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SS22 The World Wars Study Guide (Keywords)
Name:__________________________________ Per:_____
Assigned Monday 4-27-15
Please read each statement carefully. Then choose 2 key words from the statement that will help you
remember it and write it on the line below the statement. Finally, study all of it before your test.
1. Militarism was an underlying cause of WWI.
2. The forming of Alliances was the biggest underlying cause of WWI.
3. Imperialism (the colonial system) was an underlying cause of WWI.
4. Nationalism was an underlying cause of WWI.
5. The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand (of Austria-Hungary) was the immediate cause of WWI.
6. Gavilo Princip (of Serbia) was the period who shot the Archduke.
7. France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United States were all part of the Allied Powers during WWI.
8. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were all part of the Central Powers during WW1.
9. Germany became more powerful at this time because the previous separate states became unified under the
leadership of Otto Von Bismarck. ________________________________________________________________
10. Chemical warfare was first used during WWI. ___________________________________________________
11. Trench warfare was the predominant strategy during WWI. ________________________________________
12. The use of trenches caused a stalemate for most of WWI. __________________________________________
13. The machine gun caused many fatalities during WWI. _____________________________________________
14. U-boats, or submarines were first used during WWI. ______________________________________________
15. Unrestricted submarine warfare caused the sinking of the Lusitania.
16. The sinking of the Lusitania was one reason the United States entered the war.
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17. The Zimmerman Note/Telegram was another reason the United States entered the war.
18. The Zimmerman Note/Telegram was a message from Germany to Mexico and intercepted by Britain.
19. The Lusitania was a British merchant ship with over 100 Americans on board.
20. The Zimmerman Note/Telegram proposed a deal to give American lands to Mexico.
21. Vladimir Lenin was a fan and student of Karl Marx. He wanted Russia to be communist.
22. Joseph Stalin was a Russian rebel and outlaw. He was sent to Siberia 6 times.
23. Lenin and Stalin paired up to overthrow the Russian king/czar, Nicholas II.
24. Lenin and Stalin’s political party was called the Bolsheviks.
25. The Russian/Bolshevik Revolution took Russia out of WWI, giving Germany the upper hand.
26. The trenches in France were known as the Western Front.
27. George S Patton used lightweight tanks to break the stalemate in the French trenches.
28. Some soldiers’ nervous systems couldn’t take the onslaught. They developed Shell Shock.
29. The Allied Powers won the First World War. ___________________________________________________
30. The Treaty of Versailles ended the First World War. _____________________________________________
31. Woodrow Wilson was President of the US during WWI. __________________________________________
32. Woodrow Wilson developed “Fourteen Points” that he wanted in the treaty after WWI.
33. The League of Nations was formed after WWI. _________________________________________________
34. The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany harshly after WWI.
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35. The Treaty of Versailles ignored Italy and Japan after WWI.
36. Benito Mussolini fought as a sniper during WWI. __________________________________________________
37. Mussolini used his talent as a journalist to grow the Fascist movement in Italy.
38. Fascism is an extreme form of nationalism. ______________________________________________________
39. Mussolini became a Fascist dictator and ruled Italy during WW2.
40. Japan’s emperor, Hirohito, wanted to create a Pacific Japanese Empire.
41. Hirohito chose a soldier, Hideki Tojo, to become his Minister of War.
42. Hideki Tojo launched some attacks on Northern China (Manchuria), showing military success.
43. Hideki Tojo was promoted to Prime Minister of Japan.
44. Hideki Tojo, along with Admiral Yamamoto, designed the attack on Pearl Harbor.
45. Franklin D Roosevelt was the US President during most of WW2.
46. General Douglas MacArthur was sent to the Philippines to combat the movement of Japanese forces.
47. MacArthur was unable to keep control of the Philippines and was evacuated by FDR, leaving some soldiers behind.
48. We had three aircraft carriers left after Pearl Harbor. FDR sent them all to the Island of Midway.
49. The Battle of Midway became the turning point in the Pacific Theatre.
50. The Allies (mostly US) developed a strategy of “Island Hopping” to get close to Japan.
51. Adolf Hitler formed many of his political opinions in the trenches of WWI.
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52. Hitler was very dedicated to Germany and joined the German Workers Party in resistance to the German
Government. ______________________________________________________________
53. Hitler quickly became a speaker and propaganda leader for the German Workers Party.
54. Hitler renamed the group the “Nazi” party and adopted a Hindu symbol called the “swastika” as a symbol.
55. Hitler was appointed as “Chancellor” by the German government in hopes of appeasing him.
56. One of the first things Hitler did as Chancellor was kill over 100 of his political rivals in an event called “Night of the
Long Knives.” _____________________________________________________
57. Hitler began breaking the terms of the Treaty of Versailles by taking back a section of Germany called the
Rhineland. ______________________________________________________________
58. Hitler took over another area in Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland.
59. Hitler’s “land grabs” prompted British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain to have a meeting with him.
60. Chamberlain wanted to avoid war and through a policy called “appeasement”, made a deal with Hitler.
61. Winston Churchill began warning the English people that Hitler would break that promise.
62. Churchill had been First Admiral of the Navy during WWI.
63. Churchill had ordered a campaign called “Gallipoli” during WWI to take supplies to Russia via the Black Sea.
64. Gallipoli failed miserably. Churchill was fired and joined the army in the trenches.
65. Churchill worked his way back into Parliament and eventually became Prime Minister.
66. FDR’s first campaign in Europe used George S. Patton to take the island of Sicily.
67. Benito Mussolini and all of Italy falls to the Allied Powers in 1943.
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68. The Great Depression of the 1930s affected the entire world, not just the USA.
67. The Battle of the Bulge (Dec. 1944) was Germany’s last offensive push during WW2. The Allies win under the
direction of George S Patton.
68. The US and Britain form an uneasy alliance with the Soviet Union after the Battle of Stalingrad.
69. The “Big Three” meet again a few times throughout the war. During the last stages of the war, they worked together
to bomb and march through Berlin.
70. Stalin agreed to help against Japan if the US and Britain plan something big in Europe. The result was D-Day
(Operation Overlord).
71. Operation Overlord was a water-to-land invasion on the beaches of Normandy, France.
72. Even though Hitler thought the invasion was going to be elsewhere, it was still a narrow win.
73. MacArthur re-claims the Philippines in the summer of 1944 and Hideki Tojo is forced to resign as Prime Minister of
74. The US research program to develop the Atomic Bomb was called the Manhattan Project.
75. Robert Oppenheimer is the scientist credited with developing the Atomic Bomb.
76. As Allied troops push through Germany, they accidentally stumble upon the Nazi Concentration Camps.
77. The Holocaust killed over 11 million people, 6 million of them were Jewish.
78. The Holocaust was Hitler’s “Final Solution”. He wanted a world of only ethnic Aryan people who were loyal to the
German Nazi Party. The “solution” was to literally kill everyone else…extermination.
79. April 12, 1945, FDR dies of a sudden stroke and Vice President Harry Truman is the new Commander in Chief.
80. Meanwhile, Mussolini is captured and killed in Italy while trying to escape the country.
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81. Hitler, who vowed to never “see” Germany surrender, kills himself with a gunshot.
82. For Europeans, V-E Day (May 1945) is the end of the war. For the US, it is not.
83. Japan bombards the Allies with “kamikaze” attacks toward the end of the war. This is a sign that they will not
surrender, lives will be lost, and the war could drag on for years.
84. Stalin, who was a careful ally at best, looks to gain some Japanese territory for himself to expand his own Soviet
Union after the war. He starts with Northern China.
85. General Douglas MacArthur would like to plan a “D-Day” – type invasion of Japan, thinking the Allies could work
together like they did in France.
86. Churchill gets voted out of office and can’t help the US against Japan or Stalin.
87. President Truman needs to act wisely…and alone. He decides to use the Atomic Bomb on Japan.
88. Nuremberg, once a place of Nazi rallies, becomes the place for the trials of Nazi leaders after the war.