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MKTG PLAN 11/5, 11/7, 11/8, 11/9 – 2012
WARM-UP: Google to see what the latest predictions are regarding the presidential race – quote
The sports and entertainment industries have become __________ of the most profitable industries in the
United States.
marketing the process of ______________, _______________, and ________________
products, or goods and services, to _______________ customers’ needs and wants
o Goods are ___________ items, such as sports equipment.
o Services are ________________ products, such as theater tickets.
marketing concept idea that organizations need to satisfy their _____________ while
also trying to reach their ___________________________
market potential customers with ______________ needs who have the desire and ability to buy a product
o Organizations spend lots of money to ______________ about their customers needs and wants.
__________ a lack of basic necessities such as food, clothing, or shelter
____________ things that people desire based on personality,
experiences, or information about a product
target market _____________ group of consumers that an organization
selects as the focus of its marketing plan
Businesses use ___________________ information to develop their marketing plans.
o ______________________ statistics that describe population in terms of personal characteristics
marketing mix a combination of ______________ basic strategies known as the
________________—product, price, place, and promotion
Marketing mix strategies involve product, price, place, and promotion decisions
o ______________ – involves the goods, services, or ideas used to satisfy consumer needs.
o _______________ – involve the exchange process between the customer and the seller.
o ________________ – involves how the product is made available to the customer
channel of distribution path a product takes from the producer to the consumer
o _____________ – involves how the goods or services are communicated to the consumer
To be effective, all 4 Ps in a marketing plan must focus on the target market
SECTION 1.2 Economics
1. Define marketing and the marketing concept.
2. Explain the concept of a market.
3. What is the marketing mix and what is its relationship to a target market?
economics the study of the ______________ and ____________________ that affect
making, distributing, and using goods and services
GDP (_______________________________) the value of all goods and services
produced within a country
profit the money left after all __________ and _______________ of a business are paid
o As with most businesses, there is a financial risk involved with sports and entertainment events.
competition as a characteristic of _________________ enterprise, the struggle among
companies for customers
o ______________ is the basis of the free enterprise system.
o Demand elasticity – change in ______________ affects demand
copyright legal protection of a creator’s intellectual property or products
________________ property rights are protected by the following:
o Copyrights
o Patents
o Trademarks
Types of business ownership include:
o Sole proprietorship
o Partnership
o Corporation
o Subchapter S Corporation
Economic Impact
o _________________ benefit economically from sports and/or entertainment events and marketing.
o On a local level, sporting events and entertainment venues economically impact areas in which they operate
because they draw _______________.
o Hosting the Olympics has a huge economic impact on a region before, during, and after the event.
Warm-Up Discuss the election results for fifteen minutes and then move on
Students will:
Understand the terms (provide detailed answers)
Economic downturn: (define use internet if necessary))
Weak Dollar (define – use internet if necessary)
Niche market (define – use internet if necessary)
Elasticity of demand (define = use internet if necessary)
Inelasticity of demand (define – use internet if necessary)
INTRO: The Great Recession has affected some industries and products more than others. How can you predict
what will sell in a bad economy and what will not? Paul Solman reports on business and economic news for The
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. He took a look at a California clothing company, "Not Your Daughter's Jeans," that
seemed to be thriving in recent economic downturn.
Case Study Analysis
Directions: In this case study, you will be examining the company, “Not Your Daughter’s Jeans” and one of their
leading products, Tummy Tuck Jeans. After reviewing the case study information below, watch the Paul Solman news
segment and look for the explanations of the following concepts. Then discuss and answer the questions below.
Case Study Information:
• Company: Not Your Daughter’s Jeans (NYDJ), based in Los Angeles, California
• Featured Product: Tummy Tuck Jeans
• Market Coverage: U.S. and North America, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Scandinavian countries,
UK, Ireland
• Target market: Women over 40 years-old
• Suggested Retail Price: $100
Important economic concepts involving this product:
1. Economic downturn in United States: Over the past several years, the U.S. economy slid into a severe
recession. Unemployment is markedly up and stocks and investments have plummeted. Financial sector has
been reeling from bank closures and major industries like automobiles and related companies have filed for
Answer these questions providing details:
1.What should be the effect on sales of Tummy Tuck Jeans at $100/pair in this difficult economic climate?
2.According to the news segment, what steps would a company like NYDJ normally take to “cut corners” and survive
in this type of economic climate?
3.Weak U.S. Dollar. In recent years, the U.S. dollar has become less valuable than many foreign currencies. In other
words, it takes more U.S. dollars to match the unit of currency (yen, Euro, krona, etc.) in a foreign country. How has
a weak U.S. dollar affected sales of Tummy Tuck Jeans in foreign countries?
4.Question: How has this expansion into foreign markets affected the company’s growth?
5.Serving a “niche market”: NYDJ’s Tummy Tuck Jeans serves a niche market of women over 40 years old.
According to George Rudes, CEO of NYDJ, why are women over 40 the target market for Tummy Tuck Jeans?
Income Elasticity of Demand: This measures how flexible your demand for a product is to economic changes. If
money is tight and the price doesn’t change, you will buy less. If cheaper substitutes are available, you’ll buy those
instead. If your economic condition is good, price won’t be as great a factor and you will buy more. Example: In good
economic times, you might buy steak. In poor economic times you’re more likely to buy hamburger.
Inelastic demand: measures how inflexible your demand is to a product as a market changes. For products where
demand is in-elastic, you don’t necessarily buy less as your income lowers. This is especially true for items that are in
high demand, are scarce with few substitutes, and/or are a necessity. Example: Gasoline consumption stays steady or
declines only slightly even when price raises and/or people’s income declines.
6. According to the news report, is demand for Tummy Tuck Jeans elastic or in-elastic in declining economic
7. What is your opinion of why the demand is elastic or inelastic?
Warm-Up Match the terms below:
1. Business owned by one person
2. Business owned by two people
3. Business owned by stockholders
4. Wal-Mart open 24/7
5. 25% discount
6. Budweiser ad on Super Bowl
7. Newspapers
8. Transit media
9. Prosperity
10. Extended unemployment
_____ Depression
_____ Subway
_____ High consumer spending
_____ Sole proprietorship
_____ Media for used car ads
_____ Partnership
_____ Corporation
______ Pricing
______ Time utility
______ Promotion
Activity 1: Copyright Laws protect the unique work of an artist (known as intellectual property). Since 1978,
works can be copyrighted for the lifetime of the artist plus 70 years. Try your luck with the copyright quiz below
OK to google for the answers):
A. Copyright status is only granted to well-known authors and filmmakers. T OR F explain why
B. The Motion Picture Association of America has anti-piracy sniffing dogs. T OR F explain why
C. Sam buys a new band's CD but decides he doesn't like the singer, so he resells the CD on eBay.
That's legal. T OR F explain why
D. The sole purpose of copyright is to make authors money and protect them from getting their
works stolen. T OR F explain why
E. Amy tells Daniel about her summer vacation, and he says he'd love to see her pictures. Amy uses a
peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing program to upload the photographs she took at camp so he can download
them. That's copyright infringement. T OR F explain why
F. Amy tells Daniel that the files are available. Daniel uses the same peer-to-peer file-sharing program to
download Amy's camp pictures. That's copyright infringement. T OR F explain why
G. Jason copies the entire last chapter from the final Harry Potter book to his commercial blog
without any additional commentary. Since he only used part of the work, Jason would be protected by fair
use. T OR F explain why
H. Kathy downloaded a few photos of local organic farms from's Creative Commons (CC)
pool. She follows the rules of the photographer's specific CC license and uses them in her digital video
about sustainable agriculture. That's OK.
T OR F explain why
I. Dwight finds a peer-to-peer (P2P) network that offers free music downloads. He owns all but one
of his favorite band's CDs, and he finds that particular CD on the network. He's too cheap to buy it, so he
downloads the songs. He's not committing copyright infringement. T OR F explain why
J. Paula read an interesting article about the making of the film Titanic and wants to use a short
quote in her cinema review paper for journalism class. That's copyright infringement. T OR F explain why
K. The Public Domain is a polar research station in Antarctica. T OR F explain why
Activity 2: Objectives: 1. Students will be introduced to and develop a basic understanding of
copyright laws. 2. Students will identify examples of copyright infringement.
musical excerpts from: “Ice, Ice Baby” as performed by Vanilla Ice, “Under Pressure” as performed by Queen,
“My Sweet Lord” as performed by George Harrison, “He’s So Fine” as performed by The
Chiffons, “I Want a New Drug” as performed by Huey Lewis and the News,
“Ghostbusters” as performed by Pay Parker, Jr
As a group - listen to/compare/discuss excerpts from the songs “Ice, Ice Baby” and “Under Pressure”
Read/answer “You Be the Judge” worksheet while listening to musical excerpts (replay examples as needed)
As a group - listen to/compare/discuss excerpts from “My Sweet Lord” by George Harrison and “He’s so
Fine” by the Chiffons
Read/answer “You Be the Judge” worksheet while listening to musical excerpts (replay examples as needed)
As a group - listen to/compare/discuss excerpts from the songs “I Want a New Drug” by Huey Lewis and the
News, and Ghostbusters” performed by Pay Parker, Jr.
Read/answer “You Be the Judge” worksheet while listening to musical excerpts (replay examples as needed)
You be the Judge!
Case 1:
“Ice, Ice, Baby” by Vanilla Ice supposedly sounds similar to the 1980 song "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie,
but Vanilla Ice never got permission to use it. No lawsuit was filed, but it is likely that Vanilla Ice agreed to pay Queen and
Bowie a settlement. According to industry insider Hans Ebert, Brian May of Queen first heard this song in a disco in
Germany. He asked the DJ what it was, and learned that it was #1 in the US.
When this became a hit, it made "Under Pressure" more popular, as a lot of kids now recognized the tune. When Queen
released their compilation album Classic Queen in 1992, they wrote in the liner notes: "In 1990 the bass and piano
featured again on Vanilla Ice's number one single Ice Ice Baby."
A producer for Death Row Records claimed that he wrote this. Suge Knight, the head of the label and former football
player, visited Vanilla Ice and convinced him to sign over the publishing rights to Death Row. It is rumored that part of the
convincing involved hanging Vanilla Ice over a balcony by his ankles. Knight made a lot of money from those publishing
rights, which went into Death Row Records and the development of artists like Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and Tupac.
5=Exactly the same
4=Very similar
3=Somewhat alike
2=Barely the same
Melody: __________
Harmony/Chordal Structure: __________
1=Not alike in any way
Rhythm: __________
Tempo: __________
Lyrics: __________
Instruments: __________
1. How else are the two songs similar?______________________________
2. How are the two songs different?
Case 2:
In 1976, ex-Beatle, George Harrison, was found guilty of copyright infringement for his hit single “My Sweet
Lord” Bright Tunes Music Corporation had obtained the copyright for the 1963 hit, “He’s So Fine” which was
written by Ronald Mack and originally performed by The Chiffons. Did George Harrison borrow his
musical ideas from Mack’s hit song? Judge for yourself.
5=Exactly the same
4=Very similar
3=Somewhat alike
2=Barely the same
1=Not alike in any way
Melody: __________
Harmony/Chordal Structure: __________
Rhythm: __________
Tempo: __________
Lyrics: __________
Instruments: __________
1. How else are the two songs similar?______________________________
2. How are the two songs different?
Case 3:
In 1981, Huey Lewis (Hugh Cregg) accused Ray Parker, Jr. of copyright infringement after Parker released his
single, “Ghostbusters.” After more than 10 years of arguing, the two artists settled their case in private. Parker
never publicly admitted his guilt but he did agree to pay an undisclosed amount to Lewis for “damages.” The
issue was brought up again during the spring of 2001. Lewis had taped a VH-1 Behind the Music segment and
disclosed details of the 1995 settlement. Parker filed a lawsuit against Lewis in March 2001. Parker claims Lewis
broke the “confidentiality agreement.” Apparently part of the original settlement banned them both from
revealing any information that was not in a press release they jointly issued at that time. Parker is asking for an
unspecified amount of money to compensate him for “punitive” damages and to cover his lawyer’s fees. No
matter the outcome….”who ya gonna call?” You be the judge!
5=Exactly the same
4=Very Similar
3=Somewhat alike
2=Barely the same
Melody: __________
Harmony/Chordal Structure: __________
Rhythm: __________
1=Not alike in any way
Tempo: __________
Lyrics: __________
Instruments: __________
3. How else are the two songs similar?______________________________
4. How are the two songs different?
5. Based on what you have learned, how have Ray Parker, Jr. and Vanilla
Ice broken the copyright laws? Be specific. __________________________
Did Lady Antebellum Steal “Need You Now” From A Popular 80s Song?
That’s what the artist is claiming. Listen to it for yourself:
Some people think “Need You Know” sounds eerily similar to a different crossover hit from back in the ’80s, a song called “Eye in the
Sky”, by The Alan Parsons Project. An “Executive Personal Assistant to Alan Parsons” sent a letter to “Nashville Scene” saying that
“hundreds of Alan Parson’s fans” (there ARE hundreds of Alan Parson fans) are saying “Need You Now” is a lazy ripoff of “Eye in the
Sky”. Somebody put together a mashup of the two songs, and they blend seamlessly together.
You can check it out here and decide for yourself . . . google the URL below