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1. Which of these facts is the best supporting evidence that the
is expanding? (2 points)
A. The stars vary in chemical composition.
B. The galaxies are moving away from each other.
C. The galaxies can spin to form eddies.
D. The universe is filled with galaxies of different sizes.
2. Which layer of the sun is seen during a total solar eclipse? (2 points)
3. According to the H & R diagram, what type of star has a temperature of
10,000 C and a medium to high luminosity? (2 points)
A. white dwarf
B. main sequence
C. giant
D. supergiant
4. The color of a star is an indicator of its -. (2 points)
A. magnitude
B. mass
C. size
D. surface temperature
5. At what position would Earth be found in the solar system diagram
shown? (2 points)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
6. The visible surface of the sun is the -. (2 points)
A. photosphere
B. corona
C. core
D. flare
7. According to the diagram, which of the following would be the luminosity
of a dwarf star? (2 points)
A. high
B. medium
C. low
D. super ultra low
8. The sun emits energy by converting hydrogen into helium. What is this
process called? (2 points)
A. Fusion
B. Fission
C. Sunspot formation
D. Solar Wind
9. Our galaxy is called the -. (2 points)
A. Twix
B. Reese Cup
C. Mars
D. Milky Way
10. What is the diagram called on which the magnitude of stars is plotted
against their temperature? (2 points)
A. Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
B. Sunspot Cycle Diagram
C. Life Cycle Diagram
D. Solar Flare Diagram
11. An "explosion" on the star that arcs its gases back onto the sun's surface
is called a -. (2 points)
A. solar flare
B. solar prominence
C. sunspot
D. chromosphere
12. A light-year measures - (2 points)
A. brightness
B. distance
C. radiation
D. time
13. The layer of the sun with a red color is the -. (2 points)
A. core
B. photosphere
C. chromosphere
D. corona
14. According to the diagram, what type of star has a temperature of 4,000 C
and has a high luminosity? (2 points)
A. white dwarf
B. main sequence
C. giant
D. supergiant
15. During nuclear fusion, what element is changed into helium?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen
16. What is the first stage in the life cycle of a star? (2 points)
A. black hole
B. dwarf star
C. main sequence star
D. stellar nebula
17. If a star is moving away from Earth it is said to have ___ shift.
A. blue
B. yellow
C. red
D. orange
18. The shape of our galaxy is -. (2 points)
A. spiral
B. elliptical
C. globular
D. irregular
19. ___ are stars that form patterns. (2 points)
A. galaxies
B. constellations
C. spectra
D. clusters
20. According to the diagram, which of the following would be the surface
temperature for a supergiant star? (2 points)
A. 3000 C
B. 7000 C
C. 10000 C
D. 25000 C
21. What theory states that our universe formed from a large explosion of
matter? (2 points)
A. Moon Formation Theory
B. Big Bang Theory
C. Impact Theory
D. Implosion Theory
22. The most common star (where most fall on the HR diagram) is a -.
A. Dwarf
B. Giant
C. Supergiant
D. Main Sequence
23. The brightest and hottest stars are what color? (2 points)
A. blue
B. orange
C. yellow
D. red
24. A cloud of gas and dust from which stars are "born" is a
A. nebula
B. nova
C. spectrum
D. radiation
25. Gas and dust in interstellar nebulae can form - (2 points)
A. stars
B. comets
C. meteors
D. asteroids
26. Our distance from the sun is about 93 million miles, or 1 -.
A. parsec
B. astronomical unit
C. light year
D. kilometer
27. According to the diagram, what temperature are main sequence stars?
A. 3000 C
B. 6000 C
C. 25000 C
D. all of the above
28. The distance that light travels in 1 year is called a -. (2 points)
A. parsec
B. astronomical unit
C. light year
D. kilometer
29. The ending stage of a massive star is the -. (2 points)
A. protostar
B. nebula
C. supernova
D. main sequence
30. The beginning stage of a star's life is the -. (2 points)
A. nebula
B. main sequence
C. nova
D. black hole
super ultra low