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Supplement aims to boost the immune system and beat the ageing process
An innovative and unique nutritional supplement designed to improve immune function
and combat the ageing process is soon to be launched in the UK. Vitality Whey,
manufactured by Whey Forward Health Industries Ltd, is designed specifically to boost
natural antioxidant levels, maintain bone density and help protect the body from ageassociated diseases and cancers.
Joe Faulkner-Edwards, CEO of Whey Forward Health Industries Ltd, says: “The idea
first came to me when I was researching the use of whey protein for an article about
sports nutrition. I was amazed to discover the huge breadth of health benefits associated
with whey and I wanted to share this information with those outside of the sports nutrition
Whey is the liquid that is left behind when milk is separated and the solid component
(curds), turned into cheese. Lactose (a sugar found in milk) and fat are then removed
using a special filtration method that leaves behind only the whey protein. For this
reason, whey is incredibly popular with professional athletes who require a high protein
diet to aid recovery.
“There is a preconceived notion that whey-based products are only necessary for those
who want to build muscle, but this couldn’t be further from the truth,” says Cambridgeborn Joe, who is an accredited personal trainer and once an elite sprinter. “Certainly
Vitality Whey will help prevent age-associated muscle loss and frailty, but it can also
strengthen the immune system and promote healthy organ function by protecting the
body from free radical damage.”
Free radicals are toxic by-products of the reactions in our cells. They cause damage in a
number of different ways and their levels are increased by factors such as sun exposure,
cigarette smoke and certain chemicals. An accumulation of free radical damage over
time is thought to contribute directly to the ageing process and to the development of
age-associated diseases.
The company have taken advantage of recent developments in filtration technology
which allow them to isolate and enhance the components of whey that confer the
greatest health benefits. The whey is also processed at a lower temperature than
normal, so that amino acids vital for the production of antioxidants are not damaged by
high heat. These factors make Joe’s product unique, as it tailor made to help the body
fight the ageing process.
“Vitality Whey is the only whey-based product in the UK with increased lactoferrin
content,” explains Joe. “Not only does lactoferrin have anti-cancer properties, it also
helps the body fight infections and reduces inflammation. What’s more, lactoferrin
supports the production of a powerful antioxidant known as glutathione, which ‘soaks up’
free radicals before they can damage our cells.”
The National Osteoporosis Society states that in the UK, one in two women and one in
five men over the age of 50 will fracture a bone, mainly due to poor bone health. As a
dairy-derived protein, lactoferrin protects against bone degradation and may also aid
bone repair. The protein also has a very beneficial effect on the skin, stimulating the
repair of cuts and other injuries.
The supplement will be available as a powder that can be blended into a drink in much
the same way you would blend a smoothie. Joe is also launching the Whey Forward
Power Mixer; a battery powered, portable blender designed to ensure the drink has the
perfect consistency.
- ENDS -
Company Details:
Press Information:
Whey Forward Health Industries Ltd
Joe Faulkner-Edwards
Holdsworth Associates
Rebecca Nesbit or Rachel Holdsworth
[email protected]
[email protected]
01954 202789