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Geology Semester Review – Ch 1-8, 10, & 12
Chapter 1
1. James Hutton
2. Uniformitarianism
3. Asthenosphere
4. geological cycles of the Earth
5. Continental vs oceanic crust
6. Tectonic forces
7. Sea-floor spreading
8. Convergent boundary
9. Divergent boundary
10. Transform boundary
11. Subduction
12. Internal heat engine – cause and effect
13. External heat engine – cause and effect
14. Convection currents
Chapter 2
1. How to determine Protons, Neutrons, electrons
2. Isotopes
3. Metallic bonds
4. Ionic bonds
5. Covalent bonds
6. Hydrogen bonds
7. Top 4 elements of earth
8. 5 tests done on minerals?
9. Less reliable test?
10. Moh’s Hardness scale
11. Hardness of apatite
12. 4 characteristics of minerals
13. Building block of silicate group and ways it can be arranged
14. Most common mineral
Chapter 3
1. magma vs lava
2. What is a caldera and how formed
3. Is lava viscosity high or low if it contains a lot of silica?
4. Would this create a quiet or explosive volcanic eruption?
5. mafic rocks felsic rocks.
6. basalt plateau. How did it form?
7. two major volcano belts
8. cinder cone
9. shield volcano
10. stratovolcano
11. aa vs pahoehoe
12. What happened? Match the description to each volcano eruption.
Crater Lake occurred after explosion
____ Krakatoa
Sudden death by pyroclastic flow
____ Mt. Pelee
Renewed volcanic activity in 1980
____ Mt. Mazama
Buried Pompeii
____ Mt. St. Helens
Heard ‘round the world
____ Mt. Vesuvius
13. What is it? Match the description to each pyroclastic object.
____ Large crystal in porphyritic rock
____ Spindle or lens-shaped
____ Dark with holes (similar to scoria)
____ Light volcanic glass with holes
Vesicular basalt
____ Shiny volcanic glass; noncrystalline
Chapter 4
1. Intrusive rocks
2. Granite characteristics
3. Xenoliths
4. Ultramafic
5. Dike vs sill
6. Discordant vs Concordant
7. Stock
8. Batholith
9. Geothermal gradient
10. Bowen’s Reaction Series
a. Discontinuous Branch – description & order of names
b. Continuous Branch – description & order of names
11. Crystal Settling
12. Assimilation
13. Origin of Andesite & Granite
Chapter 5
1. weathering & erosion.
2. physical weathering
a. Abrasion
b. Frost wedging
c. Exfoliation
d. Thermal expansion
e. Biological
f. Salt Crystal Growth
3. chemical weathering
a. Dissolution
b. Leaching
c. Oxidation
d. Hydrolysis
e. Spheroidal
f. Biological
4. Between temperature, humidity, and surface area, which is most important variable in erosion?
5. What happens to these three minerals when granite weathers? (Which one oxidizes, turns to
sand, or turns to clay)
6. Feldspar
7. Quartz
8. biotite
9. soil horizons – know each layer
Chapter 6
1. Name and order of the 6 sedimentary grain sizes
2. 2 sources of sediments?
3. Transportation VS Deposition
4. River sorting
5. Principle of Original Horizontality
6. 3 parts to Lithification
7. 3 classes of rocks
8. 3 most common sedimentary rocks
9. Conglomerate vs breccia
10. Best environment for sediments
11. What is a sedimentary rock that is made up of clastic particles derived from weathering and
erosion? A. gypsum
B. Chert
C. Sandstone
D. Limestone
12. The mineral calcite (CaCO3) is a major constituent of what?
a. Limestone
b. Shale
c. Sandstone
d. Gypsum
13. Which of the following rock types is NOT a clastic sedimentary rock?
a. Sandstone
b. Conglomerate
c. Siltstone
d. Rock salt
14. What is the most characteristic feature of sedimentary rocks?
a. Same grain size
b. Mud cracks
c. Fossils
d. Layers
15. .A rock with a texture consisting of well-rounded grains represents what process(es)?
Compression & heat of sediments
Cooling rock at the surface
Cooling rock below the surface
Long time of transportation and cycles of erosion & deposition
16. You found a limestone layer with many fossil corals, fossil sponges, and other fossils with little
layering, no cross-bedding, and no ripple marks. What environment was the limestone formed?
a. Delta
b. Beach
c. Deep Ocean
d. Reef
Chapter 7
1. Contact metamorphism is found near : a. water
2. Regional metamorphism if found mainly in:
a. volcanoes
b. magma
c. convergent zones
b. magma
c. mountains
d. trees
d. divergent zones
3. Slate is a metamorphic rock. It may have formed from
a. granite
b. gneiss
c. shale
d. sandstone
4. Schist is easy to identify because it
a. Has foliation
b. Reacts with HCl
c. Has mineral bands
d. Is harder than steel
5. Quartzite is composed largely of
a. calcite
b. mica
c. quartz
d. clay
6. Granite can be metamorphosed into
a. gneiss
7. Which is not a cause of metamorphism? A. temp
8. Match the columns below.
Preexisting rock
Contact metamorphism
Burial metamorphism
Regional metamorphism
b. schist
c. slate
b. pressure
c. faulting
d. HCl
a. metamorphism caused along a fault
b. country rock
c. meta rock of mostly calcite
d. alignment of minerals in meta rock
e. meta rock of mostly mica
f. metamorphism cause by weight of overlying rocks
g. meta rock showing mineral banding
h. metamorphism caused by high temp
i. moderate temp and press over large area
j. one of main causes of metamorphism
Ch 8 – Fossils & Geo Time
1. What is stratigraphy the study of?
2. Explain law of superposition
3. What is an unconformity?
4. Type of unconformity where layers are over gneiss & granite (not sedimentary rock)?
5. Basic unit of rock stratigraphy?
6. Primary unit of geo time?
7. Smallest unit of geo time?
8. What are Eons subdivided into?
9. Which are better index fossils? Ammonites or trilobites?
10. Which are better index fossils? Swimming, fast evolved or land, slow evolved?
11. What is half-life?
12. What does C-14 decay into?
13. How many half-lives does it take to reduce to ¼ original material?
14. What is the half-life of C-14?
15. 14C dating can be applied to materials in the age range between ____ years.
a. 200,000 – 50,000
b. 150,000 – 70,000
c. 100,000 – 70,000
d. 100 – 70,000
Ch 10
Hydrologic Cycle
What factors control stream velocity?
Where is the stream’s velocity the greatest?
Describe stream velocities as the stream curves.
What does stream gradient mean?
How do changes in the gradient affect the velocity of the stream?
Explain how channel shape and roughness affect the velocity of the stream
Describe what is meant by the discharge of a stream.
How is the discharge of a stream calculated?
Why does discharge increase downstream?
traction vs saltation?
Suspension vs dissolution
Meander vs braided stream
oxbow lakes
deltas vs alluvial fans
Drainage patterns - dendritic, radial, rectangular, and trellis.
Ch 12 - Glaciers
What are the following glacial features:
a. cirque
b. valley glacier
c. calving
d. crevasse
e. fjord VS tarn
u shaped valley