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End of Term Reflection on the Cold War
We began this term by discussing the sentiment of cynicism many were feeling towards
both sides of the cold war after five decades of this struggle between super-powers. After
seeing presentations on all five decades of the cold war, do you think such cynicism
about both sides was justified?
What is your overall impression of the Cold war?
What do you think of the American claims to be fighting for freedom and
What about the Soviet claims to be fighting for the interests of workers and
the common people?
Did either side represent a greater evil in your opinion?
What good came out of the cold war?
Your reflection must be a minimum of 600 words and make specific reference to at least
6 of the events listed below and must include at least 1 event from each decade.
Potsdam & Yalta
Berlin blockade
Coup d’état in
The Marshall Plan
The Founding of NATO
The Greek Civil War (US
role & Truman Doctrine)
McCarthy & the
The Korean War
Cuban Revolution
Operation Ajax
Coup d’état in
The Warsaw Pact
Operation Menu
Publication of the
Pentagon papers
Coup d’état in Chile
The Soviet Afghan War
The Cuban intervention
in Angola
The Cambodian
Argentina’s Dirty War
The Gulf of Tonkin
incident (Vietnam)
The Bay of Pigs
Invasion (Cuba)
The Cuban Missile
The Tet Offensive
Prague Spring
Construction of Berlin
Brazilian coup d’état
of 1964
The Sandinista-Contra War (Nicaragua)
The Iran-Contra Affair
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Glasnost & Perestroika
Romanian Revolution
Velvet Revolution (Czechoslovakia)
School of the Americas