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The Shang people of the
Yellow River
By Johnald Stupecs, Patrick Herrick, Ian Hughgrant, and
Porker Willsey
Political System
The king (or ‘Wang’) was both the
political leader and religious leader.
He, along with the bureaucrats and
and aristocrats, controlled/directed
the life and work of the serfs and
Most of the income came from farming by the serfs
and peasants.
Many farmers discovered how to make silk from
silkworms, and soon silk become China’s main export.
Artisans also manufactured weapons, ritual vessels, and
The Shang believed in Shang Ti, one god who ruled
over all others.
The worship of their ancestors was also very important
to the Shang people.
They made animal/crop sacrifices to both their gods
and their ancestors.
Basis for Civilization
The Shang Ti lived along the Yellow River Valley.
They had a strong economic agricultural system.
Their knowledge of using silkworms to make silk
thread also greatly aided their civilization’s economy.
Cultural Achievements
The Shang created a clever writing system which they
used mostly to record big events, weddings, and
important history
They had a few crews of exceptional bronze workers
The Shang also created the first mathematic decimal
system and utilized the calendar, as well.
The Shang civilization/dynasty lasted from the 16th
century to the 11th century, but they were eventually
overrun by the Zhou rebels, which led to the creation
of China’s third dynasty, the Zhou.