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C Lab
Is Mass Conserved?
(15 points possible out of 20)
Define The Law of Conservation of Mass
If we combine baking soda (NaHCO3) and vinegar (C2H4O2 & H2O) one of the
products of this chemical reaction is carbon dioxide gas (CO2) According to the
law of conservation of mass, we should have the same mass of reactants before
and after. We will test this hypothesis now.
The mass of reactants before the reaction and mass of reactants after the
reaction will be equal.
Items and reactants before experiment
Mass of flask
Mass of 50 ml of vinegar
Mass of balloon
Mass of 20 ml of baking soda
Sum of all reactants before
After Experiment
Mass of flask, balloon, and
products after experiment (when
you dump the baking soda into the
flask and les the reaction happen,
weigh what is left over.)
C Lab
(15 points possible out of 20)
Is the mass of reactants before the experiment equal to the mass of products
after the experiment?
Did your results confirm your hypothesis? Why or why not?
What do you think would have happened if we hadn’t used a balloon but only
weighed the reactants before and after? How would this have affected our