Download Post-Classical Trade Routes, 500 - 1500 CE

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Post-Classical Trade Routes, 500 – 1500 CE
What I find interesting about this lesson:
1. Trade has had an enormous impact on world history.
2. The movement of pastoral peoples greatly affected history.
3. A wind, a camel, or a strait had the power to increase trade.
Provide a general overview of the Silk Road trading networks.
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Describe the geography of Outer Eurasia.
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Describe the geography of Inner Eurasia.
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How did the movement of pastoral people change world history?
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Who were the Xiongnu and what did the Chinese want from them?
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When did Silk Road trading networks prosper?
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Cite specific dynasties, empires, or rulers that ensured security thereby increasing trade on
the Silk Roads:
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Describe the majority of goods on the Silk Road trading networks.
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What happened to the Chinese monopoly of silk by the sixth century CE?
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What purpose did silk serve beyond its obvious purpose?
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Discuss the impact of the Silk Road trading networks on Buddhism.
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How did Buddhism change as it spread across the Silk Roads?
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Which form of Buddhism was more popular on the Silk Road trading networks? Why?
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What diseases spread along the Silk Roads?
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Describe Indian Ocean trade.
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Discuss the role of the monsoon in Indian Ocean trade.
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Discuss the impact of Indian Ocean trade on Southeast Asia?
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Discuss the importance of Srivijaya.
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What is Borobudur? What kingdom was responsible for it?
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Discuss the role of Swahili (the civilization) in Indian Ocean trade.
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How did the rise of Islam impact trade in the western Indian Ocean?
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Who was Ibn Battuta?
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Describe West African trade.
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Discuss the origin of the word “Slave”.
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What were the substantial urban and commercial centers of the states of Sudanic Africa?
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What geographic factors impacted trade in the Americas?
 ________________________________________________________________________
Critical Thinking: Create one thesis statement for this lesson. Provide three facts to
support your thesis statement.