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Reading: The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Directions: Read and annotate. Glue this reading on the next blank page in your notebook.
The nervous system has two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system
(PNS). The central nervous system is made up of two organs-the brain and spinal cord which are in charge of
making decisions and coordinating actions in our bodies.
The peripheral nervous system is made up of all of the nerves that come out of our brain and spinal cord.
The peripheral nervous system’s main job is to send messages from our skin and our internal organs to our
brain, and from our brain to our muscles and glands.
Checking for Understanding Questions:
1. What two organs make up the CNS?
2. What is the main function of the PNS?
There are two parts of the peripheral nervous system-the somatic and autonomic. The somatic is in charge
of our voluntary actions. It sends messages from our skin to our brain and from our brain to our muscles.
Voluntary means that we can control what our brain tells our skeletal muscles to do. The autonomic controls
involuntary actions. It sends messages back and forth between internal organs and the CNS. Involuntary
means automatic - we cannot control what our brain tells our internal organs to do.
The autonomic nervous system is further divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
systems. The sympathetic is in charge of our internal organs when we are stressed out. One example of
the sympathetic is the “fight or flight” response. When fighting or running we are stressed out and the
sympathetic nervous system is in control. The sympathetic will increases our heart rate and increases blood
flow to skeletal muscles (for examples arms and legs) then tells our body to release more sugar into the blood
stream to increase energy resources. The parasympathetic is in charge of internal organs when we are at
rest. Two examples include when we are sleeping or sitting down. The parasympathetic is in control of
decrease in heart rate, increase blood flow to the stomach to digest food, and when our bodies store food in
the form of fat.
Checking for Understanding Questions:
3. Which division of the PNS is in charge of voluntary actions?
4. Which division of the PNS is in charge of involuntary actions?
5. Which division autonomic nervous system mostly stimulates action in the body?
6. Which division autonomic nervous system mostly slows down action in the body?
Self Score
Directions: Circle one of the statements below. At this point in the lesson…
I can teach it
I get it
I’m starting to get it
I don’t get it.
Directions: Work with your group discuss each statement below and to write the correct answers in each blank.
1. Read each statement. Which division of the nervous system is in control? The central nervous system
(CNS) or the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Write CNS or PNS in the blanks below.
The brain interpreting information as you read.
Sensory neurons relay messages to the spinal cord during the lab last week.
Motor neurons relay messages out of the spinal cord to the skeletal muscles as you write.
The spinal cord sends messages to the brain as you read.
2. Read each statement. Which division of the peripheral nervous system is in control? The autonomic
nervous system (AUTO) or the somatic nervous system (SOMA). Write AUTO or SOMA in the blanks below.
The body relays a message from the skin to the brain.
The body relays a message from the brain to the muscles.
The brain tells my stomach to contract to digest food.
The brain tells the heart to beat faster.
Jennifer decides to go running and move her arms and legs.
The lungs send messages to the brain.
Angel decides voluntarily to move his arms to pick up a coffee cup.
The liver sends messages to the brain.
3. Read each statement. Which division of the autonomic nervous system is in control? The sympathetic
nervous system (SYM) or parasympathetic nervous system (PARA). Write SYM or PARA in the blanks below.
Fight or Flight Response.
Luis goes to sleep.
Daniel goes running.
A snake scares Keith.
Cindy sits down after she eats to digest her food.
Jose’s heart rate decreases.
Kevin’s heart rate increases.
Blood flows to your stomach and you store food as fat.
Blood flows to your arms and legs and you I release sugar for energy.
Pikachu gets in a fight with SpongeBob.
Directions: See Ms. Fine for the Answer Key!