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BIOC 371
Biochemistry for non-biochemistry
Introduction to Biochemistry
Najat Binothman
2st 1432-1433
Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry 9e (Battelhim B. and Campbell
F.) 2010
Subsidiary book: Lippincott’s iiiustrated Reviews Biochemistry 5th edition (Rhchard H.
and Denise F.) 2011
Intro to Biochemistry
Organic compound
Inorganic compound
Chapter 1: Protein
1.1 Amino acids
Characteristics of amino acids
How do amino acids combine to form proteins
1.2 Protein structure, function & properties
Primary structure
Secondary structure
Tertiary structure
Quaternary structure
1.3 Protein denatured
1.4 Hemoglobin and myoglobin
1.5 Fibrous protein
Chapter 2: Enzymes
2.1 Enzyme named and classified
2.2 Terminology used in Enzymes
2.3 factors influence enzyme activity
2.4 Mechanisms of enzymes action
2.5 Regulation of enzymes
2.6 transition-state analogs
Chapter 3: Carbohydrate
3.1 Carbohydrate structure, function and properties
3.2 Monosaccharides
3.3 Disaccharides
3.4 Polysaccharides
3.5 Cyclic structures of Monosaccharides
Chapter 4: Lipids
4.1 structure and properties of Triglycerides
4.2 structures of complex lipids
4.3 lipids play in the structure of membrane
4.4 Glycerophospholipids
4.5 Sphingolipids
4.6 Glycolipids
4.7 Steroids
4.8 Bile salts
4.9 Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes and Leukotrienes
Chapter 5: Chemical Communication: Neurotransmitters and Hormones
5.1 Molecules are involved in chemical communications
5.2 Classification of Chemicals Messengers
5.3 Hormones
5.4 Acetylcholine act as a messenger
5.5 Amino acids as neurotransmitters
5.6 Adrenergic Messengers
5.7 Peptide in chemical communications
5.8 Steroid
Chapter 6: Nucleotides, nucleic acids and heredity
6.1 the molecules of heredity
6.2 Nucleic acids
6.3 DNA & RNA structure
6.4 classes of RNA
6.5 Genes
6.6 DNA replication
6.7 DNA repaired
6.8 Amplify of DNA
6.9 Gene expression & protein synthesis
Chapter 7: Bioenergetics: How the body Converts food to energy
7.1 Metabolism
7.2 Metochondria and the role do they play in metabolism
7.3 the principal compounds of the common metabolic pathway
7.4 the role of Citric Acids Cycle in Metabolism
7.5 transportation of H+
7.6 the role of the chemiosmotic pump in ATP production
7.7 Energy yield Resulting from Electron and H+ transport
7.8 Chemical energy converted to other forms of energy
Chapter 8 Biosynthetic pathways:
8.1 General outline of biosynthetic pathways
8.2 Biosynthesis of carbohydrates
8.3 Biosynthesis of fatty acids
8.4 Biosynthesis of Lipids
8.5 Biosynthesis of amino acids