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US1H final exam review sheet
Chapters 13 and 16
- KY and VA Resolutions
- Hartford Convention
- Effects of War of 1812 on US?
- Era of Good Feelings – why was it called that?
- death of Federalist party
- Henry Clay and American System: goals and accomplishments?
- Marshall Supreme Court cases: Gibbons v. Ogden, McCullouch v. MD, etc.
- Decision of each?
- Who represented each section of the country? Calhoun, Clay, and Webster.
- Missouri Compromise
- Henry Clay
- When created?
- What did it say?
- Where was the Missouri Compromise line?
- What happens to Maine and Missouri?
- Effect on representation in Senate?
- Why a temporary solution?
- Election of 1824
- Why was it called a “corrupt bargain”?
- Florida
- Adams-Onis Treaty
- Monroe Doctrine
- When created?
- What did it say?
- Secretary of State John Quincy Adams
- Industrial Revolution - definition
- Why did Industrial Revolution take so long to reach US?
- Why did Industrial Revolution grow in New England?
- textile industry
- Major inventors and inventions
- Samuel Slater
- Eli Whitney
- Samuel F.B. Morse
- Robert Fulton
- When was the canal era?
- Erie Canal
- NY Governor DeWitt Clinton
- Commonwealth v. Hunt
- Lowell factory system
- How did Industrial Revolution affect families (birth rate, etc)?
- How did Industrial Revolution affect women?
- cult of domesticity
- domestic feminism
- Building of highways
- turnpikes
- Lancaster Turnpike – its purpose?
- “division of labor”
- What did each part of nation specialize in? Ex – South specialized in cotton, etc
- Immigration
- What 2 countries supplied most immigrants in 1840s and 1850s?
- Effects of increased immigration?
- Where did most Irish settle?
- Nativism
- Why did nativism increase?
- American (Know-Nothing) Party
- anti-Catholicism
Chapters 14, 15, and 17
- Jacksonian democracy
- “revolution of 1828”
- end of “King Caucus”
- nominating conventions
- How did voting change in early 1800s?
- President Andrew Jackson
- spoils system/kitchen cabinet
- Jackson’s veto of 2nd Bank of the US
- Henry Clay and election of 1832
- Nicholas Biddle
- “pet banks”
- Specie Circular
- Panic of 1837
- Nullification crisis
- “Tariff of Abominations”
- South Carolina Exposition and Protest
- Calhoun’s theory of nullification?
- How did Jackson deal with threat of southern secession?
- Why didn’t SC secede?
- Clay and compromise tariff
- Native Americans
- Cherokee vs. Georgia
- Who did Marshall and Jackson side with? Why?
- Indian Removal Act
- Trail of Tears
- Election of 1840
- Whig party and the “log cabin campaign”
- William Henry Harrison
- Texas/Mexico/US
- Sources of friction between Texans and Mexican government?
- Mexican restrictions on residents?
- Battle of the Alamo and significance
- Sam Houston
- Santa Anna
- Democratic and Whig parties
- Main beliefs, supporters, and leaders?
- Reform movements
- Religion
- Why were areas of NY called the “burned-over district”?
- 2nd Great Awakening
- Charles Grandison Finney
- Mormons and settlement of Utah
- Joseph Smith
- What beliefs caused them to be harassed?
- Brigham Young
- Education
- Horace Mann
- Women’s movement
- Seneca Falls Convention
- Main goals of “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions”?
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Susan B. Anthony
- Prison reform
- Dorothea Dix
- Temperance
- Neal Dow
- Maine Law of 1851
- Utopian communities
- Robert Owen and New Harmony, IN
- Scientists, artists, writers, etc. – know their major works
- Transcendentalists
- Beliefs/themes?
- Transcendentalist authors?
- James Fenimore Cooper
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Henry David Thoreau
- Walt Whitman
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapters 18, 19, and part of 20
- King Cotton
- cotton gin and effect on cotton industry
- Causes for increase in slave population?
- Percentage of who did and didn’t own slaves in South?
- How many slaves did most southerners own?
- Why did so many support slavery in South when didn’t own slaves?
- Most common forms of slave resistance?
- Gabriel Prosser (1800)
- Why did his rebellion fail?
- Denmark Vesey (1822)
- Why did his rebellion fail?
- Nat Turner’s rebellion (1831)
- Effects?
- Anti-slavery movement
- What white southerners opposed slavery?
- American Colonization Society
- William Lloyd Garrison
- The Liberator
- American Anti-Slavery Society
- Frederick Douglass
- Sojourner Truth
- Underground Railroad
- Harriet Tubman
- Problems it caused between North and South?
- Actions of US government regarding slave issue
- gag rule, destruction of abolitionist material, etc.
- John Tyler
- Reasons for problems with cabinet?
- “a man without a party”
- Webster-Ashburton Treaty
- Manifest Destiny
- John O’Sullivan
- James K. Polk
- Election of 1844
- “54˚40’ or fight!”
- Oregon Treaty
- War with Mexico
- Problems between US and Mexico?
- “Mr. Polk’s War”
- Bear Flag Republic
- Major provisions of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
- Election of 1848
- Lewis Cass
- popular sovereignty
- Free-Soil Party
- Martin Van Buren
- Wilmot Proviso
- What was it?
- California
- “gold rush”
- Why was admission of CA to Union so controversial?
- Taylor’s view regarding statehood for CA?
Chapters 20 and 21
 Free-Soil Party
 Compromise of 1850
- Henry Clay
- Stephen Douglas
- Major provisions?
- Most upsetting part to North?
 Election of 1852
- Effect on Whig party?
 Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- Effect on relations between North and South?
 President Pierce
- Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
- Relations with Asia
- Commodore Matthew Perry
- Ostend Manifesto
- What did it say?
- Was it successful? Why or why not?
- Gadsden Purchase
- How did South get the area?
Kansas-Nebraska Act
- Stephen Douglas
- What did it say?
- What year?
- Effects on MO Compromise?
- “Bleeding Kansas”
- John Brown
- Violence in the Senate (Charles Sumner, Andrew Butler, and Preston Brooks)
- Effects on Republican party?
Election of 1856
- American Party (Know-Nothing Party)
- Effect on Republican Party?
Dred Scott v. Sanford
- What claims did Scott have to his freedom?
- Decisions of Supreme Court?
- Effect on MO Compromise?
- Effects on relations between North and South?
Panic of 1857
- Effects on North and South?
Lincoln-Douglas debates
- Main issue in debates?
- Freeport Doctrine
- Effects on Lincoln and Douglas?
John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry, VA
- Goals?
- Effect on relations between North and South?
Election of 1860
- Candidates?
- What happened to Democratic Party during nomination?
- Republican view on slavery?
- What was going on in nation at the time?
- What happened soon after Lincoln’s victory?
- Lincoln’s main goal after inauguration?
Crittenden Plan
- What did it say?
Southern secession
- First state to secede and when?
- Confederate States of America
- Jefferson Davis
Chapters 22 and 23
 “King Cotton” diplomacy and why it failed
 Response to and role of GB and France in Civil War?
 Advantages and disadvantages of North and South
- military, resources, population, etc.
- railroads connect Northeast and Northwest
Fort Sumter
- Major Robert Anderson
- Lincoln’s actions at Fort Sumter?
- Effects on Union and Confederacy?
Border states
- Importance of holding them?
War at sea
- Effects of Union blockade on South?
- blockaderunners
- Battle of Hampton Roads
- Why is it a turning point in naval history?
Battle of Antietam
- Effects of battle?
Preliminary and final Emancipation Proclamation
- What did they say?
- Why did Lincoln wait until middle of war to issue proclamation?
- Effects on war?
Thirteenth Amendment
African-American soldiers
- What was their role in Union Army?
Battle of Gettysburg
- Why was it a turning point?
General William Tecumseh Sherman’s “march to the sea” - Atlanta to Savannah
- total war
Confederate surrender at Appomattox Courthouse - end of Civil War
- Robert E. Lee
- Ulysses S. Grant
Lincoln’s assassination
- John Wilkes Booth
Chapter 24
- Lincoln’s 10% Plan
- Problems between Johnson and Radical Republicans?
- Reconstruction Acts of 1867
- Wade-Davis Bill
- Freedmen’s Bureau
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Fifteenth Amendment
- Black Codes
- purpose?
- Ku Klux Klan
- Shift to sharecropping and tenant farming in South
- “virtual slavery”
- Why was Johnson impeached?
- Tenure of Office Act
- Compromise of 1877
- *Know presidents in order from #1-17!