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11.1 Angle Measures in Polygons
Polygon Interior Angles Theorem: the sum of the measures of the interior angles
of a convex n-gon is (n – 2)180˚.
The measure of each interior angle of a regular n-gon is (n – 2)180˚ / n.
Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem: the sum of the measures of the exterior angles
of a convex polygon, one at each vertex, is 360˚.
The measure of each exterior angle of a regular n-gon is 360˚ / n.
Find the value of x in each polygon.
Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the convex polygon.
Given the measure of each interior angle, determine the type of polygon.
Given the number of sides of regular polygon, find the exterior angle measure.
Use exterior angle = 360˚ / number of sides
Given the measure of the exterior angle of a regular n-gon, find the number of
sides. Use number of sides = 360˚ / exterior angle.
Page 665: 1 – 8 in class; 9 – 25, 29 - 41
11.2 Areas of Regular Polygons
Area of an Equilateral Triangle: the area of an equilateral triangle is one forth the
square of the length of the side times the square root of three.
A = s²√3
Area of a Regular Polygon: the area of a regular polygon with side length s is one
half the product of the apothem, a, and the perimeter, P.
To find the apothem, you may need to use the tangent ratio.
Find the perimeter and area of each regular polygon.
First Period: Page 672: 1 – 24, 27 - 32
Second, Third, and Fifth Periods: page 672: 1 – 24
11.3 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures
Areas of Similar Polygons: if two polygons are similar with the lengths of
corresponding sides in the ration of a:b, then the ratio of their areas is a²:b².
The given figures are similar. Find the ratio of their perimeters and areas.
First: 679: 1 – 29, omit 22
Second, Third, Fifth: 679: 1 – 18, 23 – 28 all
11.4 Circumference and Arc Length
Circumference of a circle is the distance around the circle. The ratio of the
circumference to the diameter is the same for all circles. This ratio is pi.
Circumference of a Circle: the circumference C of a circle is C = πd or C= 2πr.
Arc length is a portion of the circumference of a circle.
Arc Length Corollary: in a circle, the ratio of the length of a given arc to the
circumference is equal to the ratio of the measure of the arc to 360˚.
Arc Length = mAB • 2πr
Find the arc lengths of the following circles.
Use the arc lengths to find the indicated measure.
Circumference =
Circumference =
Length of AB =
Radius =
First and Second Periods: page 686: 1 - 32
Third and Seventh Periods: page 686: 1 – 29
11.5 Areas of Circles and Sectors
Area of a Circle is π times the square of the radius, or A = πr².
Find the area of the circles.
Area of a Sector
The ratio of the area of a sector of a circle to the area of the circle is equal to
the ratio of the measure of the intercepted arc to 360˚.
A = mAB • πr²
Find the area of each sector.
695: 1 – 20, 23 – 28, omit 25
11.6 Geometric Probability
A probability is a number from 0 to 1 that represents the chance that an event
will occur.
Assuming all outcomes are equally likely:
an event with a probability of 0 cannot occur,
an event with a probability of 1 is certain to occur,
an event with a probability of 0.5 is just as likely to occur as not.
Probability and Length
Let AB be a segment that contains the segment CD. If a point K on AB is chosen
at random, then the probability that it is on CD is as follows:
P(Point K is on CD) = Length of CD
Length of AB
Probability and Area
Let J be a region that contains region M. IF a point K is chosen at random, then
the probability that it is in region M is as follows:
P(Point K is in region M) = Area of M
Area of J
Open your books to page 699 for further examples.
Chapter 11 Test on Thursday
Class work: page 701: 1 – 20 all
Homework: page 702: 21 – 42 all
Chapter 11 Test on Thursday !!!