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Somatoform, Dissociative, Paraphilias, & Childhood Disorders
The somatoform and dissociative disorders
a. Are new to the DSM-IV
Have signs of anxiety as a principle symptom
b. Were listed as neuroses in the early editions of the DSM
d. Are more common in women
Somatoform disorders all involve
a. Physical symptoms
c. Disruptions of consciousness
b. Dysphoric mood
d. Hallucinations
Which of the following best illustrates hypochondriasis?
a. An ulcer caused by stress b. A persistent, unsubstantiated fear of having cancer
c. Obsessions with an imagined physical defect, such as facial wrinkles d. Recurring pain with no physical basis
Which of the following is a symptom of conversion disorder?
a. Extreme anxiety
b. Paralysis in the hand
c. Chronic sweating
Freud’s early theory of conversions hypothesized that they result from repressed
a. Events
b. Conflicts
c. Desires
d. Stimuli
The onset of conversion symptoms is usually
a. Sudden and related to a stressful situation
c. Not associated with psychological distress
d. Hypersensitivity
b. Gradual and subtle
d. Preceded by a period of physical illness.
Conversion disorder was first studied by Freud, when it was referred to as
a. La belle indifference
b. Hysteria
c. Hypochondriasis
d. Briquette’s syndrome
Which theory has dominated the study of somatoform disorders?
a. Psychoanalytic
b. Biological
c. Behavioral
d. Cognitive
According to the behavioral view, conversion disorders
a. Should be considered physical, not psychological, disorders
c. Are maintained by irrational beliefs
10. Treatment of somatic disorders is relatively primitive because
a. Sufferers rarely seek mental health treatment
c. Efforts to treat them have been successful
b. Are learned through classical conditioning
d. Are a means to gain some end.
b. They are rate in the population
d. Of legal and professional prohibitions.
11. The earliest treatment of somatoform disorders involved primarily
a. The “talking cure”
b. In vivo exposure
c. Surgical disconnection of the two hemispheres
d. Relaxation induction
12. Behavioral treatments for somatoform disorders seek to
a. Reduce anxiety levels using somatic methods
b. Eliminate the problem behaviors using punishment
c. Teach more appropriate techniques for interacting with others. d. Use hypnosis to alleviate symptoms.
13. Which of the following would NOT be part of an effective treatment program?
a. Teaching a patient to use muscle relaxation
b. Praising the patient for enduring pain
c. Using over-the-counter medications
d. Validating the patient’s experience of pain as real
14. Current psychological treatment for pain disorder emphasizes helping the client to
a. Recognize the psychological basis of pain
b. Comply with medical treatment
c. Accept inevitable limitations
d. Keep going despite pain
15. Dissociative disorders share
a. Feelings of depersonalization
c. An inability to distinguish reality from fantasy
b. An alteration in consciousness or identity
d. Physical symptoms with no physiological basis
16. Among the dissociative disorders, dissociative fugue is characterized by
a. Massive repression
b. Moving away and establishing a new identity
c. Sudden development following severe stress
d. Memory loss for virtually al past events
17. Whereas the DSM is currently symptom-based for rendering diagnosis, the classification of dissociative identity disorder
shows that diagnosis may be
a. Based on function
b. Dimensional
c. Theory driven
d. Based upon personality traits
18. Treatment of dissociative disorders generally focuses on
a. encouraging recall of the underlying trauma
c. teaching better skills in coping with trauma
b. discouraging others from reinforcing symptoms
d. providing a safe setting where symptoms are not needed
19. The most commonly diagnosed comorbid disorder with dissociative identity disorder is
a. Depression
b. generalized anxiety disorder
c. post traumatic stress disorder
d. schizophrenia
20. Goals for the treatment of dissociative identity disorder include
a. firm limits on socially appropriate behaviors
b. maximum personal growth of each alter
c. integration of the several personalities
d. reliving the trauma that led to the problem
21. Which of the following disorders is most associated with legal problems?
a. Gender identity disorder
b. schizophrenia
c. paraphilias
d. dyspareunia
22. Fetishists are sexually aroused by
a. Inanimate objects
b. exposing themselves to others while masturbating
c. children
d. observing other people engaging in sexual activity
23. Someone who derives sexual pleasure from contact with prepubertal children is a(an)
a. Fetishist
b. exhibitionist
c. pedophile
d. person with gender identity disorder
24. When one derives sexual gratification from rubbing their genitals on an unsuspecting person, they would be diagnosed with
a. Exhibitionism
b. frotteurism
c. sadism
d. voyeurism
25. Sexual dysfunction can be described as ___________ sexual expression.
a. Unconventional
b. exaggeration
c. denial of
d. inhibitions in
26. Individuals with paraphilias have _______________ sexual behavior.
a. normal
b. bizarre
c. underactive
d. overactive
27. Children labeled “hyperactive” would be diagnosed as having __________ in the DSM-IV.
a. Conduct disorder
b. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
c. oppositional defiant disorder
d. pervasive developmental disorder
28. Conduct disorder in childhood is most likely to lead to which adult disorder?
a. Schizophrenia b. sadistic personality disorder c. antisocial personality disorder d. paranoid personality disorder
29. Nocturnal enuresis is another name for
a. Nightmares
b. sleep walking
30. Encopresis is caused by
c. night sweats
d. bedwetting
a. Only biological factors
c. combination of biological & psychological factors
b. only psychological factors
d. none of the above
31. The DSM-IV diagnosis of mental retardation requires both low intellectual functioning and
a. Poor social skills b. poor adaptive skills c. poor achievement skills
d. inability to hold a job
32. The category of “pervasive developmental disorder” includes which of the following disorders?
a. Learning disabilities
b. mental retardation
c. autistic disorder
d. none of the above
33. A common group of medications used to treat ADHD includes
a. anti-psychotics
b. anxiolytics
c. anti-depressants
34. A fundamental characteristic of autism is
a. intolerance of routines
b. not relating to others c. mental retardation
35. The worst prognosis is for those children who have
a. Only ADHD
b. only conduct disorder
c. both ADHD and conduct disorder
d. stimulants
d. poor motor skills
d. none of the above