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Organisms release energy stored in food through the process of cellular respiration
Energy is the capacity or ability to perform ______________________
A. Work is performed when ___________ is moved in a direction it would not move
if left alone
1. Energy makes ___________ possible
2. All organisms require ____________ to stay alive and function
3. Examples of biological work:
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. ___________________________
d. ____________________________
e. ____________________________
B. Cells get the ___________________ they need to do ____________ from
________________ which was produced in the process of __________________
1. The food we eat is broken down in our ______________________________
a. Proteins are broken down into ______________________________
b. Carbohydrates are broken down into _________________________
c. Lipids are broken down into ________________ and _____________
d. Nucleic acids are broken down into _________________________
2. The food we eat that is broken down travels through our ____________ to the
____________ (referred to as __________________________________)
3. Cells brake down nutrient molecules, in particular ____________________
to release __________________ to make _______________
II. The two basic forms of energy are _________ energy and _____________ energy
A. ________ energy is energy that is actually doing work, such as pedaling a bicycle
1. Heat or ________ energy is one kind of ______________ energy
a. Energy associated with the ____________ motion of molecules
b. Responsible for _________________ transport
c. _______________ energy cannot be retrieved and put to work
2. Light is another type of _____________________ energy
B. ______________ energy is the energy that is stored due to an objects location or
1. A cyclist motionless at the top of a hill has __________ energy due to
2. ________________ in atoms have ______________ energy due to their
position in electron shells
3. Molecules in cells have potential energy due to the arrangement of their
______________; called ________________________ energy
C. Chemical energy is the _________________________ energy of molecules
1. Most important type of __________________ for living organisms
2. ___________________ compounds have structures that make them
especially rich in _______________ energy.
3. The rearrangement of atoms during chemical reactions releases the
_______________ energy
4. This released energy is now available for ___________, such as
contracting a muscle
III. Two laws govern energy conversions
A. Life depends on the fact that energy can be ____________ from one form
to another.
B. Thermodynamics is the study of energy ______________________
C. First law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be
_______________ or destroyed, only transferred or __________________
D. The second law of thermodynamics states that energy conversions reduce
the _______________ of the universe.
1. During every energy transformation, some energy becomes
___________ energy, unable to do ____________________
2. In most energy transformations, most usable forms of energy are
at least partly ______________________ to heat
3. Heat , which is random molecular motion, is one form of
4. In the process of carrying out chemical reactions that perform
various kinds of work, living cells unavoidably ______________
organized forms of energy to ____________________.
5. _______________ is the amount of disorder
6. Because of the second law of thermodynamics, a cell cannot
transfer or transform energy with ________________ efficiency
7. Some energy always ___________________ the system as heat
8. Cells do not have the machinery to put the disordered
molecular movement of ________ energy to work except to
___________ the body.
9. Thus energy cannot be _________________________
IV. Life’s chemical reactions either store or release energy
A. Endergonic reactions require a net _________________ of energy
1. Yield products that are rich in ____________________ energy
2. Energy is _______________ from the surroundings as the
reaction occurs
3. Energy is stored in the _____________ bonds of the products
4. Photosynthesis is an _________________ reaction and anabolic
a. Energy is ____________________
b. Builds _________________ molecule from _______________
B. Exergonic reactions _______________ energy
1. ______________ bonds of reactants contain more energy than
those in the _________________
2. Cellular respiration is an _______________ process and
a. ____________________ energy
b. breaks down ______________ molecule into ______________
V. ATP provides energy for cellular work
A. The amount of energy in a single glucose molecule is way _______________
For a single ____________________________ in a cell.
B. In fact if all the energy of a ________________ molecule were
_________________ at once inside a ___________, it would _____________
the ________________
C. Thus the cell breaks down ___________________ bit by bit and distributes
little packets of energy to molecules called ______________
D. _______________ stands for adenosine triphosphate
1. Adenosine part consists of
a. ____________ containing base called ____________________
b. ___________ carbon sugar called _________________
2. The triphosphate consists of three _______________ groups
a. Source of energy used for most cellular ______________
b. Phosphate groups are __________________ charged
c. Since like charges ____________, the crowding of three
____________ charged phosphate groups contributes to the
___________________ energy
d. Analogous to a _________________ spring
e. When a phosphate group is broken off ____________ energy
is released
f. Resulting molecule is adenosine diphosphate (___________)
E. During a chemical reaction that breaks one of ATP’s bonds, the phosphate
group is transferred from ____________ to another __________________
F. The molecule that accepts the phosphate group undergoes a
_____________, driving the __________________.
G. Cells perform three main types of work
1. _______________________ work
a. ________________________ of a muscle
b. ATP __________________ phosphate to certain protein
c. Protein _______________ shape leading to muscle contraction
2. _________________________ work
a. Building a _______________________ such as protein
b. ATP provides energy for the process of __________________
that links amino acids together
3. _______________________ work
a. Pumping solutes such as ions across a membrane
b. Transport protein receives ________________ from ATP,
___________ shape and thus allowing ions to pass through
H. ATP is continually recycled, going from _______ to _________ and back
VI. Breathing supplies oxygen to our cells and removes carbon dioxide
A. Cellular respiration is an aerobic process, meaning that it requires
1. Breathing is also called ________________ but is different than
cell respiration
a. Breathing is taking ______________ into our lungs which will
be distributed by ___________________________ to our cells
b. The cells will use that ____________ for cellular respiration
c. Breathing also disposes of ______________________ from
our ___________________ to the outside environment
d. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of _________ respiration,
which leaves the cell by ______________ and is carried by
______________________ to lungs.
VII. Review structure of mitochondria
VIII. Cellular respiration converts energy stored in _____________ to energy in
A. In cell respiration, a complex molecule (__________________) is broken
down into smaller molecules that have less ________________ energy than
the original substance.
1. Organic compounds such as ____________ react with
2. Produce ______________________ and water as waste products
3. Produce about _______ molecules of ______ per sugar molecule
B. Cellular respiration converts about _______ percent of the energy from
food into _____________ energy
1. 60% of the energy is converted to _____________ energy, which
is lost from the body in the form of __________________
a. Thus cell respiration allows us to maintain a constant
temperature, even in a __________ environment.
b. When we exercise, cells increase their rate of
_____________________, thus we feel _______ after exercise
c. Excess heat is lost through ________________________
2. Instead of releasing energy all at once in a burst of flame, cellular
respiration unlocks the energy in glucose in _________ amounts by
breaking down _____________ in ______________ steps.
C. In cell respiration high ______________ electrons are pulled out of
glucose in several steps and passed down an _____________ transport
1. As electrons undergo each transfer in the chain, they release a
little _________________.
2. In a process known as _____________________, the released
energy is trapped and used to make ______________.
3. The final molecule in the chain to accept electrons is _________
4. Thus electrons move from _______ to __________ during cell
D. The general equation for cell respiration is
IX. Cellular respiration occurs in three main stages
A. _____________________ is the first stage, takes place outside the
____________________ in the cytoplasm, and requires no ____________
1. Initiates the breakdown of ____________ into two three carbon
molecules called ________________ in a 9 step process
a. This requires two molecules of _______ energy to get started
b. As the reactions occur two intermediate three carbon molecules
transfer electrons and hydrogen ions to an electron carrier
molecule ________________________
*This converts NAD+ to ______________________
*NAD+ is similar to ______________ in photosynthesis
* they are both electron carriers that shuttle ______ energy
c. In addition, four new _________ molecules are produced, a net
gain of ____________ molecules
2. _____________ is the universal energy-harvesting process of life
a. Because Glycolysis occurs universally, it is thought to be an
________________________ metabolic system
b. Glycolysis today is probably very similar to the process the
___________ cells on Earth used to extract energy from their
3. In summary, the original _________ molecule has been
converted into two molecules of _____________ and two
_______ molecules were spent, Four ___________ molecules
produced, and two __________ molecules with high energy
electrons formed
4. The pyruvic acid molecules still hold most of the ___________
of the original glucose molecule.
B. The Kreb Cycle is the second stage, takes place within the mitochondrial
____________ and completes the breakdown of _____________ to carbon
1. Pyruvic acid, the end product of ______________________ does
not itself enter the Kreb cycle
a. Two pyruvic acid molecules diffuse through the mitochondrial
membrane into the ____________________
b. Each three carbon _______________________ molecule loses
a carbon dioxide molecule
c. The resulting molecule is converted into a two carbon molecule
called ___________________________
d. Two acetyl CoA molecules enter the ________________ for
each glucose molecule
e. In the process of going from pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA
________________ and hydrogen ions are transferred to
f. Thus two more ________________ molecules are formed
2. For each acetyl CoA that enters the Kreb cycle
a. _________________ ATP molecule is made
b. _______________ NADH molecules are formed
c. ______________________ FADH2 molecule formed
d. ____________________ carbon dioxide molecules
3. Thus for one glucose molecule
a. Two _________________ are made in Kreb cycle
b. Six ___________________ molecules are made in Kreb cycle
c. Two ________________________ are made in Kreb cycle
d. Four ________________________ are made in Kreb cycle
C. Electron transport chain is the third stage, takes place in ___________, and
obtains _________________ from NADH and FADH2 to pass down chain
and form ______________ by chemiosmosis
1. ______________ and FADH2 transfer ______________ obtained
from original glucose molecule during glycolysis and Kreb cycle to
the _______________________________________ chain
2. NAD+ and _______________ are ________________________
3. As electrons move from molecule to molecule in chain some
_______________ is released
4. This energy is used to pump _________________ ions across
________________ into intermembrane space (opposite of
5. This creates an ________________________________ gradient
which store _____________________________ energy
6. Hydrogen ions rush back through the protein ATP
______________________ in the cristae.
7. ATP synthase uses the energy from the flow of
_____________________ ions to convert ADP to __________
Up to _________ ATP molecules are generated from one
glucose molecule
9. The final electron acceptor in chain is _______________ which
takes electrons and hydrogen ions to form ________________
X. The result of cell respiration is to generate ATP for cellular work
A. A cell can convert the energy of one glucose molecule to as many as
______ molecules of ATP
1. Glycolysis produces ________ ATP’s
a. However, it requires _________ ATP’s to get started
b. Net gain of ______________ ATP molecules
2. Kreb cycle produces _________ more ATP molecules
3. ATP synthase produces about ________ ATP molecules
4. Notice that most ATP production requires ____________
XI. Fermentation is an anaerobic alternative to aerobic respiration
A. Fermentation makes ATP without using _______________ by depending
solely on _______________
B. When yeast cells are placed in an anaerobic environment (without
_____________) where there is plenty of glucose they can thrive by using
_________________________ only
C. The problem with using glycolysis as the sole means of producing ATP is
that _____________ gets depleted. There is no electron transport chain to
recycle it back.
D. Yeast solve this problem by a process called ________________
1. Pyruvic acid produced by ______________ is converted into
alcohol and carbon dioxide
2. In the process NADH is converted back to _______________
3. Thus alcoholic fermentation replenishes ___________ to continue
4. Alcohol still contains plenty of chemical energy which is not used
5. Alcoholic fermentation is used to make alcohol and bake bread
E. When a person sprints their lungs and blood stream can’t supply
____________ fast enough to meet muscles need for energy
1. Muscle cells can use an _____________ process called
2. Pyruvic acid produced by ________________ is converted into
lactic acid
3. In the process NADH is converted back to ________________
4. Lactic acid also contains untapped _________________ energy