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US History 1CP
Midterm Exam Study Guide
Ch 3 The Road to Revolution
The Proclamation of 1763
The Boston Massacre
Mr. Anderson
The Sugar Act
The Sons of Liberty
The Stamp Act
Samuel Adams
Ch 4 The American Revolution
Battle of Lexington and Concord (Ch 3 sec 4)
George Washington
Battle of Bunker Hill
Thomas Paine
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Valley Forge
Battle of Trenton
Fredreich Von Steuben
Marquis de Lafayette
Common Sense
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown
Olive Branch Petition
Treaty of Paris 1783
Declaration of Independence
Chapter 5
The Articles of Confederation
Shays’ Rebellion
The Constitution
The Whiskey Rebellion
The Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10)
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
The Great Compromise
Senate/House of Representatives
Three-Fifths Compromise
James Madison
Branches of Government
John Jay
separation of powers/checks and balances Tariff
The Federalist Papers
Ch 6 Sec 1 and 2
The Northwest Ordinance
Land Ordinance of 1785
George Washington The Whiskey Rebellion
The Presidential Cabinet
Federalists/Alexander Hamilton
XYZ Affair
Democratic-Republicans/Thomas Jefferson
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
John Adams
Chapter 6 Sec 3 and 4
Thomas Jefferson
The Louisiana Purchase
Marbury v Madison Lewis and Clark
War of 1812 (causes) 12th Amendment
Adams-Onis Treaty The Treaty of Ghent
Chapter 7
The Monroe Doctrine
Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson
Worcester vs. Georgia
The Trail of Tears
The nullification crisis
Indian Removal Act Bank of the United States
The American System
The Embargo Act 1807
The War Hawks
Land Act of 1804
The spoils system
William Henry Harrison
Kitchen Cabinet
*Review your handout on the innovations and technological improvements of the early to
mid 1800’s
Possible Essays. I will choose one of these essays for which you must write a complete
essay (intro, body, conclusion)
What were the Articles of Confederation? Evaluate the weaknesses of this document.
Discuss the event that caused the US to reconsider the document and what document was
created to replace them?
Discuss the economic, political and military reasons for the acquisition and exploration of
the Louisiana territory. Who explored this territory and for what reasons was it acquired?
Explain the specific reasons why this territory was explored.
Discuss which President you feel had the most significant impact on the US prior to
1840. Provide specific reasons or actions of this President to support your answer