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Layers of the Earth (FIB) PPT Notes Teacher Version
Inner core –
Outer core –
Mantle –
Crust –
Teacher Version – things that you
need to know for Tues., 09/15 quiz
are highlighted
- FIB words are in blue
- with additional words you need to
add to your note sheet written in red
The Crust
The Earth’s crust is like the _skin_ of an apple. It is very __thin___ compared to the
other three layers.
The crust makes up __1%___ of the Earth.
The __crust_ of the Earth is broken into many pieces called _____plates___.
The crust is the __outer__ layer
It is 5-__100___ km thick
There are 2 types of crust:
○ Oceanic (very dense, made of __basalt_)
○ __Continental_______ (less dense, made of granite)
The Mantle
The mantle is the layer ___below__ the crust.
The mantle is the __largest___ layer of the Earth.
The mantle is divided into ___2_ regions: the upper and __lower_ sections.
The core of the Earth is made mostly of very hot (metals) (Fe=iron)
1/3 of the earth’s mass
very hot
Outer Core
The outer core of the Earth is like a ball of very hot metals.
The outer core is __liquid_.
The outer core is made up of __iron (Fe)__ and is very __dense_.
Inner Core
The inner core of the Earth has ___temperatures__ and pressures so
great that the metals are squeezed together and are not able to move.
The inner core is _solid_.
The inner core is the DENSEST layer)-
The Physical Structure of the Earth
Lithosphere – rigid outer layer (crust & very top of mantle);
sits on top of asthenosphere what tectonic plates are made of
Asthenosphere – semi -solid rock that flows slowly in upper &
middle part of mantle where convection currents happen
(to re-watch video showing convection currents in the mantle, go to and watch first 30 sec.)
Mesosphere – middle layer - mantle
Outer Core – liquid layer
Inner Core – solid, very dense