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Unit 14 Review
1. In political history, the term “détente” refers to?
2. ____ and ____ weakened the Soviet economy during Brezhnev’s leadership.
3. One of the most serious problems facing Gorbachev’s reforms was
4. The Polish national trade union Solidarity was founded by
5. Reforms began in Romania after ____ was removed from power.
6. Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic rejected efforts to create independent states from the former
Yugoslav republics because
7. One of the European Union’s first goals was the establishment of ____.
8. Margaret Thatcher resigned after her plan to ____ was rejected.
9. The North American Free Trade Agreement sought to
10.Voters in ____ chose not to secede from the Canadian union in 1995.
11.The “détente” phase of relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union ended with the Soviet
invasion of
12.The policy that the Soviet Union had a right to intervene if communism was threatened in
another Communist nation was known as the
13.The Russian word perestroika, used to describe the reform movement led by Mikhail Gorbachev,
14.Russian President Vladimir Putin used military force to suppress a rebellion in the state of
15.After the war between Bosnia and Serbia, new tensions arose when Serbia refused to allow ____
to continue to exist as an autonomous province.
16.The Socialist president ____ nationalized major banks and industries in France in the 1980s.
17.Attacks on foreigners became common in Germany during the 1990s, partly because
18.Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the British government struggled to address fighting in
Northern Ireland between
19.U.S. president ____ was forced to resign to avoid impeachment for his involvement in the
Watergate scandal.
20.U.S. president Jimmy Carter faced a serious international crisis when 52 Americans were held
hostage in
21.By 1980, the ____________was ailing from a declining economy.
22.List accomplishments of President Reagan
23.Gorbachev soon realized that economic reform would not succeed without?
24.President Carter protested the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by doing what?
25.The United States was inclined to sign a nuclear weapons treaty in 1990 because it needed to?
26.In 1974, Tito had designated which region an autonomous or self-governing province within
27.The Yugoslav republics included significant numbers of
28.Walesa’s trade union movement was supported by workers and
29.In 1989, the government of East Germany ordered the tearing down of one of the last symbols
of the Cold War, the ______________.
30.Poland’s free-market reforms under its new president in 1990 caused
31.In 1993, Canada signed the North American Free Trade Agreement because it wanted to
32.Pierre Trudeau’s Liberal government passed the Official Language Act that
33.President Clinton, elected in 1992, claimed to be a “new Democrat,” one who
34.What were the spending policies of the Reagan administration in the 1980s?
35.What were the economic policies of the Thatcher government in the 1980s?
36.In the early 1980s, the video music channel, MTV, changed the music industry by
37.In the 1960s, as television spread around the world, U.S. television programs became?
38.What genres of music began in the United States and has roots in African American?
39.Challenged by President Kennedy in 1961, massive government funding and leaps in research
and technology enabled the U.S. by 1969 to do what?
40.In the 1990s, some women and men rejected or attempted to redefine the concept of
“feminism” to mean what?