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What is Batch Processing Operating System?
WRITTEN BY DINESH THAKUR Category: Operating System
To avoid the problems of early systems the batch processing systems were introduced.
The problem of early systems was more setup time. So the problem of more set up time
was reduced by processing the jobs in batches, known as batch processing system. In this
approach similar jobs were submitted to the CPU for processing and were run together.
The main function of a batch processing system is to automatically keep executing the
jobs in a batch. This is the important task of a batch processing system i.e. performed by
the 'Batch Monitor' resided in the low end of main memory.
This technique was possible due to the invention of hard-disk drives and card readers.
Now the jobs could be stored on the disk to create the pool of jobs for its execution as a
batch. First the pooled jobs are read and executed by the batch monitor, and then these
jobs are grouped; placing the identical jobs (jobs with the similar needs) in the same
batch, So, in the batch processing system, the batched jobs were executed automatically
one after another saving its time by performing the activities (like loading of compiler)
only for once. It resulted in improved system utilization due to reduced turn around time.
In the early job processing systems, the jobs were placed in a job queue and the memory
allocateor managed the primary memory space, when space was available in the main
memory, a job was selected from the job queue and was loaded into memory.
Once the job loaded into primary memory, it competes for the processor. When the
processor became available, the processor scheduler selects job that was loaded in the
memory and execute it.
In batch strategy is implemented to provide a batch file processing. So in this approach
files of the similar batch are processed to speed up the task.
Traditional Job Processing
Batch File Processing
In batch processing the user were supposed to prepare a program as a deck of punched
cards. The header cards in the deck were the "job control" cards which would indicate that
which compiler was to be used (like FORTRAN, COBOL compilers etc). The deck of cards
would be handed in to an operator who would collect such jobs from various users. Then
the submitted jobs were 'grouped as FORTRAN jobs, COBOL jobs etc. In addition, these
jobs were classified as 'long jobs' that required more processing time or short jobs which
required a short processing time. Each set of jobs was considered as a batch and the
processing would be done for a batch. For instance, there maybe a batch of short
FORTRAN jobs. The output for each job would be separated and turned over to users in
a collection area. So in this approach, files of the similar batch were processed to speed
up the task.
In this environment there was no interactivity and the users had no direct control. In this
system, only one job could engage the processor at a time and if there was any input/
output operation the processor had to sit idle till the completion of I/O job. So it resulted
to the underutilization of CPU time.
In batch processing system, earlier; the jobs were scheduled in the order of their arrival
i.e. First Come First Served (FCFS).Even though this scheduling method was easy and
simple to implement but unfair for the situations where long jobs are queued ahead of the
short jobs. To overcome this problem, another scheduling method named as 'Shortest Job
First' was used. As memory management is concerned, the main memory was partitioned
into two fixed partitions. The lower end of this partition was assigned to the resident
portion of the OS i.e. named as Batch Monitor. Whereas, the other partition (higher end)
was assigned to the user programs.
Though, it was an improved technique in reducing the system setup time but still there
were some limitations with this technique like as under-utilization of CPU time, noninteractivity of user with the running jobs etc. In batch processing system, the jobs of a
batch were executed one after another. But while these jobs were performing I/O
operations; meantime the CPU was sitting idle resulting to low degree of resource
Definition of Real Time Operating Systems
WRITTEN BY DINESH THAKUR Category: Operating System
Real time Operating Systems are very fast and quick respondent systems. These
systems are used in an environment where a large number of events (generally external)
must be accepted and processed in a short time. Real time processing requires quick
transaction and characterized by supplying immediate response. For example, a
measurement from a petroleum refinery indicating that temperature is getting too high
and might demand for immediate attention to avoid an explosion.
In real time operating system there is a little swapping of programs between primary and
secondary memory. Most of the time, processes remain in primary memory in order to
provide quick response, therefore, memory management in real time system is less
demanding compared to other systems.
The primary functions of the real time operating system are to:
1. Manage the processor and other system resources to meet the requirements of an
2. Synchronize with and respond to the system events.
3. Move the data efficiently among processes and to perform coordination among these
The Real Time systems are used in the environments where a large number of events
(generally external to thecomputer system) is required to be accepted and is to be
processed in the form of quick response. Such systems have to be the multitasking. So the
primary function of the real time operating system is to manage certain system resources,
such as the CPU, memory, and time. Each resource must be shared among the competing
processes to accomplish the overall function of the system Apart from these primary
functions of the real time operating system there are certain secondary functions that are
not mandatory but are included to enhance the performance:
1. To provide an efficient management of RAM.
2. To provide an exclusive access to the computer resources.
The term real time refers to the technique of updating files with the transaction data
immediately just after the event that it relates with.
Few more examples of real time processing are:
1. Airlines reservation system.
2. Air traffic control system.
3. Systems that provide immediate updating.
4. Systems that provide up to the minute information on stock prices.
5. Defense application systems like as RADAR.
Real time operating systems mostly use the preemptive priority scheduling. These
support more than one scheduling policy and often allow the user to set parameters
associated with such policies, such as the time-slice in Round Robin scheduling where
each task in the task queue is scheduled up to a maximum time, set by the time-slice
parameter, in a round robin manner. Hundred of the priority levels are commonly
available for scheduling. Some specific tasks can also be indicated to be non-preemptive.
Definition of Distributed Operating System
WRITTEN BY DINESH THAKUR Category: Operating System
Distributed Operating System is a model where distributed applications are running
on multiple computers linked by communications. A distributed operating system is an
extension of the network operating system that supports higher levels of communication
and integration of the machines on the network.
This system looks to its users like an ordinary centralized operating system but runs on
multiple, independent central processing units(CPUs).
These systems are referred as loosely coupled systems where each processor has its own
local memory and processors communicate with one another through various
communication lines, such as high speed buses or telephone lines. By loosely coupled
systems, we mean that such computers possess no hardware connections at theCPU memory bus level, but are connected by external interfaces that run under the control of
The Distributed Os involves a collection of autonomous computer systems, capable of
communicating and cooperating with each other through a LAN / WAN. A Distributed Os
provides a virtual machine abstraction to its users and wide sharing of resources like as
computational capacity, I/O and files etc.
The structure shown in fig contains a set of individual computer systems and workstations
connected via communication systems, but by this structure we can not say it is a
distributed system because it is the software, not the hardware, that determines whether
a system is distributed or not.
The users of a true distributed system should not know, on which machine their programs
are running and where their files are stored. LOCUS and MICROS are the best examples
of distributed operating systems.
Using LOCUS operating system it was possible to access local and distant files in uniform
manner. This feature enabled a user to log on any node of the network and to utilize the
resources in a network without the reference of his/her location. MICROS provided
sharing of resources in an automatic manner. The jobs were assigned to different nodes
of the whole system to balance the load on different nodes.
Below given are some of the examples of distributed operating systems:
l. IRIX operating system; is the implementation of UNIX System V, Release 3 for Silicon
Graphics multiprocessor workstations.
2. DYNIX operating system running on Sequent Symmetry multiprocessor computers.
3. AIX operating system for IBM RS/6000 computers.
4. Solaris operating system for SUN multiprocessor workstations.
5. Mach/OS is a multithreading and multitasking UNIX compatible operating system;
6. OSF/1 operating system developed by Open Foundation Software: UNIX compatible.
Distributed systems provide the following advantages:
1 Sharing of resources.
2 Reliability.
3 Communication.
4 Computation speedup.
Distributed systems are potentially more reliable than a central system because if a
system has only one instance of some critical component, such as a CPU, disk, or network
interface, and that component fails, the system will go down. When there are multiple
instances, the system may be able to continue in spite of occasional failures. In addition
to hardware failures, one can also consider software failures. Distributed systems allow
both hardware and software errors to be dealt with.
A distributed system is a set of computers that communicate and collaborate each other
using software and hardware interconnecting components. Multiprocessors (MIMD
computers using shared memory architecture), multicomputers connected through static
or dynamic interconnection networks (MIMD computers using message passing
architecture) and workstations connected through local area network are examples of
such distributed systems.
A distributed system is managed by a distributed operating system. A distributed
operating system manages the system shared resources used by multiple processes, the
process scheduling activity (how processes are allocating on available processors), the
communication and synchronization between running processes and so on. The software
for parallel computers could be also tightly coupled or loosely coupled. The loosely
coupled software allows computers and users of a distributed system to be independent
each other but having a limited possibility to cooperate. An example of such a system is a
group of computers connected through a local network. Every computer has its own
memory, hard disk. There are some shared resources such files and printers. If the
interconnection network broke down, individual computers could be used but without
some features like printing to a non-local printer.
Definition Multiprocessor Operating System
WRITTEN BY DINESH THAKUR Category: Operating System
Multiprocessor Operating System refers to the use of two or more central processing
units (CPU) within a single computer system. These multiple CPUs are in a close
communication sharing the computer bus, memory and other peripheral devices. These
systems are referred as tightly coupled systems.
These types of systems are used when very high speed is required to process a large
volume of data. These systems are generally used in environment like satellite control,
weather forecasting etc. The basic organization of multiprocessing system is shown in fig.
Multiprocessing system is based on the symmetric multiprocessing model, in which each
processor runs an identical copy of operating system and these copies communicate with
each other. In this system processor is assigned a specific task. A master processor
controls the system. This scheme defines a master-slave relationship. These systems can
save money in compare to single processor systems because the processors can share
peripherals, power supplies and other devices. The main advantage of multiprocessor
system is to get more work done in a shorter period of time. Moreover, multiprocessor
systems prove more reliable in the situations of failure of one processor. In this situation,
the system with multiprocessor will not halt the system; it will only slow it down.
In order to employ multiprocessing operating system effectively, the computer system
must have the followings:
1. Motherboard Support: A motherboard capable of handling multiple processors.
This means additional sockets or slots for the extra chips and a chipset capable of handling
the multiprocessing arrangement.
2. Processor Support: processors those are capable of being used in a multiprocessing
The whole task of multiprocessing is managed by the operating system, which allocates
different tasks to be performed by the various processors in the system.
Applications designed for the use in multiprocessing are said to be threaded, which means
that they are broken into smaller routines that can be run independently. This allows the
operating system to let these threads run on more than one processor simultaneously,
which is multiprocessing that results in improved performance.
Multiprocessor system supports the processes to run in parallel. Parallel processing is the
ability of the CPU to simultaneously process incoming jobs. This becomes most important
in computer system, as the CPU divides and conquers the jobs. Generally the parallel
processing is used in the fields like artificial intelligence and expert system, image
processing, weather forecasting etc.
In a multiprocessor system, the dynamically sharing of resources among the various
processors may cause therefore, a potential bottleneck. There are three main sources of
contention that can be found in a multiprocessor operating system:
Locking system: In order to provide safe access to the resources shared among multiple
processors, they need to be protected by locking scheme. The purpose of a locking is to
serialize accesses to the protected resource by multiple processors. Undisciplined use of
locking can severely degrade the performance of system. This form of contention can be
reduced by using locking scheme, avoiding long critical sections, replacing locks with
lock-free algorithms, or, whenever possible, avoiding sharing altogether.
Shared data: The continuous accesses to the shared data items by multiple processors
(with one or more of them with data write) are serialized by the cache coherence protocol.
Even in a moderate-scale system, serialization delays can have significant impact on the
system performance. In addition, bursts of cache coherence traffic saturate the memory
bus or the interconnection network, which also slows down the entire system. This form
of contention can be eliminated by either avoiding sharing or, when this is not possible,
by using replication techniques to reduce the rate of write accesses to the shared data.
False sharing: This form of contention arises when unrelated data items used by
different processors are located next to each other in the memory and, therefore, share a
single cache line: The effect of false sharing is the same as that of regular sharing bouncing
of the cache line among several processors. Fortunately, once it is identified, false sharing
can be easily eliminated by setting the memory layout of non-shared data.
Apart from eliminating bottlenecks in the system, a multiprocessor operating system
developer should provide support for efficiently running user applications on the
multiprocessor. Some of the aspects of such support include mechanisms for task
placement and migration across processors, physical memory placement insuring most
of the memory pages used by an application is located in the local memory, and scalable
multiprocessor synchronization primitives.
Definition of Multiprogramming Operating System
WRITTEN BY DINESH THAKUR Category: Operating System
To overcome the problem of underutilization of CPU and main memory, the
multiprogramming was introduced. The multiprogramming is interleaved execution of
multiple jobs by the same computer.
In multiprogramming system, when one program is waiting for I/O transfer; there is
another program ready to utilize the CPU. So it is possible for several jobs to share the
time of the CPU. But it is important to note that multiprogramming is not defined to be
the execution of jobs at the same instance of time. Rather it does mean that there are a
number of jobs available to the CPU (placed in main memory) and a portion of one is
executed then a segment of another and so on. A simple process of multiprogramming is
shown in figure
As shown in fig, at the particular situation, job' A' is not utilizing the CPU time because it
is busy in I/ 0 operations. Hence the CPU becomes busy to execute the job 'B'. Another
job C is waiting for the CPU for getting its execution time. So in this state the CPU will
never be idle and utilizes maximum of its time.
A program in execution is called a "Process", "Job" or a "Task". The concurrent execution
of programs improves the utilization of system resources and enhances the system
throughput as compared to batch and serial processing. In this system, when a process
requests some I/O to allocate; meanwhile the CPU time is assigned to another ready
process. So, here when a process is switched to an I/O operation, the CPU is not set idle.
Multiprogramming is a common approach to resource management. The essential
components of a single-useroperating system include a command processor, an input/
output control system, a file system, and a transient area. A multiprogramming operating
system builds on this base, subdividing the transient area to hold several independent
programs and adding resource management routines to the operating system's basic
Definition of Time Sharing Operating System
WRITTEN BY DINESH THAKUR Category: Operating System
A time sharing system allows many users to share the computer resources
simultaneously. In other words, time sharing refers to the allocation of computer
resources in time slots to several programs simultaneously. For example a mainframe
computer that has many users logged on to it. Each user uses the resources of the
mainframe -i.e. memory,CPU etc. The users feel that they are exclusive user of the CPU,
even though this is not possible with one CPU i.e. shared among different users.
The time sharing systems were developed to provide an interactive use of the computer
system. A time shared system uses CPU scheduling and multiprogramming to provide
each user with a small portion of a time-shared computer. It allows many users to share
the computer resources simultaneously. As the system switches rapidly from one user to
the other, a short time slot is given to each user for their executions.
The time sharing system provides the direct access to a large number of users where CPU
time is divided among all the users on scheduled basis. The OS allocates a set of time to
each user. When this time is expired, it passes control to the next user on the system. The
time allowed is extremely small and the users are given the impression that they each have
their own CPU and they are the sole owner of the CPU. This short period of time during
that a user gets attention of the CPU; is known as a time slice or a quantum. The concept
of time sharing system is shown in figure.
In above figure the user 5 is active but user 1, user 2, user 3, and user 4 are in waiting state
whereas user 6 is in ready status.
As soon as the time slice of user 5 is completed, the control moves on to the next ready
user i.e. user 6. In this state user 2, user 3, user 4, and user 5 are in waiting state and user
1 is in ready state. The process continues in the same way and so on.
The time-shared systems are more complex than the multi-programming systems. In
time-shared systems multiple processes are managed simultaneously which requires an
adequate management of main memory so that the processes can be swapped in or
swapped out within a short time.
Note: The term 'Time Sharing' is no longer commonly used, it has been replaced by
'Multitasking System'.