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Name_____________________________________ Date_______________ Period____________
1. There are _____ billion species that have been named. This only
accounts for _____% of all the organisms that have lived on Earth!
2. ________________________________ is the arrangement of organisms
into orderly groups based on their similarities (how they are alike).
Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying organisms.
3. Taxonomists (scientists that specialize in classification of animals)
look at ____________ and _________________ to name organisms.
4. _______________________ was the first taxonomist. He lived
__________ years ago. He divided organisms into ________________
and __________________.
5. __________________ was the first to use Latin for naming.
6. Carolus Linnaeus is called the
7. Linnaeus developed the modern system of naming known
______________________________________________. This literally means
“________ ___________” in Latin (Genus and ___________.)
8. The Genus name is always __________________ and the species name is
________. Both the Genus and species names are in italics or
9. Another word for the levels from broadest to most specific of the
naming system is called a _________________________.
10. The eight levels of classification are from most broad to least
broad are ___________________, _______________, ___________________,
_______________, _____________________, _________________, and
____________________, _____________________.
11. A good way to remember the order of the seven levels is:
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
________________________ _____________________.
12. The six kingdoms include ____________________,
___________________, _________________________, __________________,
_____________________, _______________________________.
13. Kingdom Protista (Protist) include such things as
________________, _________________, _______________________,
______________ and other forms of microscopic _________________
14. Kingdom Fungi includes such things as __________________.
______________ and _________________. Yeast is used to make
15. Kingdom Plantae (Plant) includes _____________, _____________ and
16. Kingdom Animalia (Animal) includes ____________, __________ and
____________________ to __________ and
17. Kingdom Archaeabacteria includes life found in
___________________________________ and
____________________________________. These are considered the
“extreme” organisms because they live in such harsh environments.
18. Kingdom Eubacteria includes organisms that cause
__________________________ (like strep throat) and
_______________________ (like soured milk). However, a lot of
bacteria are helpful. An example is that some bacteria live in the
_________________ of animals and helps with _____________________ of
19. A dichotomous key is a method used to ______________________
20. Characteristics are given in ______________________.
21. Read ____________ characteristics and either go to another set of
characteristics or identify the organism.