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2. Identify the dominant topographical feature of the
Greek [Balkan] Peninsula.
The Greek Peninsula has lots of rugged mountains which
composes about three- froths of Green. The mountains can
cut the land a part into different regions. There are lots of
seas near Greek. Trade and Sea travel are also important for
their lives because they lack natural resources.
3. What types of climate and agricultural cultivation
is found in the Aegean region?
Their climate is not very steady, the temperature averaging
48 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and 80 degrees
Fahrenheit. Their climate is moderate temperature. Their
agriculture is too bad; most of the lands are not suitable for
farming and they doesn’t have good irrigation. They just have
a “little fertile farmland or fresh water for irrigation.”
4. What advantages and disadvantages does the
geography pose for the ancient Greek peoples?
I think they have good water resources, lots of seas
near Greek it so it can help them to develop their
transportation. The negative thing is about the wild
soil. Their bad climate leads to a bad growth.
5. From your knowledge of ancient civilization, how
did the areas settled by the Greeks differ from the
early settlements of the Fertile Crescent region, the
Nile River Valley, the Indus River Valley, and ancient
In other countries, they have good land or famous
irrigation to develop their nation. In contrast, the
Greeks don’t have fertile soil and good irrigation
system in their lands but lots of seas near the Greek,
it has good sea trade with other nations.
6. List the ways that geography and climate shapes
Greek life and possibly Greek history?
 Lots of seas near Greek that can help them have good
transportation routes.
 Sea travel also connects Greece with others societies
 Greece was poor in natural resources so the sea travel and
trade are important
 They weren’t suitable for farming and irrigation system
 The reason above that make this nation just have small