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Movie Notes #2: Sexual Reproduction
Comparing Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Review from yesterday: Asexual Reproduction
a. Occurs in both ____________ and ______________ cellular organisms.
b. Parent passes all of its ________________ to offspring.
c. Offspring are exact genetic _______________________ of the parent.
d. Examples of asexual reproduction.
Simple Division: also called binary fission - Bacteria, Blue-Green Algae and
Protists like Euglena and ____________________.
Budding: Yeast (yeast is a fungus), Hydra and ____________ Anemone.
Spore Production:
1. Sexual Reproduction:
a. Creates an offspring with a unique set of ______________________.
b. The offspring are different than the parents because :
Meiosis shuffles genes in a parent during _________________ (sex cell)
Fertilization combines genes from _______________ different parents
2. Advantages of Sexual Reproduction
a. Each individual inherits a unique set of _________________ that is different from either
of the parents
b. Increases _________________________________
3. Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction
a. It is _______________________________
b. Must be able to find a suitable __________________________
QUIZ: Strategies for Reproduction
1. Two Main Strategies:
2. In which strategy are offspring identical to the parent (assuming no mutations)?
3. In which strategy do the offspring have a unique set of genes?
4. How many parents are necessary for asexual reproduction?
5. How many parents are necessary for sexual reproduction?
6. How many genes are passed on from each parent during sexual reproduction?
7. How many genes are passed on from a parent during asexual reproduction?
8. Which strategy gives greater genetic variation?
9. Which strategy is faster and more efficient?
10. What are three advantages of Asexual Reproduction?
11. What are two advantages of Sexual Reproduction?
12. What are two disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction?