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CPE Science Semester 2 Final Exam Review 2014-15
Instructions for using this review sheet: This review sheet is divided into chapters with the pages covered in each
chapter listed because we did not cover all parts of all chapters. The important vocabulary is listed for each
chapter. You should make flash cards of the vocabulary to help you study. A set of questions follows the
vocabulary in each chapter. Look for the answers to these questions in your book and in your notes. These
questions do not necessarily cover everything in the chapter. They just give you an idea of some of the important
topics. This sheet is designed so you can then continue to use this as a question/answer review. Study with friends
or family by having other people quiz you. Simply answering these questions will not prepare you for your
exam. You must study the information, memorize vocabulary, and seek to understand how to do the problems.
Chapter 2- Matter
chemical property
Pages covered- 38-42, 45-58
physical change
chemical change
chemical formula
pure substance
melting point
freezing point
boiling point
physical property
heterogeneous mixture
homogeneous mixture
1. What is the difference between physical and chemical properties? Give an example of each.
2. Should a material have a higher or lower density in order to float in another substance?
3. Which phase of matter generally has the greatest density?
4. What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change? Give an example of each.
5. Density problems: solve the following problems showing formula, math w/units and circle answer
a. If the density of gold is 19.3 g/mL, what is the mass of 5mL of gold?
b. A 4mL sample of lead has a mass of 45.2 g/mL. What is its density?
c. An irregularly shaped solid object is placed into a graduated cylinder with 100mL of water. It
raises the level of the water to 243 mL. If its mass is 12g, what is its density?
d. Object X has a mass of 10g and a volume of 10mL. Object Y has a mass of 2g and a volume of
2mL. How do the densities of the two objects compare.
Pages covered- only section 1 – 70-78
Chapter 3-States of Matter
thermal energy
law of conservation of mass
law of conservation of energy
6. Describe what happens to the molecules of a substance when it is heated.
7. Explain the shape and volume characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases.
8. Explain the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases.
9. What is the relationship between temperature and motion of particles?
10. Analyze the phase change diagram for water and answer the following questions. (pg 77)
a. At what point(s) (letters A-E) is there no temperature change despite the addition of heat
b. What letter represents a gas?
c. What letter represents freezing?
d. Why is there a constant temperature when a substance is changing phase? (pg 76)
Chapter 7- Solutions
Vocabulary- solution
11. What is the difference between a heterogeneous and homogeneous mixture? Give example of each.
12. List 3 examples of solutions that are not liquids.
13. Identify the solvent and solute
a. dissolving a small quantity of baking soda in water
b. water and juice crystals mixed to make fruit drink
c. Kim swished some saltwater in her mouth after she lost her tooth in a
soccer game.
d. Rosanna added a little sugar to her tea because it tasted bitter
e. The tea colored the cup of water as it brewed
14. Why is water the universal solvent?
15. Explain the statement “like dissolves like”.
16. Explain why large crystals of coarse sea salt take longer to dissolve in water than crystals of fine table
17. Describe three methods you could use to make a spoonful of salt dissolve faster in water.
Chapter 13- Heat and Temperature
Vocabulary- temperature thermometer absolute zero
convection convection current radiation
Pages covered- 420-431
thermal conduction
18. Compare conduction, convection, and radiation
19. Relate absolute zero to the kinetic energy of particles
20. What temperature is 45F on the Celsius and Kelvin scale?
21. Draw the convection currents that would be seen in a pot on the stove. Show where different
temperature zones are in the pot.
22. If two objects that have different temperatures come into contact with each other, what will happen?
What can you say about their temperatures after several minutes of contact?
23. Temperature is proportional to the average kinetic energy of particles in an object. Thus an increase
in temperature results in a(n)
a. increase in mass
c. increase in average kinetic energy
b. decrease in average kinetic energy
d. decrease in mass
Chapter 4- Atoms and the Periodic Table
valence electron
periodic law
period group
Pages covered- 104-108,110-128- skip section 4
atomic number
mass number isotope
24. What is the atomic mass of oxygen?
25. List the names and location of all the chemical families on the periodic table.
26. What is the atomic number of lead?
27. Where are metals located on the periodic table?
28. How many electrons are in one atom of xenon?
29. How many protons are in one sulfur atom?
30. How many neutrons are in one fluorine atom?
31. Which groups contain the most reactive elements? The least reactive?
32. Where are protons, neutrons, and electrons located in the atom?
33. What is Dalton’s atomic theory?
34. Draw Bohr’s atomic model.
35. Define modern atomic theory.
36. Noble gases have how many valence electrons?
37. Where is the nucleus located?
38. Chemical bonding involves what part of an atom?
39. What is a Lewis dot diagram used for?
40. What is the difference between atomic number and atomic mass?
41. Why are Noble gases inert?
Chapter 5- The Structure of Matter
Pages covered-144-145, 151-155, 159-161- Skip section 4
Vocabulary- ionic bond
metallic bond
covalent bond
oxidation number
polyatomic ion
42. What is the oxidation number of all atoms in group 18 of the periodic table?
43. Between which types of atoms do ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and metallic bonds occur?
44. Do metal atoms tend to gain or lose electrons?
45. What makes an atom stable?
46. Show the correct ionic bonding for the following compounds: a. NaCl
b. CaCl2
c. Mg3P2
47. Determine the type of bond holding the atoms together in the following compounds:
a. KCl
b. NH3
c. CH4
d. CO2
48. First, write the correct formula needed for these elements to combine, then name the resulting
a. Sodium and Iodine
b. Sodium and Oxygen
c. Magnesium and Bromine
d. Phosphorus and Fluorine
Chapter 6-Chemical Reactions
chemical energy
Pages covered-184-189, 198-201 skip sections 2 and 4
exothermic reaction
endothermic reaction
chemical equation
49. What is the difference between an endothermic and an exothermic reaction?
50. Where are reactants and products located in a chemical equation?
51. One molecule of C6H12O6 consists of how many atoms of C, H, and O?
52. What is changed or added to balance a chemical equation?
53. In the formula NH3, what does the 3 refer to?
54. Balance the following equations
a. KClO3 
KCl + O2
b. Zn + HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
c. Ba(NO3)2 + NaCl  BaCl2 + NaNO3
d. H2O + O2  H2O2
55. How many atoms of each element are present in the following formulas?
a. Ca(NO3)2
b. NH4CO3
c. 2Mg(C2H3O2)2
d. P2(SO4)3
Chapter 9- Nuclear Changes
Pages covered- 284-288, 293-298 skip section 3
nuclear radiation
alpha particle
beta particle
gamma ray
nuclear chain reaction
critical mass
56. Explain the similarities and differences between fission and fusion.
57. Explain the similarities and differences between alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays
58. What is half-life?
59. Nuclear changes refer to what part of the atom changing?
60. What is nuclear decay?
Chapter 19- The Solar System
solar system
Pages covered- 630-636, 646-649 skip section 2
nebular model
59.Explain the solar nebular theory of how the solar system formed.
60. What is the difference between the theories of Ptolemy and Copernicus?
61. What did Aristotle do?
62. What is the approximate age of the solar system?
63. What did Kepler do?
Chapter 20- The Universe
red giant
white dwarf
red shift
big bang theory
Pages covered-666-673, 680-686 skip section 2
64. Explain the Big Bang theory
65. Explain how the surface temperature of a star is measured.
66. What happens when a star forms?
67. What are the 3 possible fates of the Universe?
68. What is the approximate age of the Universe?
black hole