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The War of 1812
O 1. The British navy acted against the United States
ships and men
2. They fired upon U.S. battleships
O 3. They often impressed, or forced, sailors from
American ships to work in the British navy
War Hawks
A group of pro-war Republicans who argued that
military force was the only option left to combat the
Reasons For War
O 1. They believed it would give the United States a
good reason to invade Canada and capture it.
Reasons For War
O 2. Native American raids would be stopped and
Canada would provide cheap land for American
Invasion of Canada Results
1. The first time the United States invaded Canada,
the Americans were beaten back by British soldiers,
the Canadians, and their Native American allies.
Invasion of Canada Results
2. The second time around, the Americans won
some important battles, but were not able to take
control of Canada.
O In 1814, the British invaded the United States. After
years of fighting in Europe, they had finally defeated
the French. Now they could devote their full energies
to the war with the United States. First, they planned
to separate New England from the rest of the country,
as they had tried to do in the Revolutionary War. But
the result was the same – failure. An American fleet
on Lake Champlain, commanded by Captain Thomas
McDonough, destroyed the British fleet as it tried to
sail south on the lake.
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It is important to study history because the British
tried to defeat the Americans in the same manner
they had in the Revolutionary War. They tried to split
the colonies in half, but they were unable to do so.
Dolley Madison
O When the president’s mansion was burned, Dolley
Madison bravely packed up many valuable items,
including a painting of George Washington, and other
priceless valuables.
Battle of Baltimore
1. The United States was able to hold off a British
with a determined defense and fierce artillery fire
from Fort McHenry in the harbor. They were
therefore able to keep the British from entering the
city of Baltimore.
Battle of Baltimore
O 2. The Battle of Baltimore turned into propaganda
for the United States because “The Star Spangled
Banner” was inspired and written during the battle by
Francis Scott Key.
The Battle of New Orleans
Battle of New Orleans
The great irony of the battle is that neither Andrew
Jackson nor the British troops knew that a peace
treaty, called the Treaty of Ghent, had already been
Evidence the war was NOT
worth it:
The Treaty of Ghent did not change any borders, nor
did not mention the impressment of sailors or neutral
Evidence the war WAS worth it:
Americans felt a new sense of patriotism and a
strong national identity after the War of 1812. The
young nation also gained new respect from other
nations around the world.