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US History 2nd Quarter Study Guide
1. What law created the Supreme Court and started the judicial branch?
2. What type of people did Hamilton feel should be leading the country?
3. What treaty gave the US access to the Mississippi River from Spain?
4. What was the first test of the young constitution?
5. Who was president when we acquired the Louisiana Territory?
6. Who was the Chief Justice that made decisions that kept strengthening the federal government?
7. Who was president when the Alien & Sedition Acts were passed?
8. The XYZ affair was between the United States and what other nation?
9. Who did John Calhoun believe should have more power? Federal or State?
10. What were the “midnight judges” and who appointed them?
11. Who did the Tariff of Abominations anger? Why?
12. In what treaty did Spain give the United States the Oregon Territory?
13. What is the spoils system and who was responsible for starting it?
14. What was the main reason why the United States declared war against the British in the War of 1812?
15. According to Andrew Jackson, who should be in charge of the government?
16. Did the Missouri Compromise increase nationalism or sectionalism?
17. Who created the Missouri Compromise?
18. What connected the Great Lakes and the Hudson River making transportation to NYC much cheaper?
19. What religion were Joseph Smith and Brigham Young responsible for bring out west to Utah?
20. What were the details of the court case McCulloch v. Maryland?
21. What was the nickname of the large number of people moving out West searching for gold?
22. What was the name of the movement that attempted to end alcohol in the United States?
23. Why was there a delay in admitting Texas into the Union?
24. What was Manifest Destiny and give an example of it in practice?
25. Where was the first organized event to fight for women’s rights held?
26. What other goals did women fight for?
27. What was the nickname when Clay helped J.Q. Adams win the presidency in 1824?
28. What was the name of the abandoned mission where Santa Anna’s men killed 180 Texans?
29. Who was famous for fighting for the rights of the mentally ill?
30. What river did Lewis and Clark go on for their famous exploration?
31. What was the 2nd Great Awakening?
32. What was the name of the slogan used during James K. Polk election in dealing with the Oregon territory?
33. How did William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator want to end slavery?
34. What was forced migration of the Cherokee tribe known as? Who sent them on their way?
35. What position was Robert E. Lee offered at the start of the Civil War?
36. Who invented the steamboat?
37. What was the name given to the state of violence that erupted in Kansas after the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
38. What was the first state to secede from the Union?
39. Who controlled the areas in the South during Radical Reconstruction?
40. What did Uncle Tom’s Cabin accomplish?
41. What is the name of the concept where residents of a territory could vote on issues, which was supported
by Stephen Douglas?
42. Who was the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad?
43. What were all of the parts included in the Compromise of 1850?
44. What did the Fugitive Slave Law accomplish?
45. What were the causes of the Civil War?
46. What event happened occurred that finally forced the Southern states to secede?
47. What was the time frame for the Civil War?
48. What was Lincoln’s goal at the start of the Civil War?
49. What freed all the slaves in the states that seceded during the Civil War?
50. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg considered the turning point of the Civil War?
51. What law did Andrew Johnson break to get himself impeached?
52. What did the Battle at Vicksburg accomplish for the North?
53. What was the bloodiest single day battle in American history?
54. What did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments accomplish?
55. What is the difference between a sharecropper and a tenant farmer?
56. What governmental business policy means “hands-off”?
57. What is the difference between carpetbaggers and scalawags?
58. What was the purpose of the Homestead Act?
59. What economic policy did William Jennings Bryan support? What speech did he give voicing his opinion?
60. What was the name of the battle that forced the last of the Native Americans on reservations?
61. What is a monopoly?
62. What is Jane Addams famous for establishing in Chicago?
63. What court case established the concept of “Separate but Equal”?
64. What immigration station was located on the East Coast?
65. What was the name of the political machine that Boss Tweed was in charge of?
66. What was the main goal of the social gospel movement and settlement homes?
**Be sure to review the Progressive Movement as well!**