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Evolution Exam Study Guide Completing this study guide is the MINIMUM you should do to prepare for your exam. Study first by reviewing Chapter 10, sections 1-­‐4 and Chapter 11, sections 1-­‐3 & 5-­‐6 in your textbook as well as reviewing class activities and assignments. Then complete this study guide like it is a closed-­‐notes test. Be sure to look up any answers you don’t know and spend extra time reviewing them. Remember! Chapter 10, Sections 1-­‐4 1. Who proposed that organisms become more complex and perfect as time passes? 2. What specific observations led to Darwin’s theory of evolution? 3. The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce is known as what? 4. Define “adaptation” in your own words, and then give an example of this concept. 5. Describe the role of mutations in evolution. 6. Describe how natural selection works giving an example we discussed in class. 7. Who was Lyell, and what influence did he have on Darwin? 8. Contrast gradualism, catastrophism, and uniformitarianism. 9. How would Lamarck explain the differences seen in tortoises in the Galapagos Islands? 10. What is “variation”? Give an example of variation that was discussed in class. 11. What adaptations might a turtle have if it lives in areas with low vegetation? High vegetation? 12. Define “evolution”. 13. Define “species”. What species are you? 14. What does the term “population” mean in Biology? 15. What is meant by the term “descent with modification”? Whose idea was this? 16. What are the 4 main principles that are part of the theory of natural selection? 17. Give an example of “artificial selection”. 18. What does the term “heritable” mean? Why is heritability important in evolution? 19. Describe 4 pieces of evidence that support Darwin’s theory of evolution. 20. What does “biogeography” mean? 21. Describe how embryology supports the theory of evolution. 22. What is the difference between “homologous structures” and “analogous structures”? 23. Give an example of homologous structures shared between three different organisms. 24. What are “vestigial structures”? Give two examples of vestigial structures. 25. Does natural selection act directly on genotypes or phenotypes? (Hint: What is selection based on?) Chapter 11, Sections 1-­‐3, & 5-­‐6 26. Define “gene pool”. 27. Sketch graphs of normal distribution, directional selection, and disruptive selection. 28. What type of selection occurs when natural selection favors one extreme phenotype? Both extreme phenotypes? 29. What type of selection occurs when an intermediate phenotype is favored during natural selection? 30. Describe what bottleneck effect does to the gene pool and what causes bottleneck effect. 31. A bird carries a few seeds to a new island where a new population starts. This is an example of…? 32. How is genetic drift different from natural selection? 33. Describe 4 different types of isolation that can lead to speciation. 34. Contrast convergent and divergent evolution. 35. What is adaptive radiation? 36. Periods of biological stability interrupted by brief periods of explosion in species diversity is called?