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Unit 4a Study Guide
European Exploration, Expansion, and Colonization
Vocabulary: Define each term.
1. Missionaries
2. Exploration
3. Navigation
Prince Henry
5. Colonial empire
6. Colonization
7. Aboriginal people
A group of people who set out to spread the
Christian Religion
The Act of setting out to discover new places.
A method of determining position, course, and
A key contributor in the quest for a sea route to
Asia. He opened a school for sailors and hired
cartographers to make new maps of the world.
All of the land holdings overseas that a
particular European country claims
To make or establish a colony
A dark skinned group of people native to
What were the six main reasons for European Exploration?
8. Europeans wanted to find a sea route to the spices of
9. To find gold, silver and precious stones to help pay for
their wars.
10. To expand their knowledge of the world – mainly
geographically. They did not set out to learn from the
people they encountered because they already thought
they knew more than anyone else.
11. To spread Christianity to other peoples
12.To expand empires (acquire all the land, natural
resources, raw materials, and people they could to
make their country richer)
13. To find a market for European goods ( a place to sell
their products)
Portugal’s Involvement in Exploration
14. Portugal led in the race to find a quicker trade route to Asia.
15. What man helped Portugal by establishing a school of navigation, funding expeditions, and hiring
cartographers to create better world maps? _Prince Henry the Navigator
16. Since Portugal was involved in sailing the coast of Africa, Portugal became involved in what trade or
business? The Slave Trade
The Colonization of Australia
Australia was first discovered by which country? The Dutch
What group of people played a key role in colonizing Australia? Prisoners
In what area were all the aborigines destroyed? Tasmania
Who explored Australia for Great Britain? James Cook
What did the Europeans bring to Australia that caused many Aborigines to die? Diseases
Triangle of Trade
22. The Slave trade was also part of the Triangle of Trade.
23. What three continents were involved in the Triangle of Trade? Europe, Africa, and The Americas
24. What is a raw material? What is one raw material that was traded between Europe and Africa?
Raw materials are materials that are used to make other products. Firearms
Which country?
25. Held more colonies in North and South America
26. Held more colonies in Africa
27. Colonized Brazil
28. What country held the most colonies during the
Age of Exploration?
Great Britain
World War One
29. How did European Exploration help cause World War I? European Exploration began the
competition for land, resources, wealth and power. Each country wanted the possibility of building
their own economy with the resources that foreign empires could give. As a result, European
powers built up strong armies to protect their interest. The fierce competition between large
European countries lead to the hostilities of World War I.