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Manage Diversity in the
 Emergency procedures / Lift operations and times
 Mobiles and security Issues
 Break times and smoking policy
 This course is interactive – ask questions
 Practise respect and confidentiality
 Ground rules
 Know how to implement diversity policy
 Understand how to foster respect for diversity in the
work team
 Learn how to promote the benefits of diversity
 Gain the essential skills and knowledge required for
this unit
Implement diversity policy
1.1. Locate and
review diversity
1.2. Determine its
application to the
specific work context
Diversity may relate to:
 Any form of difference, such as:
o Ability, aptitude and disability
o Age
o Culture
o Ethnicity
o Gender
o Language
o Marital status or family arrangements.
Such a policy would:
 Promote awareness of workplace diversity
 Develop and maintain a high level of recognition for
a diverse and effective workforce
 Include policy where all employees are valued
 Develop a supportive workplace culture which allows
employees to balance their work and personal life
 Provide a discrimination and harassment free
 Embrace workplace diversity principles in
recruitment and selection processes.
By valuing workplace respect,
individuals and teams benefit from:
 The breaking down of prejudices and avoiding
stereotyping and a better framework for decision
 Improved productivity and increased morale and
 Improved communication and sharing of ideas
 A fair and equitable staff selection process.
 Public Service Act 1999
 Public Service Commissioner's Directions 1999
 Racial Discrimination Act 1975
 Sex Discrimination Act 1984
 Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
 Disability Discrimination Act 1992
 Age Discrimination Act 2004
 Fair Work Act 2009
 Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991
Activity 1A
Implement diversity policy
1.3. Institute actions
to ensure that the
diversity policy is
understood and
implemented by
relevant parties
1.4. Provide feedback
and suggestions for
improvement to
ensure currency and
efficacy of diversity
Actions may include:
 Displaying policy on noticeboards and other public
 Distributing copies of policy to staff
 Explaining policy to staff at meetings or other forums
 Reinforcing key messages from policy in supervisory
discussions, performance appraisals or other
You can pass on feedback and
suggestions to relevant personnel via
 Email
 During meetings
 During appraisals
 Telephone
 Report format.
Activity 1B and 1C
Foster respect for diversity in the
work team
2.1. Address own
prejudices and
demonstrate respect for
difference in personal
Differences may include:
 Ability
 Age
 Belief systems/values
 Culture
 Expertise/experience/working styles
 Gender
 Interests
 Interpersonal style.
Personal interactions may involve:
 Internal customers
 External customers
 Junior staff
 Colleagues
 Managers and supervisors
 Peers
 Stakeholders
Recognise and respect individual
differences in the workplace
 Treat each other with respect and dignity
 Provide a safe, secure and healthy workplace
 Make decisions genuinely based on equity and
 Value the diversity of people
 Take appropriate action to eliminate discrimination.
Diversity also involves:
 Recognising our unique differences are not just job
 Attracting people to the workplace from all
 Recognising how attitudes towards individuals may
affect all employees.
 Creating an environment where all can succeed and
is positive.
 Acting to promote diversity in the workplace.
Prejudice is learned
 People can become prejudiced against certain groups
because they feel threatened without justification.
 Firstly, recognise that a false belief can lead to the
mistaken action of prejudice towards a group.
 Such false perception will lead to treating a group or
individual unfairly.
 Conversely, the group or individual will immediately
believe that the prejudice is purposely targeted and
will not really consider you have made a false
Keys to working with others
 Responding to differences sensitively
 Communicating openly
 Listening
 Establishing respect and understanding
 Discussing issues as they arise.
Activity 2A
Foster respect for diversity in the
work team
2.2. Aim for diversity in
selecting and recruiting
Questions that should be avoided
Discriminatory questions:
 It is discriminatory and therefore illegal to ask
questions relating to an applicant’s age, sex, sexual
preference, religion and cultural and social views.
Your job is to ensure that the candidate has the skills
to do the job, not their personal preferences.
Disability questions:
 It is illegal to discriminate against a person due to a
disability unless the disability would interfere with
the job being performed safely.
Activity 2B
Foster respect for diversity in the
work team
2.3. Identify and
address training needs
to address issues of
difference in the team
Training needs may involve:
 Cultural competency training
 Culturally-specific training
 Diversity training
 Equal opportunity training
 Ethics training
 Grievance management training
 Human rights training
 Recruitment and selection training
 Workplace bullying, discrimination or harassment
Activity 2C
Foster respect for diversity in the
work team
2.4. Manage tensions
and encourage
collaboration and
respect between staff
who struggle to work
effectively with
If you're a team member, then you
need to communicate
 If you have a problem with someone in your
 If you wish to raise a subject....communicate
 If you think you are being ignored....communicate
Support a group member's ideas
 If a team member suggests something,
always at least consider it – even if it's
not in your view the smartest of ideas.
 Considering the group's ideas shows
you're interested in other people's
ideas, not just your own.
 Collaborative thinking shows you are a
good team member. After all, nobody
likes a know-it-all.
Development programs and career
path opportunities
 Attendance at courses
 Career planning
 Coaching
 Flexible learning
 Job rotation
 Mentoring
 On-the-job training
 Professional development
 Staff exchanges
 Succession planning.
Mediation as an option
 Mediators are often useful to address potential or
clearly evident issues of conflict.
 A mediator’s role is to help the employees or
management negotiate an agreed solution.
 A neutral mediator makes no proposals and provides
no advice.
 Mediation is helpful in an organisation where
employees are having problems working together or
where there are claims of discrimination or
Activity 2D
Foster respect for diversity in the
work team
2.5. Assist staff to see
that working effectively
with difference is a
strength that can
improve the
organisation's products,
services and customer
What is knowledge sharing?
 Is it just an activity that involves talking about what
we know, or writing something down?
 Knowledge and skill sharing techniques will change
according to the needs of the organisation or team.
Different ways that team
members may contribute:
 Creating positive energy within the team
 Fundamental literacy strengths (e.g. Particularly
strong in visual literacy, written or spoken
 Generating ideas
 Networks or spheres of influence
 Particular ways of thinking
 Powers of persuasion
 Problem-solving capacities
 Specific technical skills or knowledge
Don’t blame others!
 People in your team will generally lose
respect for you if you are constantly
blaming others for not meeting deadlines
or lacking in participation.
 Pointing the finger will only make you look
inferior and not a team player.
 Group members will usually understand if
certain team members have a higher level
workload as part of the team than others.
This is normal.
How is difference a strength?
Accepting differences will not only help staff morale
but it will also broaden their views and outlook on
life. You could learn a lot from someone from a
different culture or someone who has a disability so
do not look at them as though their difference is a
hindrance. People from different religions or
backgrounds may have a different opinion on how
to sell an item or speak to a customer, or someone
who can speak a second language could help when
serving someone who does not speak English.
Activity 2E
Foster respect for diversity in the
work team
2.6. Manage allegations
of harassment and
address complaints
according to established
Complaints may include:
 Informal complaints that are managed within the
 Formal complaints of discrimination or harassment
to relevant commonwealth, state or territory antidiscrimination agencies under the federal antidiscrimination laws.
Working toward containment of
 You have the right processes, environments, culture,
and systems in place.
 Managerial / leadership, focus, strategy,
implementation, etc.
 Knowing what influences exists in your policies and
procedures that could affect the way employees
 Knowing or learning the potential resistance
employees will have towards certain policies or
To ensure any staff development
program is a valid and workable plan
 Contain input from staff
 Respond to needs identified in staff feedback
 Be flexible enough to change as priorities shift
 Be consistent with the organisation’s overall planning
and strategy process
 Support supervisors in their role as developers of
staff and provide them with the appropriate levels of
resources to achieve this.
Work with employees to resolve
personal grievances
 Counselling, if required, would likely include a policy
document or guide to the process, as well
intentioned counselling can often lead to legal
conflict and questions as to applicability and method
of approach and delivery.
 It would be quite obvious that any counselling format
would include a positive and constructive manner of
approach, but there would likely be many other
impacts and stepping stones to avoid those impacts
along the way.
Dispute resolution procedures
 There are occasions when you need to resolve
personal grievances and to prevent escalation of
industrial relations conflicts through the
organisation’s dispute resolution procedure.
 Employers may also refer to outside specialists,
including an external industrial relations expert, an
employment advocate available either privately or
through employer associations, or services such as
conciliation available through the state and federal
Industrial Relations Commission.
Activity 2F
Promote the benefits of diversity
3.1. Promote the
workforce diversity in
internal and external
forums to enhance the
company's image and
Internal and external forums may
 Business meetings
 Conferences and seminars
 Newsletters and bulletins
 Professional networks
 Staff meetings
 Staff updates.
Activity 3A
Promote the benefits of diversity
3.2. Capture ideas and
information from the
diversity in the
workforce to enhance
products and services
and contribute to
competitive advantage
This has been covered throughout
2.3 - 2.6
As we have already discussed, different people will
have different ideas and information, which could
be a result of them coming from a different
background or political views, for example. What
you may see as an appropriate display may be
offensive to someone else, so if someone in your
workforce can see that, it will be beneficial to your
company to allow them to make a change.
Activity 3B
Promote the benefits of diversity
3.3. Support
organisational efforts to
value diversity
Demonstrate positive diversity
areas including:
 Sexual orientation
 Geographic cultural background
 Thinking and communication style
 Work function for disability
 Religion
 Work styles that are not valued and are even
As a Marketing Strategy
Ensure relations with customers and clients
demonstrate that diversity is valued by the business:
 Special achievements can be awarded and promoted
to customers about employees with a range of
diverse backgrounds and ability.
 The fact that the organisation is recognising
employees and making it public through newsletters
or other social media, is clear evidence by customers
of those recognised there is a diverse and acceptable
cultural balance in that business.
Activity 3C
Skills and Knowledge Activity
Major Activity
 This activity should take 1-2 hours to complete and
can be found at the end of your workbook.
 Your instructor will let you know whether they wish
for you to complete it in session time or your own
Summary and Feedback
 Did we meet our objectives?
 How did you find this session?
 Any questions?
You have now finished the unit…
‘Manage Diversity in the Workplace’