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Pre-AP World History & Geography I - Midterm Review Packet
1. List and describe the five features of civilization.
2. What is a nomad?
3. Describe hunter-gather societies.
4. Which continent did early man most likely appear on first?
5. What was the Neolithic Revolution (Agricultural Revolution)?
6. All early civilizations were located near __________ (geographic feature).
7. How do archaeologists find out about early peoples?
8. Explain cultural diffusion.
9. Why did Egyptians build pyramids?
10. What are the Ten Commandments?
11. Explain the caste system.
12. Explain mandate of heaven.
13. Why did the Chinese honor their ancestors’ spirits?
14. Which civilization is associated with silk making?
15. What trade route linked China with the Mediterranean Sea?
16. What is the connection between Asoka and Buddhism?
17. Explain reincarnation.
18. According to the Chinese civil service system, how do people acquire jobs?
19. What impact did Gupta mathematicians have on civilizations?
20. According to Buddha, how do you overcome the desire for things like riches?
21. What did Buddha reject about Hinduism?
22. Why was the Great Wall of China built? Was it effective?
23. What is domestication (think of what you read in Guns, Germs and Steel).
24. How do we know that the Indus Valley had a well-organized government?
25. Explain oracle bones.
26. Why did Shi Huangdi order the burning of books?
27. What do lines of longitude measure?
28. What do lines of latitude measure?
29. What evidence suggests that early people believed in life after death?
30. Which two rivers influenced the early Indian Civilization?
31. Explain the significance of Hammurabi’s Code.
32. What do you achieve by reaching Nirvana?
33. Explain karma.
34. Explain dharma.
35. List the Four Noble Truths.
36. Why was Greece divided into many city-states (think geography)?
37. List two reasons why the Greeks established colonies.
38. According to Aristotle, what is the best form of government?
39. Which city was the center of the Hellenistic World?
40. Why was Alexander the Great easily able to conquer the Persian Empire?
41. What were the causes of the Persian War?
42. After the Persian War, Greece was dominated by the city-state of ________________.
43. What caused the Peloponnesian War?
44. Why was the Delian League formed?
45. How did Solon reform Athens?
46. How did Draco reform Athens?
47. After the Peloponnesian War, what happened to Athens?
48. Philip (Alexander the Great’s father) conquered Greece. He was from
49. Which civilizations were parts of the new Hellenistic Civilization?
50. What is a republic?
51. Which civilization is associated with the Nile River, mummification, and hieroglyphics?
52. Which civilization is associated with the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, cuneiform, and ziggurats?
53. Which civilization is associated with satraps and Zoroastrianism?
54. How did the Sumerians differ from the Egyptians in the way they viewed their rulers?
55. Sumer was made up of ______________, instead of being united under one government.
56. Who founded Buddhism?
57. The ultimate of Hindus is to reach ________________, or union with Brahman.
58. What are the sacred texts of Hindus?
59. Who is the Greek goddess of love?
60. Who is the Greek goddess of wisdom, law, and war?
61. Who is Zeus’ wife?
62. Which Greek playwright wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey?
63. Who is known as the father of history? He wrote The Persian Wars.
64. Which Greek playwright wrote Oedipus and Antigone?
65. Who sculpted the statue of Athena?
66. Who wrote The Republic?
67. Explain Daoism.
68. Explain Confucianism.
69. Explain Legalism.
70. Explain filial piety.
71. What civilizations used cuneiform and hieroglyphics, respectively?
72. Draw a quick sketch of the three types of Greek columns below:
Essay/Short Answer Topics
Prepare to answer short answer questions on any of the following:
1) How did the beginning of agriculture and the domestication of animals promote the rise of settled
2) What is the history of and the major beliefs of Judaism?
3) Describe the impact of the caste system on the development of Indian culture.
4) How did Hinduism influence Indian society and culture?
5) Why were Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism important to the formation of Chinese culture?
6) How did the geography of Greece shape its economic, social, and political development and
patterns of trade and colonization?
Map Section: Locate and label the following places for each map and use them to study! Please use
black pen (not pencil)!
Mediterranean Map
Lascaux, France
Tigris River
Euphrates River
Balkan Peninsula
Iberian Peninsula
Atlantic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Black Sea
Baltic Sea
China/India Map
Huang He River
Indus River
Ganges River
Yangtze River
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Arabian Sea
Bay of Bengal
Yellow Sea