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Test Review: Atmosphere and Latitude/Longitude
Composition of the Atmosphere
What 2 gases make up approximately 99% of the atmosphere ?
What percent of the earth’s atmosphere is oxygen ?
What percent of the earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen ?
What part of the sun’s radiation does ozone block ?
What can too much ultraviolet radiation cause ?
Does the percent of oxygen in the Percent Oxygen lab change if you use a bigger candle or test tube ?
Structure of the Atmosphere
Be able to label the 2 different layers of the atmosphere and list their characteristics?
What atmosphere layer does weather occur in ?
What layer of the atmosphere has 75% of the gases ?
Where is ozone located ?
Atmospheric Pressure
What instrument measures atmospheric pressure ?
How does altitude effect air pressure ?
Warm temperature creates _______ air pressure.
Cool temperature creates _______ air pressure.
How does altitude effect temperature in the troposphere ?
How does altitude effect temperature in the stratosphere ?
What is the average air pressure at sea level ?
What is the air pressure in space ?
What would happen to a balloon if you took it to the top of Mount Everest ?
What would happen to a balloon if you took it into a mine ?
Heat Transfer
List the 3 types of heat transfer.
Which method of heat transfer is due to density differences ?
Which method of heat transfer is only in solids and is due to contact ?
Which type of heat transfer can occur in space ?
Air Circulation
Which heats up faster soil or water ?
Which cools down faster soil or water ?
Does warmer air rise or sink ?
Does sinking air create higher or lower pressure ?
Does air go from high to low pressure or low to high pressure ?
Using heating differences and pressure differences diagram a land breeze and a sea breezes.
Land breezes occur during day or night ?
Sea breezes occur during day or night ?
The Coriolis Effect makes winds appear to bend to which direction in the northern hemisphere ?
The heat at the equator creates a _______ pressure.
During the day _____ pressure is created over the land because it is warmer than the water.
How are winds named ?
Test Review: Atmosphere and Latitude/Longitude
Complete the following diagram of the global winds and pressure belts by:
• labeling as high or low the pressure belts
• draw an arrow that shows the wind direction of each global wind
Test Review: Atmosphere and Latitude/Longitude
Label the following location on the world map above. Example: Write an “P” on the map where Peru where is located.
12° S latitude, 77° W longitude (Peru)
43° N latitude, 100° W longitude (Canada)
20° S latitude, 46° E longitude(Madagascar)
Write the name of the city found at the given latitude and longitude coordinates on the United States map.
29°N latitude, 95°W longitude ____________________________
43°N latitude, 79°W longitude ____________________________
25°N latitude, 80°W longitude