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APES Semester 1 Review
Date________________ Per___________
What are the primary factors that determine an individual’s ecological footprint? _______________________________
Why is the average ecological footprint higher in the United States than in many other countries? __________________
How can urban areas be planned to promote sustainability? ________________________________________________
What are the major sources of noise pollution in urban areas? How can noise pollution be reduced?
Define the Tragedy of the Commons and give 2 examples. _________________________________________________
Define and give 2 examples:
Renewable resource
Nonrenewable resource
During cultural revolutions (like the agricultural and industrial revolutions)…
….the food supply (increased / decreased / remained the same)
….life expectancy (increased / decreased / remained the same)
….living standards (increased / decreased / remained the same)
….death rates (increased / decreased / remained the same)
Energy use during the Industrial Revolution shifted from dependence on ______________________ to dependence on
Write the equation for doubling time.
10. If the growth rate of a country is 2%, how long would it take the population to double? (show work)
11. Growth rate = ( Births +
12. What 2 countries have the largest populations? _______________________ and ______________________
13. Compare and contrast developed and developing countries:
Circle your choice
Higher percentage of the world’s population
Higher percent of the world’s resource use
Pyramid-shaped histogram
Higher percent of the world’s pollution waste
Higher rate of population growth
Higher percent of the world’s wealth & income
India and Kenya
Higher percentage of elderly people
Higher status for women
Subsistence agriculture is more common
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
14. Describe the first agricultural communities. ___________________________________________________________
15. Draw and label a graph of birth rate, death rate, and population growth during a demographic transition:
16. Compare & contrast the population policies in India & China.
17. How does the World Bank function to reduce poverty?
18. Use examples to differentiate between an ecosystem, population, and community.
19. Define and give an example:
Primary consumer
Secondary consumer
Detritus feeder
20. Define and give an example for each of the following species roles:
Species role
21. Define and give 2 examples of each type of species relationship:
22. Explain how a food chain is governed by the Laws of Thermodynamics:
23. Energy (cycles / flows in one direction). Matter (cycles / flows in one direction).
24. Which nutrient cycle has no atmospheric component? __________________________
25. Define the terms associated with the carbon cycle. Does each increase or decrease the amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere:
Cellular respiration
Increase / Decrease
Increase / Decrease
Increase / Decrease
Increase / Decrease
Increase / Decrease
26. What is the largest carbon dioxide ‘sink’? ____________________
27. Define the steps of the nitrogen cycle:
Nitrogen fixation
28. How do humans impact each biogeochemical cycle?
29. Draw an example of:
Linear growth
Exponential growth
Logistic growth (include a label for
the carrying capacity)
30. Draw the general population graphs for an early loss species, constant loss species, and late loss species. Give an example of
each type of species:
Early Loss
Constant Loss
Late Loss
31. Name 2 ecosystems with high net primary productivity per unit area: ____________________ ___________________
Name 2 ecosystems with low net primary productivity per unit area: ____________________ ___________________
32. Explain how natural selection results in adaptation and evolution:
33. Identify 5 or more characteristics of species that tend to make them more vulnerable to extinction.
34. Compare and contrast primary and secondary succession. Provide examples.
35. Where are the following lake and ocean life zones?
Lake zone
Ocean zone
36. Match the biome to the description:
A. tundra
B. desert
C. savanna
D. temperate grassland
E. temperate deciduous forest
F. taiga
G. tropical rain forest
H. chaparral
___1. Poor soil because the nutrients are rapidly absorbed
___2. Succulent plants
___3. Boreal forest
___4. Fire adapted community near coast
___5. Leaves change colors and fall off the trees
___6. Permafrost
___7. Large herds of grazing animals and their predators; threatened by desertification
___8. High competition resulted in the evolution of many specialized species
___9. Much of this biome has been converted for agricultural use because of its excellent soil
___10. Needle-like evergreen leaves
___11. Cold temperatures and low rainfall
___12. Most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystem
37. Describe at least 4 factors that influence climate in a particular region.
Compare and contrast the El Nino and La Nina currents in terms of location, temperature, current direction, climate impacts,
and upwelling impacts.
El Nino
La Nina
38. Describe the relationship between plate tectonics and the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes.
39. Define and give examples:
40. Strip mining is an example of (surface / subsurface) mining. Subsurface mining disturbs (more / less) land than surface
mining. Subsurface mining produces (more / less) waste material than surface mining. Subsurface mining is (more / less)
dangerous than surface mining. Sub surface mining will get out (more / less) of the resource than surface mining.
41. Describe each fishing method and its environmental impacts:
42. Describe how ‘public land’ in the US is classified, managed, and used.
43. Explain why one large wilderness preserve is likely to have more biodiversity than an equal size area that is fragmented by
highways and urban development.
44. What is the most important cause of desertification and how can desertification be prevented and reversed?
45. Match the energy resource to the description in question 1 below. Answers may be used more than once or not at all:
a. Biomass
b. Coal
c. Geothermal
d. Hydroelectric
e. Natural gas
f. Nuclear
g. Oil
h. Shale
i. Solar
j. Tidal
k. Wind
Which energy resource/s:
are nonrenewable?
are renewable?
are fossil fuels?
cause/s thermal pollution?
can be collected from landfills?
release/s mercury when it is burned?
cause/s noise and visual pollution?
is the resource that is used to generate the highest percentage of electricity in the US
(over 40%)
is the only renewable resource that is not produced directly or indirectly from the sun?
is the cleanest burning fossil fuel?
result/s in deforestation?
cause/s acid deposition?
utilize/s photovoltaic cells?
is the fossil fuel that is the most difficult to transport?
is used to generate the most electricity in the US after all of the fossil fuels combined?
(about 20%)
has it’s largest known deposit in the world in the US Green River Formation
46. Define the following terms related to energy:
Net energy - __________________________________________________________________________________
Cogeneration - _________________________________________________________________________________
Biofuel - _____________________________________________________________________________________
Nuclear fission - _______________________________________________________________________________
Half-life – ____________________________________________________________________________________
Keystone pipeline – ______________________________________________________________________________
CAFE standards - ______________________________________________________________________________
47. Provide examples to explain the difference between passive and active solar energy.
48. What products are made from oil? _________________________________________________________________
49. How are the components of oil separated? ____________________________________________________________
50. Compare and contrast the types of coal:
51. Describe each case study:
Exxon Valdez
Deepwater Horizon/Gulf
of Mexico
Chernobyl, USSR
Three Mile Island, PA
Fukushima, Japan
Three Gorges Dam
52. List the major provisions of each of the following laws/treaties:
National Environmental
Policy Act
Endangered Species Act
Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species
Marine Mammal
Protection Act
Lacey Act
Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Act
Federal Mine Safety and
Health Act
Energy Policy Act
***The AP Environmental Science semester exam will require students to examine, interpret, and manipulate data. These skills
are integrated throughout the course. Please note that since calculators are prohibited on the AP exam they will not be allowed
on the semester exam.
Science Practice 1
The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems.
Science Practice 2
The student can use mathematics appropriately.
Science Practice 3
The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of the AP course.
Science Practice 4
The student can plan and implement data collection strategies in relation to a particular scientific question. (Note: Data can be
collected from many different sources, e.g., investigations, scientific observations, the findings of others, historic reconstruction and/or
archived data.)
Science Practice 5
The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence.
Science Practice 6
The student can work with scientific explanations and theories.
Science Practice 7
The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts and representations in and across domains.
Science Practice Supplemental Questions
Overstaying Their Welcome: Cane Toads in Australia
Everyone in Australia is in agreement that the cane toads have got to go. The problem is getting rid of them. Cane toads, properly
known as Bufo marinus, are the most notorious of what are called invasive species in Australia and beyond. But unlike other species
of the same classification, cane toads were intentionally introduced into Australia. The country simply got much more and much
worse than it bargained for.
Before 1935, Australia did not have any toad species of its own. What the country did have however, was a major beetle problem.
Two species of beetles in particular, French's Cane Beetle and the Greyback Cane Beetle, were in the process of decimating the
northeastern state of Queensland's sugar cane crops. The beetle's larvae were eating the roots of the sugar cane and stunting, if not
killing, the plants. The anticipated solution to this quickly escalating problem came in the form of the cane toad. After first hearing
about the amphibians in 1933 at a conference in the Caribbean, growers successfully lobbied to have the cane toads imported to battle
and hopefully destroy the beetles and save the crops. . .
The plan backfired completely and absolutely. As it turns out, cane toads cannot jump very high, only about two feet actually, so they
did not eat the beetles that for the most part lived in the upper stalks of cane plants. Instead of going after the beetles, as growers had
planned, the cane toads began going after everything else in sight--insects, bird's eggs and even native frogs. And because the toads
are poisonous, they began to kill would-be predators. The toll on native species has been immense. . .
Tina Butler, April 17, 2005
1) Identify an adaptation of cane toads that made them successful in their new environment:
A) Cane toads cannot jump very high.
B) Cane toads are poisonous.
C) Cane toads are specialist species.
D) Cane toads were intentionally introduced into Australia.
The graph below represents the growth of a population of flies in a jar.
2) Which letter indicates the part of the graph that represents the carrying capacity of the environment in the jar?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
3) Which letter represents an exponential growth phase of the flies?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
The organisms in the food web below live near large cattle ranches. Over many years, mountain lions occasionally killed a few cattle.
One year, a few ranchers hunted and killed many mountain lions to prevent future loss of their cattle. Later, ranchers noticed that
animals from this food web were eating large amounts of grain from their fields.
4) Identify two populations that most likely increased in number after the mountain lion population decreased.
A) deer and frogs
B) hawks and rabbits
C) frogs and mice
D) deer and rabbits
5) Assuming 10% efficiency, if the grain and grass contains 650,000 Kcal of energy, how much of that energy would be passed on to
the mountain lion from his prey?
A) 650 Kcal
B) 6,500 Kcal
C) 65,000 Kcal
D) 6,500,000 Kcal