Download THE AGE OF EXPLORATION PLEASE remember, Historical events

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PLEASE remember, Historical events do not happen all by themselves, they are all causes and effects to
larger ideas and events.
Important Terms to Know
exploration: Time period during the 15th and 16th centuries when Europeans searched
for new sources of wealth and for easier trade routes to China and India. Resulted in the
discovery of North and South America by the Europeans
imperialism: one nation's control over another country or region, A policy in which a
strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.
mercantilism: European economic policy of establishing colonies for the profit of the
mother country., an economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth
and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than
they bought
Renaissance: The great period of rebirth in art, literature, and learning in the 14th16th centuries, which marked the transition into the modern periods of European history
Because of the Renaissance and Reformation:
Trade increases
People are reading
Science and technology are advancing rapidly
It was no longer considered sinful to seek fame and glory
What does this have to do with Exploration????
Luxury goods from Asia become all the rage and a huge potential to make money
People are smarter and are reading stories about foreign lands.
New sailing technology in the form of maps, astrolabe, caravel, and compass made sailing on the
ocean safer.
Explorers were able to find lots of crew who wanted to make money and possibly find new sea
routes to India and Asia.
Factors that Encouraged Exploration:
Search for Spices and Wealth—Italy controlled the Mediterranean trade and the Ottomans
controlled the overland routes to India and Asia, new sea routes had to be found.
The Desire to Spread Christianity
Ability to Use new Technology
Henry the Navigator- he was the Portuguese prince who brought together scientists, mapmakers,
and shipbuilders together to share their knowledge and make travel safer. He also was the first to
send out explorers for Portugal—Bartolommeo Dias and Vasco de Gama
Countries Involved in Exploration
Reasons for
(all countries
were inspired by
the economic
desire to control
trade with Asia)
Areas Claimed
Prince Henry the
Navigator wanted to
improve Portugal’s
Navy. He brought
together mapmakers,
scientists, ship
builders and sailors
allowing Portugal to
take the lead in
exploration .
Ferdinand and
Isabella followed
the inspiration of
Portugal to gain
control of the Asian
spice trade.
Competed with
England for land in
Encouraged French
trade companies to
dominance in the
New World and
oversea colonies.
1600s—finally experiencing
some domestic stability, the
English pushed to catch up
to other European countries
in the New World to gain
profit, land, and religious
East Coast of South
Central and
Southern America.
Defeated the Aztecs
and the Incas
Controlled fur trade
from Louisiana to
Established colonies along
the East Coast of modern
day United States