Download Natural Selection and the Evidence of Evolution Study Guide

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Directions: On a separate sheet of paper complete the below sections to the study guide.
Darwin and Natural Selection
Darwin’s Biography: Include THREE relevant facts about Darwin.
Influences on Darwin: Briefly explain what Darwin learned from Thomas Malthus and
Charles Lyell to help create his theory of natural selection. See Pages 118-119 in the
textbook for help.
Steps of Natural Selection: Using the five steps of Natural Selection (from our notes)
explain how a specific plant or animal obtained an adaptation through natural selection.
Vocab: Briefly explain how each of the following pairs of vocab words are different from
each other:
natural selection & selected breeding
species & speciation
Evidence of Evolution
Vocab: Briefly explain how each of the following pairs of vocab words are related:
half-life & radioactive dating
homologous structure & vestigial structure
Fossil Record
o Explain the difference between relative age fossils & absolute age fossils.
o Why did Darwin use a “tree of life” (page 111 in the textbook) to model evolution
over time?
Comparative Anatomy
o Explain why the animal forelimbs shown on figure 8, page 114 in the textbook,
are a good example of homologous structures.
o List 2 examples of vestigial structures found in the human body.
Comparative Genetics
o According to page 114 in the textbook, how does DNA provide evidence of
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