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February, 2014
Volume 16, Issue 6
Young Living Essential Oils
Inside this Issue
Featured Product
--Stress Away
When Injuries
What’s in Your
Auto Immune
Diseases and YL
Fluoride Toxicity
Food Fraud
Testimonials and
Give me wealth without health
and I will consume my wealth to
get health.
Give me health and I will create
Victor and Mary Ann Hunter
1000 So. Leebrick St.
Burlington, Iowa 52601
[email protected]
Healthy Essentials
Featured Product
Stress Away
Stress Away is the perfect on-the-go
natural solution to combat normal
stresses that creep into everyday
This unique blend of:
Vanilla--the warm sweet aroma of
vanilla calms and reduces tension.
Lime—the delicious scent of lime is
robust and refreshing
Ocotea--has a cinnamon base with a
kick of exotic luxury.
Cedarwood--with one of the highest
known levels of sesquiterpenes,
cedarwood works with the brain to
improve relaxation.
Copaiba--supports the Stress Away
blend with the powerful constituents
beta caryophyllene.
And Lavender--the floral scent of
lavender which is calming and eases
any tense mood.
It smells so good that a person could eat
it. Just imagine---- Vanilla, cinnamon,
and lime with a touch of cedarwood,
then a splash of Lavender and Copaiba.
WOW!!!!!! is all I can say. Enjoy!!!!!!!
a.. Reduce stress any time, anywhere
with the convenience and portability of
an essential oil roll-on.
b.. Use Stress Away in anticipation of
events or situations that may cause
mental tension.
c.. Lessening normal everyday stress
can lead to improved sleep and elevated
state of mind.
Product Story:
Stress Away is the first product to be
named by Young Living Distributors as
well as the first to contain the unique
stress-relieving combination of Young
Living Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) lime
and vanilla essential oils.
With all these oils in Stress Away it
helps to reduce mental rigidity and
restore equilibrium. It also features
powerful plant constituent, such as the
cedrol found in cedarwood and the
eugenol that occurs naturally in vanilla.
Cedrol can help induce relaxation, while
eugenol works to reduce nervous
tension. All of these ingredients are
expertly blended with the exotic scents
of ocotea, Young Living's exculsive
Ecuador single.
Adding to the uplifting aroma of Stress
Away is a subtle hit of lime, from
Young Living's unique coumarin-free
lime essential oil. Regular lime, like
most citrus essential oils, contains
coumarins that are potentially photosensitizing and damaging to the skin.
YLTG lime essential oil minimizes any
skin sensitivity, particularly when used
in while in the sun.
Did You Know:
a.. Ocotea essential oil is derived from
the tall ocotea tree and has a long
history of traditional usage in
b.. Copaiba is the only essential oil
extracted through tapping, similar to
how maple and rubber are gathered.
c.. The vanilla in Stress Away does not
contain water, unlike most vanilla oil
sold on the market today.
How to use:
Shake well and apply generously to
wrists, neck, arms, or anywhere you
love experiencing essential oils.
There is a nationwide stress disorder.
Chronic emotional burdens create
weakened immune system and
cardiovascular disease. Stress breaks
down DNA. People with severe stress
age 10 years faster than those who
manage stress. Stress spikes cortisol
. . . . . . Our. Health
. .is Our
. Wealth
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
February, 2014
which spikes insulin. Normal morning
cortisol should be 20-25.
Copaiba- anti inflammatory, anti
spasmodic. When stressed it causes
soreness in muscles. This helps.
Vanilla Pamfolia- Appetite suppressant,
Cedarwood- calming, sedating, helps
with Human Growth Hormone
(HGH)—which helps the immune
Lime oil- anti inflammatory, ester
Lavender-esters aldehydes are all
Has 50% sesquiterpenes which increase
the parasympathetic and helps with
relaxing. Suppresses stress. Relaxes.
Copiaba has about twice as much of the
valuable anti-inflammatory molecule,
beta-caryophyllene, as does ocotea.
These two oils are definitely the highest
in this molecule of any oils that I know
of. They make helichrysum look like
Both oils also contain about 8% of a
very rare anti-inflammatory molecule
called alpha-humalene, making them the
top 2 anti-inflammatory oils that we
And of course, both are found in Stress
Away! What a great oil blend!
I love taking a capsule full of copaiba
internally every day or two, just for
good measure. Marc Schreuder says that
stress triggers inflammation and
inflammation triggers disease. It's
possible that if we can reduce stress
(Stess Away?) we can reduce
inflammation, and, therefore, disease.
A good friend of mine uses Stress Away
when she feels a migraine coming on.
She just rolls it on all over at the base of
her skull and neck and anywhere she
feels the pain starting. She said it stops
the migraine from coming on. Of
course, she uses it at the very first sign
of the migraine coming on.
I find it to be very helpful at the dentist
and when I get a blood draw I swipe on
my wrist and the blood just flows out.
Normally they have to poke and prod
and it is hard to fill the tube. I also use it
when I take my parrot in to have his
beak and nails trimmed. It was usually a
very traumatic event on the both of us
until I noticed that when I doused
myself on the drive in to the vet that the
bird recovered quicker. Now I add some
tissues to his cage with Stress Away and
he is back to eating right away as
opposed to taking a few days before his
is back to normal. It seems to diffuse the
trauma. My grandkids want to have that
on hand when they get their shots.
--Peggy B.
I just went thru an ugly divorce. Add
three young boys into the fray. Argh.
When they come home from dads we
use Stress Away and/or Peace &
Calming. Within 30 minutes life is more
bearable for everyone. Just one swipe
anywhere on the body works wonders
for us.
When the injury is to a joint or bone?
My first choice is still LAVENDER
immediately to minimize swelling and
bruising. It is truly amazing how little
bruising there is when Lavender is
applied immediately after an injury.
Next, layer the oils of the RAINDROP
over the joint or bone injury. It takes
only a few minutes, and the oils will
minimize pain as well as accelerate
healing. Continue layering the oils from
Raindrop Collection multiple times a
When I had my spinal fracture, I had the
oils of Raindrop Technique layered over
the injury morning and evening and
used what I call my Magic Oils for Pain
as often as I needed them, even every 30
minutes if necessary! I found them to be
absolutely amazing both for pain relief
AND for healing the fractured bone.
“Magic Oils for Pain”
When Injuries Happen
All of us have injuries from time to time
from the minor bumps and bruises to
major accidents. What is the FIRST
thing to do when there is ANY kind of
For me, I always reach for
* Lavender will stop bleeding, both
externally and internally so swelling
will be minimized and healing can
begin immediately
* Lavender brings oxygen to the cells, a
critical factor in healing
* Lavender can be dropped directly into
open wounds
* Lavender relaxes the injured person,
and everyone else too
slow down the circulation. This will
extend the time for healing.
After the bleeding is stopped, I like to
use HELICHRYSUM directly in the
wound. If there is a joint sprain or a
broken bone, I would reach for
Numerous times I was told, “At your
age, bones don’t heal!” and “At your
age, muscles atrophy” and “At your age,
tendons and ligaments don’t heal” . . .
and on and on . . . Well, MY bones
healed in record time, and I have no
residual challenges!
Dr. Peter Minke says VALOR is the
first thing that is used for any injury at
his home. In fact he said that his
children don’t ask for “Mommy” or
“Daddy” they call out for VALOR!
What is the FIRST oil used in Raindrop
Technique? VALOR!
Marc Schreuder said that he feels the
most important oil to use after an injury
or for pain is STRESS AWAY. Pain is
magnified when we are tense and
Is it possible to use ALL of these oils?
Certainly! I still would use
LAVENDER first because I have had
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
such great success with Lavender over
the years, and I always have it with me
because it is such a versatile oil.
The wonderful thing is that you can
layer a number of oils safely. When you
layer a number of oils, there is a very
good chance that you will give the body
exactly the perfect combination of
molecules to come to balance, and
BALANCE is what creates health and
What other oils would be appropriate
for various injuries or for pain?
* LEMONGRASS (great for tendons
and ligaments)
* MARJORAM (perfect for muscles)
* PEPPERMINT (wonderful antiinflammatory)
Remember, Gary Young always says,
“If you don’t have the oil I suggest, then
use what oils you have!
If the pain is from disease or illness, it
may be quite important to CLEANSE
and ALKALIZE the body.
Inflammation causes pain and
compromises immune function.
For any chronic condition from arthritis
to gout . . . to eczema and autoimmune
diseases, the body must be cleansed,
alkalized, and supported nutritionally.
How do we do this?
* NINGXIA RED: 180ml/day diluted in
180ml water
* LEMON: 30-40 drops/day in capsules
or in water
* JUVACLEANSE: 1 drop over liver
morning and evening and 3-7 drops in
capsule at night (or under tongue)
“The Morphine Bomb”
Gary Young gave a formula for pain of
any type. He called it the Morphine
Bomb. Just put 5 drops each of
capsule. This can be repeated as often as
I personally find that layering these oils
topically is extremely effective for me.
They are actually the oils that I used in
my “Magic Oils for Pain” minus Deep
There are many other essential oils that
can be beneficial, but these are the very
basic ones.
Editorial Note: My favorite oil to
grab for any injury is Trauma Life.
But just use anything you have.
Essential oils help calm, balance, and
rejuvenate injured or diseased bodies.
More Care for Your Oils
Oils and Light
Essential oils should always be kept in
opaque containers or dark colored
bottles. If see an oil sold in a store in a
clear bottle, it is a fraud or the packager
did not know any better. Light can
destroy oils. The aroma and therapeutic
value of essential oils is made possible
due to the minute size of the molecules.
Long term exposure to light causes the
molecules to polymerize, or join
together into large molecules. They
then lose their aroma and are no longer
able to enter our body tissue. Short
term exposure is fine, but not days,
weeks, or months.
Oils and Air
Extended exposure to air will cause oils
to oxidize or take on extra oxygen
atoms which will change their
chemistry, or destroy it altogether.
Worse than oxidation is the threat of
volatility as the delicate components in
the oils evaporate.
Oils and Water
Oil and water does not mix in general so
there will be only a slight change to
certain constituents in an oil, but should
not change the therapeutic value.
Oil Adulteration
The composition of a true therapeutic
grade essential oil is not an act of
humankind. It is an act of God. We do
not control it. It is controlled through
the plants. What we can do, is control
the process of getting the oils out of the
plants through proper distillation.
Essential oils contain more than
chemistry. They contain life force
which is preserved when distilled
correctly. Preserving the life force
depends on maintaining the balance of
ingredients present in the original plant.
Adding other compounds or deleting
them will not add to the value and will
reduce the healing properties. A
synthetic ingredient will poison the oil
and damage or kill its life force. The
only thing safe to add is a neutral base
oil or another essential oil.
Oils and Xrays
If you take an oil through x-rays at the
security gates of airports, will it be
harmed? Probably yes, but only
minutely and it often repairs itself.
Oils contain no living cells like our
bodies that can be damaged. The most
that can happen is a few molecules may
be fractured into pieces, or the
frequency can be lowered, however, the
frequency should return to normal in
about 72 hours.
Shelf Life
The shelf life of pure, unadulterated
essential oils is indefinite. Oils found in
Egyptian tombs were still aromatic and
effective after thousands of years. As
long as they are not exposed to extreme
heat or light, they will last for years.
Refrigeration does not extend the life of
oils that have been distilled properly.
Oil blends that contain some fatty oils
will have a shortened shelf life. Let
your nose determine if an oil has gone
One Person Can Make a
Chick-fil-A says it’s removing highfructose corn syrup from its white buns
and artificial dyes from its sauces and
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
February, 2014
dressings as part of a push to improve
its ingredients.
The fast-food chicken chain says the
reformulated buns are being tested in
about 200 Georgia locations, while the
sauces and dressings will be tested
starting early next year. It says it also
removed a yellow dye from its chicken
soup and that the new recipe should be
in all restaurants by the end of this
It’s also testing a new peanut oil, with
hopes of a rollout early next year.
The changes come after blogger Vani
Hari wrote a post in 2011 titled “Chickfil-A or Chemical Fil-A?” on her site, It noted that the chain’s
sandwich had nearly 100 ingredients,
including peanut oil with TBHQ, a
chemical made from butane. Hari, based
in Charlotte, N.C., continued writing
about Chick-fil-A’s ingredients.
Jodie Worrell, who works in Chick-filA product strategy and development,
confirmed the changes in an interview
and said the company has been working
on improving the ingredients in its
foods for several years, starting with the
removal of trans fats. High-fructose
corn syrup was also recently removed
from other dressings.
“We’ve been systemically going
through (the menu),” she said.
David Farmer, vice president of product
strategy and development, noted that
Chick-fil-A would likely keep making
“More and more these days, we’ve
become a kind of food culture. People
seem to care a lot more about what’s in
it, how it’s made and where did it come
from,” he said.
Chick-fil-A, based in Atlanta, has more
than 1,700 locations in 39 states and
Washington, D.C.
Then last year, the company invited her
to its headquarters to spend the day
talking with executives.
“They took my concerns and started
developing a road map of how to
address them,” Hari said. On
Wednesday, she said she was notified
about the changes in an email from the
What’s in Your Perfume?
Ingredients in packaged and fast foods
are coming under greater scrutiny as
more people look to stick to diets they
feel are natural. Last year, for instance,
PepsiCo Inc. said it would remove a
controversial ingredient from Gatorade
in response to customer demand, and
Kraft Foods recently confirmed to the
AP that it was reformulating select
varieties of its macaroni and cheese to
remove artificial dyes.
Still, companies typically don’t like
publicizing such changes because it
could bring unwanted attention over
other ingredients or other products.
Chick-fil-A, for instance, hasn’t made
any announcements about its recently
reformulated products.
By Dr. Mercola
Spritzing on perfume or cologne is a
daily ritual for many, not to mention
that the vast majority of personal care
products – shampoo, lotion, deodorant –
contain fragrances of their own.
There’s a dirty little secret the fragrance
industry would rather you not know
about, however, which is the extreme
toxicity of many of these products.
Hidden behind their pleasant scents are
typically chemicals linked to hormone
disruption, reproductive problems, and
even cancer.
Many perfumes sold at department
stores, big-box retailers, and virtually
everywhere else can aptly be described
as poison – and this means that you
could very well be sacrificing your
health by wearing them…
‘Fragrance’ Can Contain Virtually
I caution against using any synthetic
perfume or cologne, or any other
synthetically fragranced personal care
product, as they're almost always loaded
with synthetic chemicals that have been
linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity,
allergies, and more.
And although the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) actually has
direct authority to regulate harmful
ingredients in cosmetics and personal
care products, it doesn't exercise it…
The Environmental Working Group
(EWG) explains:
“When you see ‘fragrance’ on a
personal care product's label, read it as
‘hidden chemicals.’ A major loophole in
FDA's federal law lets manufacturers of
products like shampoo, lotion, and body
wash include nearly any ingredient in
their products under the name
‘fragrance’ without actually listing the
Companies that manufacture personal
care products are required by law to list
the ingredients they use, but fragrances
and trade-secret formulas are exempt.”
What does this mean for a healthconscious person like yourself? When
you purchase a fragrance, it could
contain any number of the 3,100 or so
stock chemical ingredients used by the
fragrance industry. What blend is in
most products you buy, exactly, is
virtually impossible to ascertain, aside
from testing it in a lab – and this is
actually what the Campaign for Safe
Cosmetics did…
14 Secret Chemicals Found, on
Average, in Fragrance Products
Laboratory tests commissioned by the
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and
analyzed by EWG, found a total of 38
chemicals not listed on the labels in 17
name-brand fragrances (such as Chanel,
Giorgio Armani, Bath & Body Works,
Old Spice, Calvin Klein, and more).
contained 14 chemicals that were not
disclosed on the label (along with
another 15 that were listed!). The report
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Among them are chemicals associated
with hormone disruption and allergic
reactions, and many substances that
have not been assessed for safety in
personal care products.
Also in the ranks of undisclosed
troubling hazardous properties or with
a propensity to accumulate in human
tissues. These include diethyl phthalate,
a chemical found in 97% of Americans
and linked to sperm damage in human
epidemiological studies, and musk
ketone, a synthetic fragrance ingredient
that concentrates in human fat tissue
and breast milk.”
Who’s Looking Out for the Safety of
Fragrance Ingredients?
The Federal Fair Packaging and
Labeling Act of 1973 requires cosmetics
companies to list ingredients on labels,
but it exempts fragrance, leaving
consumers in the dark about what’s in
such products.
The FDA, however, is equally in the
dark about fragrance ingredients, and
has not assessed the vast majority of
such chemicals for safety when they’re
used in spray-on personal care products
– and certainly not their much
enhanced, synergistic toxicities when
blended together. So if the FDA isn't
doing the job of investigating the safety
of these ingredients, who is?
The fragrance industry is allowed to
regulate itself, through a trade
association known as the International
Fragrance Association (IFRA). This
conducting safety tests to determine the
ingredients safe for use for their own
industry – but this association has not
evaluated the majority of the chemicals
According to the Campaign for Safe
Cosmetics’ report, 66% of the secret
chemicals, and 19% of the listed
chemicals, found in product tests have
not been assessed for safety. Making
matters worse, even for the chemicals
that are tested, there are serious
questions about whether the industry's
research institute is really as
"independent" as IFRA claims it to be.
Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D., chairman of
the Cancer Prevention Coalition, and
author of Toxic Beauty, warns:
"This testing is minimal and restricted
to local effects on human skin, and
short-term toxicity tests in rodents."
Which Toxic Poisons May Be
Lurking in Your Favorite Fragrance?
The term “fragrance,” under US law,
actually means a combination of
chemicals that gives a perfume or
cologne its distinct scent. These
ingredients may be derived from
petroleum or natural raw materials, or
they may be produced synthetically.
purchase fragrance mixtures from
companies that specialize in developing
fragrances (known as fragrance houses)
and then combine them to create a
unique scent.
It is this chemical combination that is
typically kept protected as a “trade
secret,” while other chemicals in the
preservatives, dyes, and UV absorbers)
may be listed on the label. So what is a
typical fragrance actually made of?
Some common offenders include:
 Parabens: Synthetic preservatives
known to interfere with hormone
production and release.
Phthalates: Another synthetic
preservative that’s carcinogenic and
linked to reproductive effects
(decreased sperm counts, early
breast development, birth defects)
and liver and kidney damage.
Synthetic musks: These are linked
to hormone disruption and are
thought to persist and accumulate
in breast milk, body fat, umbilical
cord blood, and the environment.
According to EWG:
“An analysis of the chemical contents of
products reveals that the innocuouslooking ‘fragrance’ often contains
chemicals linked to negative health
effects. Phthalates, used to make
fragrances last longer, are associated
[with] damage to the male reproductive
system, and artificial musks accumulate
in our bodies and can be found in breast
milk. Some artificial musks are even
linked to cancer.
And if you've got asthma, watch out -fragrance formulas are considered to be
among the top 5 known allergens, and
can trigger asthma attacks.
The same kinds of chemicals are often
used for fragrances in cleaning
products, scented candles, and air
fresheners. To avoid those unpleasant
side effects, choose fragrance-free
products, but beware labels that say
‘unscented.’ It may only mean that the
manufacturer has added yet another
fragrance to mask the original odor.”
Fragrances Impact More Than Just
the Wearer
Have you ever gotten a headache
because someone sitting next to you is
doused in perfume? Or felt dizzy,
nauseous, irritable, confused, or
fatigued due to fragrances worn by
coworkers at the office? These are signs
that you likely have a chemical
sensitivity to fragrance, and it's more
common than you might think. So
anytime you or someone else wears a
fragrance, it not only poses a health risk
to the wearer, but also potentially to
anyone around him or her, who will be
exposed to the scent whether they like it
or not.
Our powerful attraction to fragrances is
now being manipulated by advertisers
and marketers to sell products, as well,
raising some serious health and ethical
concerns. Your sense of smell is one of
your most primitive senses and is hardwired deep into primitive areas of your
brain. According to Dr. Stuart Firestein
of Columbia University, your olfactory
system is very closely connected to your
limbic system, which is said to contain
your most basic drives. So it's not
surprising that scent is powerfully
connected to both emotion and memory.
Product manufacturers know this, and
as a result fragrances are added to far
more products than you may realize,
often to mask the odor of noxious
chemicals but also to appeal to your
emotional side. Fragrances are even
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
February, 2014
added to medications (inhalers and
sports creams), furniture polish, dental
floss, nail polish, paper, some
disposable razors, and even construction
materials such as paint and varnish.
Many stores now use "scent branding"
to draw people in, like bees to honey—
and KEEP people in. Customers in
ambient-scented stores have been found
to shop for 20 to 30 percent longer.
Non-Toxic Fragrances Are Available
Avoiding toxic fragrance does not mean
that you must forgo all pleasant scents
in your home or personal care products,
as truly natural options are available
(although if you are sensitive keep in
mind that botanical extracts can also
cause reactions in some people).
Organic essential oils are one option
(you can even add them to your own
non-fragranced lotion, for instance), and
may be found in some safe fragrances
that are 100% naturally derived. This
includes essential oils and isolates that
come from botanical ingredients such as
flowers, fruits, seeds, bark, leaves,
wood, and other natural raw materials.
They may cost more, and the scent may
only last a couple of hours after each
application, but they won’t pose the
health risks of synthetic fragrances.
Another option, of course, is to forgo
fragrance entirely… in fact, a woman’s
natural scent has been found to be more
seductive than perfume, scoring another
point for the power of nature!
Editorial Note: There are many
wonderful smelling essential oils that
can be worn as perfume. Each
person may have their own
preferences. Mine is Peace &
Calming. Others are Ylang Ylang or
Lavender, but some people prefer
some oils over other due to the
chemistry in their body reacting with
the oils.
Then consider the cleaners, body care
products and cleaners used in the
home. After reading this article, I am
certainly glad that we use YL
products for nearly everything.
Story: My 14 year old grandson
came in the other day wearing a
cologne. I had to ask him to stay
clear of me as I couldn’t take the
odor. It was like something hitting
me in the face.
the severity of the flair.
I don’t even like to walk too close to
Bath & Body Works because the
smell if offensive to me. I would guess
that is because I have been using the
oils for so many years now. My body
knows to stay clear of toxic
When she has a flair up she uses Deep
Relief Roll On, peppermint, and Ortho
Ease massage oil.
Autoimmune Diseases
and Young Living Oils
by: Joan Luellen
I have a good friend in her 40's who was
diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
(RA) in 2010. She would get pain in her
joints that would last for days, It took
the doctor about a year to decide it was
RA and he sent her to a rumatologist.
He put her on Methotrexate and
Prednisone. The Methotrexate did get
rid of the painful flair ups but it also had
negative affects on her liver. The
Prednisone put her into oestiopenia and
would have had her in a wheelchair in
about 5 years if she hadn't gotten off of
it. She was also on Morphine for a bad
back and Promethazine for the
nausea caused by the morphine.
Because she had no immune system
from these drugs she would get
pneumonia about six times every year
and was a prisoner in her own home
because every time she went out she got
sick. In 2012 she started using Young
LIving products and decided she would
use these to get off all those drugs if
possible. So she asked her RA doctor if
he would help her and he got really mad
and yelled at her. So she then went to
her family doctor and he was thrilled
that she wanted to get off the drugs and
try another way. So with this doctor’s
help she went through the withdrawal
from the morphine and got off all drugs
completely. Here is her protocol
Sulferzyme: 8 in the morning and 8 in
the evening--if she gets a flair up
she'll bump this number up to 10-12 in
the morning and evening depending on
Omegagize; 2 in the morning and 2 in
the evening
BLM; Goes by weight
Today she lives a normal "pharmafree" life. She feels so much better,
looks better, skin is glowing again, her
old personality is back. She has
had only one cold since she got her
immune system back, no pneumonia at
all. Her periods have come back too.
She asked both the doctors the same
question about using immune building
things with RA but got no answer from
either one of them, so based on her
experience, it doesn't hurt you to bump
up your immune system. As we all
know, everyone is different, and this
protocol may work differently for
different people, but this is what she
did and it worked for her. I am not
prescribing a treatment or diagnosing
anything, just telling what one person
did with Young Living Oils and
supplements. And one positive side
effect from this protocol is she has no
back pain. She was on morphine for 10
years due to degenerative disc
disease and rods in her back.
Fluoride Toxicity
By Dr. Mercola
The absolute best way to help fluoride
toxicity is to prevent it in the first place,
which is why we are so passionate about
removing it from the water supply
because it is so hard to remove once it is
One of the risks of adding fluoride, a
known poison that bio-accumulates in
your body, to public drinking water
supplies is what may happen if the
dosing is off.
This is just what happened earlier this
month in one Australian town, where a
suspected electrical fault may have
allowed fluoride levels to reach nearly
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
double the guideline amount in local
drinking water.
High Levels of Fluoride Mistakenly
Added to Australian Drinking Water
Routine daily monitoring revealed the
elevated fluoride levels, which reached
2.8 milligrams per liter (the Australian
Drinking Water Guideline is 1.5 mg/L).
The levels may have remained elevated
for several days.
The fact is that there is a very real
possibility of other equipment faults
mistakenly dosing populations with
dangerous levels of fluoride, and
fluoride exposure can easily reach toxic
For example, poison control should be
called if you swallow a quartermilligram of fluoride from toothpaste.
Meanwhile, just ONE glass of legally
fluoridated water can contain this
amount of fluoride.
What is also interesting to note is the
Australian drinking water guideline for
fluoride. It’s set at 1.5 mg/L, whereas in
the US, the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has set a nonenforceable recommended guidelines of
2 mg/L, which is intended to protect
against “cosmetic” issues like dental
The enforceable regulation for fluoride
– the maximum contaminant level -- is
set at 4 mg/L. Only if fluoride levels
exceed this amount can the EPA take
action to reduce levels. Perhaps this
explains why, even at allowable levels,
41% of adolescents in the US currently
have dental fluorosis from overexposure
to fluoride.
Dental Fluorosis Is Not Just a
Cosmetic Issue
Dental fluorosis -- a condition in which
progressively discolored and mottled -is one of the first signs of over-exposure
to fluoride. Eventually, it can result in
badly damaged teeth and worse... It's
important to realize that dental fluorosis
is not "just cosmetic" as the EPA and
the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) suggest.
Dental fluorosis can also be an
indication that the rest of your body,
such as your bones and internal organs,
including your brain, has been
overexposed to fluoride as well.
In other words, if fluoride is having a
visually detrimental effect on the
surface of your teeth, you can be
virtually guaranteed that it's also
damaging other parts of your body, such
as your bones.
Millions of People Routinely Ingest
Fluoride at Levels That May Cause
It’s important to understand that even at
levels deemed “safe” by health officials,
fluoride may still pose a significant risk
to your health. The fluoride added to
municipal water supplies is a toxic
byproduct from the fertilizer industry—
a rarely discussed fact that effectively
nullifies most, if not all, studies
pertaining to fluoride; they simply have
not studied the exact same type of
fluoride being added to our water. That
said, there are 25 studies showing that
fluoride reduces IQ in children,
including a recent study out of Harvard,
in which the authors noted:
“The results support the possibility of
an adverse effect of high fluoride
A separate, particularly striking, animal
study showed that fluoride ingestion had
a profound influence on the animals'
brains and altered behavior. Pregnant
rats given fluoride produced hyperactive
offspring. And animals given fluoride
after birth became apathetic, lethargic
"couch potatoes." Other research has
linked fluoride toxicity with the wideranging problems listed below.
 Increases lead absorption
 Disrupts collagen synthesis
 Increases manganese absorption
which is also linked to lower IQ in
 Crippling skeletal fluorosis and
bone fractures
 Genetic damage and cell health
 Increased tumor and cancer growth
 Disrupts immune system
 Inhibits antibody production
 Brain damage and lowered IQ
Severe eye problems, including
Impaired thyroid function
Bone cancer
Inactivates 62 enzymes
Muscle disorders
Fluoride May Be Dumbing Down
Future Generations
There is not a single process in your
body that requires fluoride, but
swallowing this toxin has been found to
damage your soft tissues (brain,
kidneys, and endocrine system), as well
as teeth (dental fluorosis) and bones
(skeletal fluorosis). It’s also known that
over time fluoride accumulates in many
areas of your body, including areas of
your brain that control and alter
behavior, particularly your pineal gland,
hippocampus, and other limbic areas.
One of the most concerning aspects of
widespread water fluoridation, however,
is that, assuming you live in an area that
fluoridates water, and you drink from
the municipal water supply, you’re
being exposed to a toxic drug-like
substance every time you take a sip.
This is reckless, as you cannot control
the dose ingested, or who receives it,
and there’s no medical supervision.
Water fluoridation clearly violates your
right to informed consent as far as
medical decisions go, and it may also be
intelligent across the board. As Dr. Bill
Osmunson, an avid supporter of fluoride
opposition, stated:
"No one fixes IQ. This is an irreparable,
irreversible damage that's happening to
our public. When you look at the bell
curve of human distribution of
intelligence, at the very bottom, way
down there at the end, is what we
scientifically call the mentally retarded.
When you skew IQ five points down,
that means that you're doubling the
number of mentally retarded and you're
halving the number of gifted and
everybody else moves on down."
Unfortunately, rather than taking the
precautionary approach and stopping
fluoridation until we can be absolutely
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
February, 2014
certain it is safe, our policymakers, who
pay lip service to the science that they
say informs their decision-making,
continue to blindly forge ahead,
refusing to give the scientific evidence
the attention it deserves.
The good news is that US cities and
other countries are taking action to end
this dangerous practice. In 2013,
fluoridation was rejected by voters in
Wichita, Kansas and Portland, Oregon.
Israel also announced it will end its
mandatory fluoridation program, and
Ireland has proposed legislation that
would make water fluoridation a
criminal offense! Canada has also seen
a 25% drop in fluoridation programs
over the past five years as a result of
increasing public awareness about the
associated dangers.
Do You Drink Fluoridated Water?
Eat More Lycopene
One of the ways that fluoride does
damage is by inducing oxidative stress
and altered antioxidant defenses.
Oxidative damage is, in turn, associated
with the development of degenerative
diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer.
One study found that fluoride
administration induced oxidative stress,
but when lycopene, an antioxidant, was
also given, it helped to minimize the
toxic effects of fluoride. Lycopene, a
carotenoid antioxidant that gives fruits
and vegetables like tomatoes and
watermelon a pink or red color has long
been suggested to be more powerful
than that of other carotenoids, such as
beta-carotene. It’s found in tomatoes
(especially cooked tomatoes), apricots,
guavas, watermelons, papayas, and pink
If you drink fluoridated water, it makes
sense to try to increase your intake of
lycopene and other dietary antioxidants
to potentially decrease the fluoride’s
Another option is to purchase a water
filter that removes fluoride. The three
types of filters that can remove fluoride
are reverse osmosis, deionizers (which
use ion-exchange resins), and activated
alumina. Each of these filters should be
able to remove about 90% of the
fluoride. By contrast, "activated carbon"
filters (e.g., Brita & Pur) do not remove
of the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention's
(USP) Food Fraud Database, which
already has more than 1,300 records of
food fraud published from 1980 to
Editorial Note: Tell the dentist you
do not wish to have fluoride
treatments and ask if fluoride is in the
cleaning compounds they use on your
teeth. If so, as for a fluoride-free
A recent update, which added in cases
from 2011 and 2012, increased the
number of records by 60%, or nearly
800 new records, and includes some
foods you very well may eat every day,
like olive oil, honey, seafood and
orange juice.
Check the ingredients in your
toothpaste. Young Living toothpastes
do not contain fluoride. They can be
swallowed safely.
Magic Pill?
There is NO magic pill ! That's what I
had to tell my friends when they said
"the oils don't work". First we are all
toxic. Anyone using toxic stuff in
their home, on their bodies or eating
toxic "food" need to cleanse first. The
oils will detox first before getting to
disease. We all need to take responsibility for our health because no one
can or will do it for us (especially the
healthcare system, it is broken).
Always search out the cause.
Food Fraud: What Are
You Really Eating?
A growing number of cases of “food
fraud” are occurring in the United
States, such that you may not be able to
tell what you’re really eating just by
looking at the label.
Worse still, most of these cases are not
highly publicized incidents like the
recent scandal of UK supermarkets
selling “beef” burgers that actually
contained horse and pig meat. Instead,
they’re ongoing cases of blatant
misrepresentation among some
incredibly common foods.
What Is Food Fraud?
Food fraud, defined as “the deliberate
substitution, addition, tampering or
misrepresentation of food, food
ingredients or food packaging, or false
or misleading statements made about a
product for economic gain,” is the focus
In some cases, the foods were diluted
with ingredients not listed on the label.
In others, the food was something
entirely different than it claimed to be.
Still others contained undisclosed
“clouding agents,” including the cancercausing, reproductive-system-damaging
plasticizer Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
(DEHP), which was added to fruit juices
in order to make them appear freshly
squeezed. USP found that 877 food
products from 315 different companies
contained fake clouding agents.
In every case, the food fraud revealed
that what you think you’re eating may
be far from reality, and the manipulation
of food and food ingredients may be far
more widespread than anyone realized.
Dr. Jeffrey Moore, senior scientific
liaison for USP, explained:
"While food fraud has been around for
centuries, with a handful of notorious
cases well documented, we suspect that
what we know about the topic is just the
tip of the iceberg.”
The 10 Most Common Fraudulent
1. Olive Oil
Even “extra virgin” olive oil is often
diluted with other less expensive oils,
including hazelnut, soybean, corn,
sunflower, palm, sesame, grape seed
and walnut.
2. Milk
Milk was found to contain vegetable oil,
whey, caustic soda, cane sugar,
detergent and even toxic compounds
like melamine and formaldehyde.
3. Honey
Honey is often not “honey” but instead
a mix of high-fructose corn syrup,
sucrose syrup, invert beet sugar, water
and essential oils.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Saffron
It’s the world’s most expensive spice,
but it often contains adulterants such as
glycerin, sandalwood dust, tartrazine
(yellow dye), barium sulfate, borax,
marigold flowers and even colored corn
5. Orange Juice
Lemon juice, sugar water, paprika
extract, marigold flower extract, and a
synthetic sugar/acid mixture may all be
lurking in your favorite orange juice.
6. Coffee
Coffee, whether ground or instant, is a
likely source of hidden “ingredients”
like roasted corn, ground parchment,
barley, coffee twigs, potato flower,
malt, chicory and caramel.
7. Apple Juice
This childhood favorite may contain
corn syrup, raisin sweetener, malic acid,
beet sugar and other juices, such as
grape, pineapple, pear and fig.
8. Tea
Hiding inside your tea bag may be sand,
sawdust, starch, China clay, used tea
leaves and color additives. Some tea
bags, meanwhile, are made with plastic,
such as nylon, thermoplastic, PVC or
polypropylene. While these plastics
have high melting points, the
temperature at which the molecules in
polymers begin to break down is always
lower than the melting point, which
could allow the bags to leach
compounds of unknown health hazards
into your tea when steeped in boiling
water. Even paper tea bags are
frequently treated with epichlorophydrin, which hydrolyzes to 3-MCPD
when contact with water occurs. 3MCPD is a carcinogen associated with
food processing that has also been
implicated in infertility and suppressed
immune function.
9. Fish
Seafood fraud is actually very
widespread, as according to the
nonprofit ocean protection group
Oceana, nearly 60% of fish labeled
"tuna" in the US is not actually tuna. A
shocking 84% of “white tuna” sold in
sushi venues was actually escolar, a fish
associated with acute and serious
digestive effects if you eat just a couple
of ounces.
One-third of all fish samples tested
across the US were found to be
mislabeled, substituted for cheaper, less
desirable and/or more readily available
fish varieties. For instance, 87% of fish
sold as snapper was actually some other
type of fish, and the USP found that
monkfish was sometimes actually puffer
fish, which can also cause poisoning.
10. Black Pepper
This spice is often adulterated with
juniper berries, papaya seeds, starch,
buckwheat flour and millet seeds. Other
foods that made frequent appearances in
the fraudulent food database include:
chili powder, lemon juice, tumeric,
shrimp, cooking oil, maple syrup.
Reading Food Labels Is No Longer
Enough to Ensure Healthful Food
It seems quite clear at this point that
food fraud is on the rise, and while
many have started reading food labels,
those labels are increasingly being
found to be less than truthful. Even if
your food is not being illegally diluted
with undisclosed adulterants (or being
misrepresented as a different food
entirely), many corporations hire
lawyers to carefully craft words that are
just barely on the side of being legal.
Each of the following label items are
often used in deceptive ways that may
lead you to buy a product you'd
otherwise avoid:
1. Vitamin and mineral claims
2. The "All Natural" label
3. The "Organic" label
4. Misleading nutritional facts
5. Dangerous ingredients not required
to be listed on any food label
For instance, labels like "all-natural"
and "organic" can also be sorely
misleading. The first means virtually
nothing when it comes to processed
foods, and the only organic label worth
paying attention to is the USDA
Organic seal. Nutritional facts,
meanwhile, can be off by up to 20%
before breaking any regulations, and
currently you have no way of knowing
if a food contains genetically modified
ingredients as labeling is not required.
While reading labels on the products
you buy is important, when it comes to
food, you're far better off limiting or
eliminating foods that require extensive
labeling or listing of ingredients in the
first place. Whole foods – the kind that
have little to no labeling at all – are
those that will be best for your health as
well as least vulnerable to fraud.
Tips for Avoiding Food Fraud and
Finding Safe, Healthful Foods
If you value food safety and
authenticity, you'll want to get your
produce, meat, chickens, eggs and dairy
from smaller community farms with
free-ranging animals, organically fed
and locally marketed. This is the way
food has been raised and distributed for
The closer your foods are to the way
they’re found in nature, and the closer
you are to the actual source of your
food, the greater your changes of
finding pure, unadulterated food for
your family. When you buy the bulk of
your food from a local farmer or
community-supported agriculture
(CSA) program, you can get to know
the person who is supplying your food
and even ask questions about its
growing conditions.
This way, when you pick up a gallon of,
preferably raw, milk or a jar of honey,
you’ll know it’s pure and exactly as it’s
being represented. Most people should
be able to find a farmer’s market, local
farm or CSA in their area,but in the
event you’re still buying some of your
food at chain supermarkets, the
following tips can help you to find
REAL food:
1. Choose food in the least processed
form possible, such as lemons
instead of bottled lemon juice and
whole black pepper or coffee beans
in lieu of ground
2. When buying fish, purchase the
whole fish whenever possible,
which makes it more difficult to
switch species. Also, if the price
seems too low, it’s probably
because you’re buying a different
fish than is actually on the label
3. Stick with stores and brands that
you know and trust; while not a
foolproof strategy, natural food
stores generally have a better track
record than big box stores or chain
If you want to learn more about the
types of food fraud that may be
impacting foods you commonly eat, you
can both search the USP database and
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
February, 2014
report fraud directly at
YL Deodorants
Cherie Ross, in one of her
conference calls, suggests using the
Meadow Mist or Mountain Mint
deodorant at night. She calls it an
extremely powerful lymphatic
system detoxifier. She says that
people who use it during the day
sweat and perspire more because the
filtering organs are not working to
detoxify the body. The oils in those
deodorants are lymphatic system
detoxifiers and the oils are detoxing
but the filtering organs aren't
functioning well so it comes out
through the skin and through the
lymphs and you have this sweaty
stinky mess.
She says one of the best things you
can do is use the Meadow Mist or
Mountain Mint at bed time. Use it
under your arms, on your throat, your
collar bone area, all the way around
the pectoral muscles or the chest.
Use it around the knees, behind the
knees, around the ankles; the groin
area is another huge lymphatic area
where the legs attach themselves to
the trunk of body. Use it at night
time and you will notice a huge shift
in how you are feeling because what
will happen then is that you will start
to detoxify, especially if you are
drinking enough good pure water
you will notice that you have more
toxins coming out in your urine in
the morning and that is exactly what
you want to happen.
I introduced YL essential oils to my
sister who has 5 children (all under the
age of 10) and had been battling strep
throat in a vicious cycle it seemed. I
convinced her to give Thieves essential
oil a try. She was so willing to be over
the kids all being sick that she agreed to
give it a try. I suggested she rub it on
the soles of their feet, mix a few drops
in vinegar to wipe down the house (door
knobs, counters, etc), mix a few drops
in their toothpaste (she squirted out an
amount into a covered container and
added 1-2 drops -- remember it's a hot
oil so you need quite a bit more
toothpaste to Thieves EO). She did rub
it on their feet (diluted with coconut
oil), and in vinegar to "wipe down the
house", but the girls didn't care for the
toothpaste (too hot for their lips) so she
gave them a drop in a spoon of honey
instead. Within just a few days they
were all feeling better. One of the girls
started to have symptoms again about a
week later, and she repeated the
applications. They have had NO more
episodes of strep throat in her household
since doing this -- and that was 5
months ago.
When our daughter was three and my
husband wasn't completely on board
with the oils yet he still insisted on her
having shots, much to my disagreement.
This set of shots were to be the first she
received in her arm and not thigh. I had
used the oils on previous shots to help
ease her sickness after the fact. This
time was much different, this time the
shot "toxins" and Mercury settled in her
neck. She ran a slight fever and fell
asleep- when she woke, she could not
move her head or neck, was screaming
in pain and spiked a fever at 105
His family was pressuring me to take
her to the emergency room and have a
spinal tap, I reasoned with my husband
that we should try oils first and then
called my upline and she instructed me
to put Frankincense and Coriander (to
push out the heavy metals) on her spine
every 15 minutes and if her fever did
not come down place her in a tub with
lukewarm water with 2-3 drops of
peppermint and her fever should drop
within five minutes.
By the time I received these instructions
and hung up the phone, Alina was
slumped over on the floor, passed out
from fever. I applied the oils to her
spine as my husband drew the bath with
the peppermint. My husband was timing
me and told me I literally had five
minutes or he was taking her to the
emergency room. As promised by my
dear friend her fever was within a
manageable range within five minutes
and we continued with the application
of the Frankincense & Coriander every
15 minutes until she started to come
around, settle down and finally fall
asleep for the night.
We were completely exhausted and
grateful that again the oils worked just
as they should, the way God intended
for them to and the way Gary Young
distilled them to.
My husband is now a firm believer in
the oils and ask him to retell the story
now and he will tell you he literally
could see the light in her eyes go out he was losing his child-as the mercury
crossed the blood brain barrier. Too
many children have been subjected to
the negative effects of these so called
safe drugs and are now autistic.
After that he agreed no more shots!
Wuhoo, what a triumph for both of
them and so much gratitude on my part
for my husband because he finally saw
the light and came from the "Dark Side"
The protocol I used after that before she
headed into public school was Thieves
on her feet in the morning and White
Angelica for overall protection. There
were days when she asked for Citrus
Fresh (because she liked it and said
overall it grounded her) or her favorite
blend of Lavender & Lemon. As long as
we used Thieves on her feet she never
got all the other illnesses that the other
kids did. Because we opted out of shots
we had to sign a waiver for her school,
but Florida was relatively easy to deal
with on that level. So I hope it is the
same for you.
Just some things to consider, hope it
helps. Our daughter is just getting
ready to turn 8 years old and told Gary
Young when she met him at Convention
(Kids Camp) that she is an Oily Baby
and has been working for him since she
was three years old. She is already
asking me when she can have her own
business so she can help people, kids
and animals. Kids like her are the
future of the company. Thank you Gary
The oils and good food are
investments in your health.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .