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NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
NURS2550: Variations in Health III& IV
Summer 2012
NURS 2550
Variations in Health III & IV for Students in Transition
4 credits-(Theory:3.0credits;Lab/Clinical:1.0credit)
(42 hours classroom & 42 hours lab)
Level III, Summer Semester 2012
Tuesday and Thursday 1800-2200
Clinical Weekends: June 9&10 or June 16 & 17
June 23 & 24, July 7 & 8, 2012
Suzanne Clarke
Office 663
Candalee Hill
Office 765
Course Coordinator- Candalee Hill
[email protected]
[email protected]
Welcome to the next course at St. Catherine University for the Minneapolis Mobility
Option for LPN’s. We wish you success as you continue your educational endeavors and
congratulate you for choosing to continue your nursing education to the RN level of
practice. NUR2550 is the third of three transition courses for LPN’s. This course
includes material from the two third level courses in the generic nursing
program.NUR2440 Variations in Health III & NUR2550: Variations in Health IV
VIII Course Description:
NUR 2550: The Nursing Role and Variations in Health I for Students in Transition,
4 Credits, This course involves the continuing study of variations in health across the
lifespan, building on previous knowledge learned by mobility students. Topics include
variations in the production and transport of blood, variations in cellular composition,
along with the care of the diabetic, renal and burn patient. Concepts of fluid &
electrolytes and IV therapy are further explored and integrated into the care of a variety
of acute care patients. Problem solving and communication are further developed. A
clinical component provides experiences in the care of clients and is designed to enhance
the integration of learning.
Upon completion of Level III you will be able to:
1. Integrate theoretical concepts, holistic patient-centered care, and evidence-based
practice in the management and provision of nursing care.
2. Integrate clinical reasoning with current evidence to direct the nursing process in the
care of patients experiencing complex variations in health.
NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
3. Integrate communication skills and informatics to support evidence-based, patientcentered, and safe nursing practice
4. Incorporate economic, political, legal, ethical, and demographic factors in nursing and
health care delivery to improve the quality and safety of health care systems that
impact patient-centered care.
5. Integrate evidence-based practice and quality improvement in the management and
provision of safe, collaborative, patient-centered care.
6. Integrate current evidence of safe, collaborative, holistic patient-centered
interventions to promote health for patients in medical-surgical settings.
Course Outcomes
1. Integrate theoretical concepts, holistic patient-centered care, and evidence -based
practice in the management of patients experiencing complex variations in health.
2. Integrate clinical reasoning with current evidence to assess, plan, intervene and
evaluate nursing care with patients experiencing complex variations in health.
3. Communicate with faculty members, patients, families, and health care team
members to manage knowledge, mitigate error and support clinical decision making
in the care of patients with complex variations in health.
4. Incorporate the multiple factors that impact the quality and safety of patient-centered
care to direct the nursing process in the care of patients experiencing complex
variations in health.
5. Integrate knowledge, technical competence, professional accountability, principles of
collaboration, and standards of the nursing profession while providing safe care for
patients experiencing complex variations in health.
6. Integrate technical skills and therapeutic interventions in the provision of safe nursing
care for patients experiencing complex variations in health in medical-surgical
X.TEACHING-LEARNING ACTIVITIES-Teaching-learning activities in NURS 2550
include(a)discussion-based classes about faculty-assigned& student-selected
readings,(b)small group work, (c) individual &/or group presentations,(d) experiential
learning and practicum, (e) written assignments,&(f) other collaborative learning
activities. Please refer to “Roles and Responsibilities in the Teaching-Learning Process”
in the Associate Degree Program Student Policies: 2011-2012.
Unit I:
Fluid & Electrolyte Variations
Complex patient
Caring for the patient with Fluid & Electrolyte Imbalance
Caring for the Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
Urology Variations in Children
Adult Renal-Acute
Adult Renal – Chronic
Associate Degree Program
Department of Nursing
NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
Unit II
 Hematology
 Hypertension
 Vascular problems
 Cardiac in children
 CHF, Valvular Disease, Myopathies
 CAD: Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS)
 Dysrhythmias
Unit III:
 Oncology Overview
 Adult patients with Cancer
 PedsOncology
 Emergency
 Shock
 End of life
Clinical Decision Making Unit:
 Care Map
 IV skill
 Kaplan
Name of Assignment
Exam 1- Unit I(F&E imbalances, Burns, TPN, Diabetes, AGN
& RenalFailure, Metabolic Acidosis & Alkalosis
Exam 2- Unit II-(Hematology, Hypertension, Vascular,
Pediatric cardiac, CHF, Vavular, Myopathies, ACS
Exam 3- Unit III(Oncology Adult, Oncology- Peds, Emergency,
Shock, End of Life,)
Intravenous Medication Administration skill validation
Kaplan Integrated exam- Med-surg II
Kaplan Integrated exam- Med-surg comp
Kaplan Integrated exam- Pharmacology
Kaplan focused exam- Pharmacology III
Kaplan focused exam- F&E balance
Kaplan focused exam –Endocrine system
Kaplan focused exam –Renal & Urological systems
Kaplan focused exam- Hematology & Immune system
Kaplan focused exam- Cardiovascular 1
Kaplan focused exam- Cardiovascular 2
Kaplan focused exam Oncology
Kaplan focused exam- Critical Care Math
Clinical Performance (Includes preclinical = 3 days)
Nursing process Care MAP: (10 points times 3)
Care MAP presentation
(78% of 180= 140)
Total exam points
Associate Degree Program
Department of Nursing
(60 points)
(60 points)
6 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
S or U
S or U
S or U
S or U
S or U
S or U
S or U
S or U
S or U
S or U
30 points
NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
Name of Assignment
(78% of = 39)
Total non-exam points
Kaplan Integrated=benchmark or remediating all questions
Kaplan Integrated=benchmark or remediating all questions
Total Points Possible
2 points
2 points
Grading Scale:
The grading scale for nursing courses in the Associate Degree Program is presented in the
online Associate Degree Program Student Handbook: 2011-2012. [LINK] A grade of
“C” or better must be achieved. Grades are determined as follows:
A (220-230)
A- (213-219)
B+ (207-212)
B (200-206)
B- (193-199)
C+ (186-192)
C (179-185)
Assignments: Students are responsible for completing all course assignments and
learning activities on time. All assignments are to be completed as individual work
unless otherwise stated. Course assignments are due at the beginning of class on the
scheduled due date. Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior managements
have been made with course faculty.
Policy on Late Assignment: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the
specified time and due date. Papers that are not turned in on time are considered late
papers. Late papers will have ONE POINT deducted for each day that the paper is not
turned in. Saturdays and Sundays are counted as late dates. Points lost due to lateness
cannot be made up or earned back. Deductions of points due to lateness can be avoided
by: 1) turning papers in on time to the Course Coordinator, the clinical instructor or to
any other available course instructor; or 2) contacting the clinical instructor BEFORE the
paper is due to negotiate an extension on paper’s due date. S/U assignments are due on
the date scheduled. All assignments must achieve a satisfactory score (78%) in order for
the student to pass the course.
Kaplan Integrated Tests are nationally normed, secure exams that are used to assess
student learning. The purpose of the tests is to evaluate knowledge of key concepts and
major topics in the Associate degree nursing program curriculum. Additionally,
remediation resources are available that will assist in enhancing learning outcomes. Each
exam has a standardized mean score that has been determined through national norms.
You will complete the exams in a campus computer lab. Your score will be determined
immediately following the exam. The Critical thinking exam will set a baseline to be
compared to at the end of the nursing program.
For the integrated exams if you meet the benchmark (mean score) for each exam, you
will receive 6 points for this course learning component. If your score is lower than the
Associate Degree Program
Department of Nursing
NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
benchmark, you will be required to complete remediation activities. If all items are
remediated you will receive 6 points. You must remediate at a minimum the incorrect
answers to receive a Satisfactory and receive 4 points. Remediation is available 24 hours
a day, seven days a week in multiple formats. Completed remediation will result in an
“S” for the course learning component. Failure to complete remediation will result in a
“U” for this learning component. Satisfactory remediation includes at least a minute of
review per question.
For the NURS2550 course, the following Integrated tests will be required:
1. Med-surg II- 90 items, 108 minutes, benchmark 49%
2. Pharmacology- 75 items, 98 minutes, benchmark 67%
3. Med- surg comp, 75 items, 98 minutes, benchmark 72%
To satisfactorily pass this course you MUST:
1. Achieve 78% of cumulative exam points
2. Achieve 78% of cumulative non-exam points
3. Satisfactorily complete all S/U assignments
4. Satisfactorily complete the remediation for the Kaplan Integrated tests
5. Achieve a satisfactory grade in clinical
Consequences of failing to meet this expectation: A grade of C- or lower in this course
means the student has not met the minimum requirements for progression in the nursing
program. If you earn less than 80% or less on an exam, the student is required to meet
with the clinical faculty or designated course faculty for remediation in order to be able to
move on to the next exam.
Academic Integrity: Please refer to the “Academic Integrity Policy” in the Associate
Degree Academic Catalog. Students are expected to follow St. Catherine University
academic and behavior standards refer to LeGuide
Attendance and Testing: Attendance is required for lecture, lab and clinical *, and
attendance will be documented. After 2 absences in a course, a 411 alert will be initiated
and student must meet with lab/clinical faculty. After 3 absences in a course, a meeting
with the course coordinator will be required, and after 4 absences in a course, a meeting
with the program director will be required to ensure student success. Students who are
unable to attend classroom lab, skills lab, or clinical labs due to infectious illness or
personal crisis are required to contact the instructor, and, if scheduled for a clinical
experience, the clinical area to which the student is assigned. Notification is required to
be made no later than one half hour before the session begins. Failure to attend class
sessions results in implementation of the Performance Issue Algorithm/Guided
Improvement Plan described in the Associate Degree Nursing Program policy handbook.
This policy focuses on ensuring student success. The most significant learning activity is
attendance and active participation in all class sessions. Taking initiative in learning is a
professional nursing practice. This requires preparation for all class sessions, the belief
that students have a unique and valuable perspective to offer to class discussions, and the
willingness to enter into to class discussions. Therefore, attendance will be taken and
active participation and engagement in class discussions and learning activities will be
Associate Degree Program
Department of Nursing
NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
noted. *The clinical and lab absence policy will be followed. Students who miss in
excess of 25% of the total clinical/lab for a course may be required to repeat the entire
Students are required to attend all testing activities such as written examinations,
quizzes, case study examinations, skills testing and simulation activities. Attendance is
taken at all testing activities (exams, quizzes, skills testing, etc.). When a student is
unable to attend a scheduled testing activity due to a severe illness or personal crises, the
student is required to contact the faculty prior to the testing activity to explain the reason
for the absence and arrange with the instructor a time to make-up the missed activity.
Failure to notify the instructor prior to the testing activity may mean that the student will
not have the opportunity to schedule or complete a make-up testing activity and the
student will receive 0 points for that testing activity. When a student misses a written
exam, the make-up exam may be in a different format (example: most exams are in the
multiple choice questions the make-up exam might be an essay exam). All late tests will
be given a 5% penalty from the total points of the exam. For example 5% of a 60
point exam is a 3 point reduction. No extra time is allotted to the student when arriving
late to exams. When used, the scannable answer form will be the only official answer
sheet accepted. Answers recorded in the test book are not accepted in lieu of the official
answer sheet.
Students cannot make-up missed quizzes and there is no extra time allotted to the student
when arriving late to quizzes.
Students are required to attend all laboratory activities. These activities are equivalent to
clinical experiences and are expected to be treated as such. Lab activities may include,
skills testing, quizzes, exams, and MBN activities.
Exam remediation
Students who achieve 80% or less on any theory course exam and less than 90% on
nursing calculation exams are required to meet with course faculty for remediation. This
must be completed to be able to sit for the next exam. Students will use the Loma Linda
analysis tool to evaluate their exam and remediate questions that fall in the Insufficient
Information category using a remediation documentation form. They will also be
required to complete a Theory Improvement Plan at that time.
Kaplan -During each course a variety of Kaplan activities will be required. These
activities include focused exams, integrated exams and NCLEX readiness activities.
Failure to complete all assigned testing and remediation activities in the course will result
in failure of that course. Satisfactory completion of all required Kaplan activities will
contribute to successful progression in the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Attendance is required for lecture, lab and clinical. Students who are unable to attend
classroom lab, skills lab, or clinical labs due to infectious illness or personal crisis must
contact the instructor, and, if scheduled for a clinical experience, the clinical area to
which the student is assigned. Notification must be made no later than one half hour
before the session begins.
Associate Degree Program
Department of Nursing
NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
It is an expectation that students will come to all classroom and lab experiences
prepared, having completed the reading assignments prior to class. Student preparation
prior to laboratory experiences is outlined course management system and includes
written assignments and case studies and practice of skills in the nursing practice lab.
The most significant learning activity is attendance and active participation in all class
sessions. Taking initiative in learning is a professional nursing practice. This requires
preparation for all class sessions, the belief that you have a unique and valuable
perspective to offer to class discussions, and the willingness to enter into to our class
discussions. Therefore, attendance will be taken and active participation and engagement
in class discussions and learning activities will be noted. Please e-mail or call FACULTY
NAME prior to class if you will be absent [email protected] or 651.690-7734). Failure to
attend class sessions results in implementation of the Performance Issue
Algorithm/Guided Improvement Plan described in the Associate Degree Program Student
Policies: 2010-2011.
Course Communication: Please check your St. Kate’s e-mail for messages and updates
related to the course frequently (at least every 2-3 days). The official communication
source is the SCU email. Grades will be posted in the online grade book on Blackboard.
Accommodations: Students with documented disabilities who believe they would
benefit from accommodations in this course are encouraged to contact the Disabilities
Coordinator in the Learning Center for Academic Development to ensure that appropriate
accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. The Disabilities Coordinator may
be contacted at 651.690.6563. Please refer to the student policy in LeGuide: “Services for
Students with Disabilities.”
Grading Policy:NURS2550 must be taken for a grade and must be satisfactorily
completed with a minimum grade of C (78% of the total possible points). A minimum
grade of C (78% of total possible points) must also be achieved for each course
assignment/component. Assignments may be resubmitted once if not completed
satisfactorily the first time. Resubmitted assignments receive a C (78% of total possible
points for that assignment).
Achievement of the Final Course Grade:
A grade of C or higher must be achieved to pass each nursing course. At the end of each
course, points are totaled and a student must achieve 78% of accumulated exam points
in order to pass the course. If a student does not achieve 78% of accumulated exam
points, the course grade will be based only on exam points the student has earned. If a
student does achieve 78% of accumulated exam points, then non-exam coursework will
contribute to the course grade. Such non-exam coursework may include quizzes, skills
testing, written assignments, and other activities as outlined in each course syllabus.
Students must attain 78% of available points and a satisfactory level of achievement on
all non-exam coursework as defined in each course syllabus.
Associate Degree Program
Department of Nursing
NURS2550: Syllabus
Summer 2012
Faculty in the Department of Nursing use professional nursing standards in the
development, implementation, and evaluation of curricula. Professional standards are also
used by nursing faculty to promote and evaluate student learning.
In the Associate Degree Program, professional standards include:
 Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 2001)
 NLNAC 2008 Standards and Criteria: Associate Degree Programs in Nursing
(NLNAC, 2008)
 Nursing’s Social Policy Statement: The Essence of the Profession (ANA, 2010)
 QSEN Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (2007))
 Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition (ANA, 2010)
Required Textbooks:
 Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M. Dirkens, S, O’Brien, P., & Bucher, L. (2011). Medicalsurgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.).
St. Louis: Mosby.
 Taylor, C., Lillis, C., & LeMone, P. Lynn, P. (2011). Fundamentals of nursing: The
art & science of nursing care. (7th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
 Ricci, S. & Kyle, T. (2009). Maternity and pediatric nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott
William & Wilkins.
From FNDN0600 or FNDN1000
Pickar, G. (2011). Dosage calculation: A ratio-proportion approach. (3rd ed). Albany,
NY: Delmar Thomson Learning.
XVI. LEARNING RESOURCES: E-mail and D2L will be used for communication
among faculty and students and for distribution of class materials.
Nursing Practice Lab: Rooms 670, 680, 690
Rachelle Hansen (Morning courses & lab coverage)
Office: EDU 671
Office Phone: 651-690-7785
Associate Degree Program
Department of Nursing