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Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
10-1/10-2 Section Quiz
Section: Weathering
Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space
_____ 1. the grinding and wearing away of rock
surfaces through the mechanical action
of other rock or sand particles
_____ 2. rain, sleet, or snow that contains a high
concentration of acids
mechanical weathering
chemical weathering
acid precipitation
_____ 3. the process by which rocks break down
as a result of chemical reactions
_____ 4. the breakdown of rock into smaller
pieces by physical means
_____ 5. a chemical reaction in which an
element, such as iron, combines with
oxygen to form an oxide
Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
_____ 6. The process by which rock materials are broken down by the action of
physical or chemical processes
a. weathering
c. uplift
b. erosion
d. deposition
_____ 7. Which of the following is a type of frost action?
a. abrasion
c. ice wedging
b. oxidation
d. gravity
_____ 8. Which of the following types of chemical weathering causes a karst
landscape, such as a cavern?
a. lichens
c. acids in groundwater
b. acid precipitation
d. water
_____ 9. How do lichens slowly break down a rock?
a. by abrasion
c. by ice wedging
b. by mechanical weathering
d. by chemical weathering
_____ 10. Which of these is most likely to experience oxidation?
a. tennis ball
b.aluminum can
c. wooden fence
d. bicycle tire
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt Science and Technology
Weathering and Soil Formation
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
Section: Rates of Weathering
Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
_____ 11. A process by which softer, less weather-resistant rocks wear away and
leave harder, more weather-resistant rocks behind is called
a. differential weathering.
b. mechanical weathering.
c. chemical weathering.
d. ice wedging.
_____ 12. Small rocks weather more quickly than large rocks because their
surface area is
a. thinner.
b. larger.
c. smaller.
d. thicker.
_____ 13. The average weather condition in an area over a long period of time is
a. temperature.
b. climate.
c. weather.
d. humidity.
_____ 14. Chemical weathering is most rapid in areas that are
a. hot and dry.
b. warm and wet.
c. cold and dry.
d. cool and wet.
_____ 15. Which rocks are exposed to more wind, rain, and ice?
a. rocks at a lower elevation
b. rocks at a higher elevation
c. rocks in streams
d. rocks in a warm, humid climate
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt Science and Technology
Weathering and Soil Formation