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Human Body System Assessment Study Guide
Tests: Cells and Circulatory:
Tues., 6/9
Digestion and Respiratory:
Mr. Dersom’s Notes
 Living things are composed of cells (many, many cells!) (6-8 SYSA, LS1A)
 Cell  tissue  organ  organ system  human body system
 Many cells put together make a tissue (i.e. heart tissue)
 Many tissues put together make an organ (i.e. the heart)
 Many organs put together make an organ system (the circulatory
system, including the heart, the arteries, veins, capillaries and blood)
 Many organ systems put together make a human body system (we
need a circulatory system, a digestive system, a respiratory
(breathing) system, and many other systems to function).
 We need to eat food and breathe oxygen because our cells need energy
and oxygen!
 Circulatory System (6-8 LS1C)
 Function: The circulatory system transports items to and from the cells
(like the post office, a waiter/waitress, or a cloth diaper delivery person)
 To the cells: Food energy, oxygen, water
 From the cells: Waste products, like carbon dioxide
 Parts: Heart, Blood, Arteries/Veins/Capillaries
 Heart: The pump of the circulatory system  it MOVES the blood
 Blood vessels: roads for the blood to get to each cell (house)
 Arteries –blood goes from the heart to the cells (think: freeways)
 Veins – blood comes from the cells back to the heart (freeways)
 Capillaries – small arteries/veins to get to each individual cell (like
neighborhood roads)
 Blood: Has blood cells in it (think of blood cells like post office trucks
delivering packages)
 The blood gets oxygen from the LUNGS, not the heart…
 Bright red blood = lots of oxygen = in arteries going to the cells
 Dark red blood = little oxygen = in veins going to the heart (so they
can go to the lungs, get rid of carbon dioxide, and get more oxygen)
 The heart works very hard! It works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from
before you are born as long as you live! Think of the heart exercises we
did (measuring your pulse and squeezing a tennis ball).
 The heart always pumps the blood in one direction. Valves keep blood
from going the wrong direction or pooling in our feet when we stand up
quickly. Think valves / veins both start with V.
 Eating healthy and exercising keeps our circulatory system working well.
Eating fatty foods and/or not exercising can cause our arteries/veins to
become clogged = not good!
My Notes
 Digestive System (6-8 LS1C)
 Function: We aren’t plants, so we have to eat food to get energy (we
can’t make our own food!) The digestive system helps us to take in the
food (chemical energy) and get it to the [tiny] cells.
 Parts: Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine
 Mouth: Mostly mechanical digestion – the teeth chop, grind, mash
food into smaller pieces. Some chemical digestion from saliva (spit).
 Esophagus: Uses peristalsis to squeeze the food down to the
 Stomach: Makes food into a smoothie. Uses mechanical (squeezing,
churning) and chemical (acids and enzymes) digestion.
 Small intestine: Chemical digestion – makes food as small as it can
be, then the food energy passes into the blood stream (through
diffusion) to go to the cells (through blood, which is the delivery
system to/from the cells)
 Large intestine: Takes water out of anything the small intestine can’t
use. Anything that’s left over that doesn’t go into the blood stream
goes here to be disposed of as feces or urine.
 Respiratory (breathing) System (6-8 LS1C)
 Function: Takes in oxygen for the cells, gets rid of carbon dioxide from
the cells (through blood, which is the delivery system to/from the cells)
 Parts: Nose/Mouth, Trachea, Lungs Bronchioles and Alveoli;
 Diaphragm: Pulls air into the lungs and pushes it out of the lungs, like
the model you saw in class.
 Nose/Mouth: Air enters/leaves the body here.
 Trachea: The tube that connects the nose/mouth to the lungs.
 Lungs: Where the oxygen goes into the blood stream and carbon
dioxide comes out.
 Bronchioles – The larger tubes (freeways) or passages for air
 Alveoli – The small parts at the end of bronchioles where the air
transfer happens
 The alveoli, because they are like tiny balloons in your lungs (300
million per lung!), have lots of surface area (space) for the air to
transfer into/out of the blood stream (the more surface area, the
more space the air can transfer into the blood stream; they are
wrapped in capillaries).
 Smoking can clog the alveoli, making it harder for your lungs to get the air
the cells need to them.
 All the organ systems work together to make the human body system work
 What would happen if one small part of one of the systems (i.e. the small
intestine) stopped working? How would the whole human body system
be affected?