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1. What is the source of the heat that keeps the body at a fairly constant temperature?
2. What is homeostasis?
3. What is the source of the heat that allows the body to maintain a constant internal
4. State the role of the kidneys in homeostasis.
5. Describe the ways in which the body responds when its internal temperature rises above the
normal level.
6. Describe briefly the hormonal and nervous responses that occur when internal body
temperature drops.
7. The human being is an endotherm. What does this mean?
8. Describe the role of the sweat glands in relation to body temperature.
9. What happens to the small arteries (arterioles) in the skin when the external temperature
10. What is the main source of body heat in endotherms?
11. What is homeostasis? Note one reason why it is important in the human body.
12. What is meant by an ectotherm?
13. Suggest two situations which may result in a drop in the water content of the blood.
14. Describe briefly one way by which the skin helps to retain heat in cold conditions.
15. State two ways in which the body is insulated against loss of heat.
16. Write notes on homeostasis.
17. Suggest a biological explanation for the following: A person’s fingers may turn white when
exposed to low temperature for a period of time.
18. What is an endotherm?
19. What word is used to describe animals which are not endotherms?
20. Suggest an advantage of being an endotherm.
21. Suggest a reason why our body temperature drops between midnight and 8 am in the
22. Children typically have higher body temperatures than adults. Suggest a reason for this.
23. What do you understand by the term adverse external environment?
24. Give two ways in which plants protect themselves from adverse external environments.
25. Explain the term homeostasis.
26. Homeostasis often requires an organism to exchange materials between different tissues or
between itself and the external environment by diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.
Explain each of the underlined terms.
27. State one way in which each of the following contributes to homeostasis.
1. Liver.
2. Lungs.
3. Nephrons of kidneys.
28. What is meant by the term homeostasis?