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World History
Study Guide
1st Semester Final
1. Why’d Herzl launch modern Zionism (273) –
2. What the Chartist movement wanted (259) –
3. In 1900, who was in the Labour Party (265) –
4. William Lloyd Garrison wanted (279) –
5. Normal Schools (211) –
6. Romanticism is a revolt against (215) –
7. John Dalton discovered (212) –
8. Bessemer Process (198) –
9. Corporation (201) –
10. Paul Gauguin (218) –
11. Russification (248) –
12. New products resulted from cooperation between scientists and German industrialists.
13. Obstacle to Italian unity (236) –
14. chancellor (229) –
15. members of the Reichstag (231) –
16. Who turned over Naples and Sicily (238) –
17. Result of the October Manifesto (251) –
18. Concert of Europe was an agreement to support the old order.
19. Why’d the European powers force the Greeks to accept a German King (147) –
20. Toussaint L’Ouverture (156) –
21. “el Grito de Dolores” (157) –
22. “bourgeois liberals” spoke for the middle class.
23. What event inspired Simon Bolivar (158) –
24. why’d liberals support laissez-faire economics (145) –
25. 1700s, who dominated Latin American politics (155) –
World History
Study Guide
1st Semester Final
26. consuls did what (21) –
27. Paul (35) –
28. Magna Carta (42) –
29. Sparta (9) –
30. Israelites believed (31) –
31. Peloponnesian War (13) –
32. How did the ideas of the ancient Greeks spread (17) –
33. Who chose the dictator in the Roman republic (21) –
34. Who was in charge during Pax Romana (24) –
35. Jewish sacred book (30) –
36. 1st four of the Ten Commandments emphasize (31) –
37. Jewish prophets believe (31) –
38. Whose teachings were rooted in Jewish tradition (34) –
39. What’d women do in Christian communities (37) –
40. How’d King Henry II change British law (41) –
41. English Bill of Rights established what type of government (46) –
42. Mary Wollstonecraft wanted what for women & men (57) –
43. Enlightenment thinkers were influenced by (54) –
44. Who came up with the idea of checks and balances (56) –
45. Why was Diderot’s Encyclopedia important (56) –
46. How’d writers avoid censorship (61) –
47. What kind of music did Handel, Haydn, and Mozart make (62) –
48. Who’s in the First Estate (108) –
49. What did Jacques Necker propose (111) –
50. The bourgeoisie was the dominant political force during the Directory.
World History
Study Guide
1st Semester Final
51. Which country wasn’t conquered by Napoleon (130) –
52. How’d the Russians defeat Napoleon (133) –
53. The Congress of Vienna restored hereditary monarchies.
54. What is a result of the Estates General (113) –
55. What inspired the Declaration of the Right of Man and Citizen (115) –
56. The goal of the Congress of Vienna (136) –
57. Who was in the National Assembly (113) –
58. The goal of the Tennis Court Oath (113) –
59. urban workers (110) –
60. The Declaration of Pilnitz (118) –
61. Continental System (130) –
62. Goal of the utilitarianism (185) –
63. Abraham Darby (173) –
64. Germany formed a social democracy so it could change from capitalism to socialism.
65. James Watt (173) –
66. What did the slave trade bring England (175) –
67. How were railroads better than canals (177) –
68. Purpose of the “factory acts” (182) –
69. Jeremy Bentham believed (185) –
70. Why’d Social Darwinist like Imperialism (287) –
71. How did Ethiopia stay independent (295) –
72. What was found in Iran (Persia) (302) –
73. Purpose of Open Door Policy (312) -