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AP Exam Review Sheet
The Animal Form and Function Test
Chapter 40
1. What is the difference between anatomy and physiology and how are they
2. Explain how environment drives anatomy and physiology.
3. Explain how surface area to volume ratio can limit an organism and several ways
that vertebrates have manipulated it to their advantage
4. Explain tissue’s place in the hierarchy of organization.
5. Name and describe what makes the four mail types of tissue unique.
6. Explain where organs fit into the hierarchy of organization.
7. What is metabolic rate and how does it differ between ectotherms and
8. How does the size of an animal affect its metabolic demand on a per organism
and a per mass basis?
9. What is a basal metabolic rate?
10. Explain homeostasis and how the body uses receptors, control centers, and
effectors to maintain it.
11. Explain how positive and negative feedback systems can be used in homeostasis
and give an example of each.
12. Explain thermoregulation and how endotherms and ectotherms achieve it
13. Name and describe the four main ways that the environment can transfer heat
between organisms and the environment.
14. Name and describe the four main ways that organisms can thermoregulate.
Chapter 41 pages 881-896
1. Name and describe the four main steps of biological food processing.
2. Explain how intracellular and extracellular digestion are different and which type
is most common in animals.
3. How are gastrovascular cavities and complete digestive tracts different?
4. What Digestive functions occur in the mouth and how are saliva and salivary
amylase important in the process?
5. What is a bolus and how are the pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus, and peristalsis
important in its transport?
6. How is the stomach’s unique environment important in the digestive process,
what is its main target, how are pepsin, pepsinogen, chief cells, acid chyme, and
the pyloric sphincter important, and how does the stomach protect itself against its
own acid?
7. Explain the purpose of the small intestine and name the three parts of it.
8. Explain what the douodenum is and what processes occur there.
9. Explain how the small intestine breaks down each of the following nutrients as
they pass through; carbohydrates (know pancreatic amylase), proteins (know
trypsins and peptidases), nucleotides, and fats (know emulsifiers and lipases and
the role of lacteals).
10. Explain how the small intestine increases its advantage by manipulating the
surface area to volume ratio.
11. Where does the nutrient rich blood from the intestine go and why?
12. What is the colon, what is its role and how are the appendix, cecum, and rectum
associated with it?
13. How do the dentition and digestive tracts of herbivores and carnivores differ in
general terms?
Chapter 42
1. Explain how a gastrovascular cavity can serve in distribution of substances as
well as digestion and how it allows of an increase in the number of cell layers.
2. How are closed and open circulatory systems different and similar and how does
their fluid component differ?
3. Explain what a cardiovascular system is.
4. Name and describe the 5 main types of blood vessels in order of their appearance
as you leave and then return to the heart.
5. List all of the structures that blood would pass through starting at the left atrium,
making both circuits to return to the left atrium. Name the valves by type, not
specific name and generalize the blood flow by vessel types instead of naming the
destination organs.
6. Go back to your list on number 5 and label all areas where the blood is oxygen
rich as OR and those where the blood is low in oxygen as OP.
7. What causes the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure?
8. Explain the difference between heart rate and stroke volume.
9. Name and describe the function of the two types of heart valves.
10. Name and describe the function of the SA and AV node. What would happen if
the AV node did not delay the impulse?
11. Explain how the lymphatic system works and the role lymph and lymph nodes
play in its function.
12. Explain what blood is made of, be sure to name and define each component.
13. What is the difference between fibrin and fibrinogen?
14. Explain gas exchange and why it is important.
15. How do gills work?
16. How is gas exchange achieved by insects?
17. Name all of the structures that a nitrogen molecule would experience entering the
nose and going all the way to the sites of oxygen exchange in the lung in order.
18. Explain how humans are negative pressure breathers.
19. How does partial pressure drive gas exchange?
20. Explain how hemoglobin’s structure and Bohr shifts drive the CO2 O2 exchange
21. In what form is most CO2 carried by the blood?