirelessly on
single proteins or protein families, one by one, sometimes for their entire
careers. But many future advances may come from proteomics, the largescale study of cellular proteins in which the activities or structures of
hundreds—even thousands—of proteins are analyzed by highly sensitive,
automated techniques. If scientists can perfect such methods, they might
some day be able to monitor all of the proteins that are present in a cell:
assessing whether they are switched on (or off) and seeing which proteins
they are partnered with—all in a single experiment.
Large-scale analyses of protein structures are already under way.
Techniques that have been miniaturized and automated allow researchers to rapidly clone genes, produce proteins, grow crystals, and collect
X-ray diffraction data for hundreds of proteins at a time. Through X-ray
crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (see How We Know, p. 160), we now know the three-dimensional
shapes of more than 20,000 proteins. These structures are archived in
large, publicly available databases (Movie 4.13). By analyzing the conformations of these proteins, biologists have come to the conclusion that
the vast majority of protein domains fold up into a limited number of
patterns—perhaps as few as 2000. The structures of about 800 of these
protein folds have been determined so far. By studying how these patterns form, scientists hope to develop computational methods that will
be able to take any amino acid sequence and predict both the structure
and the function of the protein.
Even with such information, it will still be an enormous challenge to decipher exactly how all these proteins—about 400 in the smallest bacterium
and 10,000 in a typical human cell—work together to form a living cell.
Figuring out exactly how proteins collaborate to create and maintain
order in a universe that is always tending toward disorder will require
both the continual development of new techniques and a great deal of
human ingenuity. But the closer we get to answering this question, the
closer we will be to understanding the fundamental basis for life.
figure 4–50 Biotechnology companies
produce mass quantities of useful
proteins. Shown is a photograph of the
fermenters used to grow the cells needed
for such large-scale protein production.
(Courtesy of Bioengineering aG,
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panel 4–5
Protein separation by chromatography
Proteins are often fractionated by column chromatography. A mixture of proteins in
solution is applied to the top of a cylindrical column filled with a permeable solid
matrix immersed in solvent. A large amount of solvent is then pumped through the
column. Because different proteins are retarded to different extents by their
interaction with the matrix, they can be collected separately as they flow out from
the bottom. According to the choice of matrix, proteins can be separated according
to their charge, hydrophobicity, size, or ability to bind to particular chemical
groups (see below ).
solvent continuously
applied to the top of
column from a large
reservoir of solvent
Proteins are very diverse. They differ in
size, shape, charge, hydrophobicity, and
their affinity for other molecules. All of
these properties can be exploited to
separate them from one another so
that they can be studied individually.
Although the material used to form
the matrix for column chromatography
varies, it is usually packed in the
column in the form of small beads.
A typical protein purification strategy
might employ in turn each of the
three kinds of matrix described
below, with a final protein
purification of up to 10,000-fold.
Purity can easily be assessed by gel
electrophoresis (Panel 4–6).
solvent flow
solvent flow
+ + +
+ + ++
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
Ion-exchange columns are packed with
small beads carrying either positive or
negative charges that retard proteins
of the opposite charge. The association
between a protein and the matrix
depends on the pH and ionic strength
of the solution passing down the
column. These can be varied in a
controlled way to achieve an effective
fractionated molecules
eluted and collected
solvent flow
porous beads
small molecules
large molecules
bead with
other proteins
pass through
Gel-filtration columns separate
proteins according to their size. The
matrix consists of tiny porous beads.
Protein molecules that are small
enough to enter the holes in the beads
are delayed and travel more slowly
through the column. Proteins that
cannot enter the beads are washed out
of the column first. Such columns also
allow an estimate of protein size.
Affinity columns contain a matrix
covalently coupled to a molecule that
interacts specifically with the protein
of interest (e.g., an antibody, or an
enzyme substrate). Proteins that bind
specifically to such a column can
subsequently be released by a pH
change or by concentrated salt
solutions, and they emerge highly
purified (see also Figure 4–49).
panel 4–6
Protein separation by electrophoresis
sample loaded onto gel
by pipette
plastic casing
The detergent
sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS)
is used to
proteins for SDS
polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis.
protein with two
subunits, A and B,
joined by a disulfide
single subunit
__ __ _ __
___ ___ ___ __
__ ___
___ _ _ _ __ _____ ___ __ _ _ _
__ _ _ __
_ _
_ _ __ __ _SH__ ____ __ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___
_ __ _
__ __ __ _____ __
__ _ _ __
__ __
_ __ __
__ _ ___ _HS
__ _ _ _ ___
__ _
__ _ _ _
_____ __ _ _ ___ ___ ___ negatively
__ _ _ _ _ ___ _
_ _ ___ __
_ charged SDS
_ _ __
_ _ __
+ anode
When an electric field is applied to a solution
containing protein molecules, the molecules
will migrate in a direction and at a speed that
reflects their size and net charge. This forms
the basis of the technique called
For any protein there is a characteristic
pH, called the isoelectric point, at which
the protein has no net charge and
therefore will not move in an electric
field. In isoelectric focusing, proteins
are electrophoresed in a narrow tube of
polyacrylamide gel in which a pH
gradient is established by a mixture of
special buffers. Each protein moves to a
point in the gradient that corresponds
to its isoelectric point and stays there.
stable pH gradient
At low pH,
the protein
is positively
At high pH,
the protein
is negatively
+_ _+
+_ _+
_+ _
++ _
+_ _+
Na +
SDS polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) Individual polypeptide chains form a
complex with negatively charged molecules of
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and therefore migrate
as a negatively charged SDS–protein complex
through a slab of porous polyacrylamide gel. The
apparatus used for this electrophoresis technique
is shown above (left ). A reducing agent
(mercaptoethanol) is usually added to break any
–S–S– linkages in or between proteins. Under
these conditions, proteins migrate at a rate that
reflects their molecular weight.
slab of polyacrylamide gel
Complex mixtures of proteins cannot be resolved well on one-dimensional gels, but
two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, combining two different separation methods, can
be used to resolve more than 1000 proteins in a two-dimensional protein map. In the
first step, native proteins are separated in a narrow gel on the basis of their intrinsic
charge using isoelectric focusing (see left ). In the second step, this gel is placed on top of
a gel slab, and the proteins are subjected to SDS-PAGE (see above ) in a direction
perpendicular to that used in the first step. Each protein migrates to form a discrete spot.
The protein shown here has an isoelectric pH of 6.5.
All the proteins in
an E. coli bacterial
cell are separated in
this 2-D gel, in
which each spot
corresponds to a
polypeptide chain.
They are separated
according to their
isoelectric point
from left to right
and to their
molecular weight
from top to
bottom. (Courtesy
of Patrick O'Farrell.)
SDS migration (mol. wt. x 10–3)
stable pH gradient