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Name: ___________________________________ Period ______
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1st Semester Exam Review
1. Name the four labeled segments that are skew to EF
2. Name the three labeled segments that are parallel to BF
3. Are ray AC and ray CA naming the same ray? Explain.
4. Name line n three other ways.
5. KiKi went to Macy’s to buy some presents for her family. Her goal was to spend about the same amount
for each family member. The total bill was $175. If she spent $35 on herself, how much did she spend on
average for the 4 additional members of her class?
6. Simplify: -2n – 4n – 2 + 8
7. Solve for x: 42 + 4x – 6 = - 24
8. Draw an example of:
a. Acute angle
b. Straight angle
9. The SW-Uptown bus travels from West Oaks Mall through the City Center to the Millie Bush Dog Park.
The mall is 4 miles west and 3 miles south of the City Center. The Dog Park is 3 miles east and 4 miles
north of the Center. How far is it from the Dog Park to the Mall to the nearest tenth of a mile? (Draw a
10. The famous Ride-Me Trolley in Los Angeles travels from Palm Tree Mall through the City Center to the
Westside Park-an-Ride. The mall is 4 miles west and 3 miles south of the City Center. The Park-and-Ride
is 3 miles east and 4 miles north of the Center. How far is it from the Park-and-Ride to the Mall to the
nearest tenth of a mile? (Draw a diagram.)
11. Use the figure to the right: true or false?
a. <2 & <10 are corresponding angles.
b. 3 & <16 are alternating exterior angles.
c. <5 & <9 are alternating interior angles.
d. <7 & <15 are same side interior angles.
e. If <1 is 70°, what is the measure of <13? (Assume a||b and c||d)
If <12 is 130°, what is the measure of <9? (Assume a||b and c||d)
12. If EF = x + 12 and FG = 4x – 7 and EG = 40, find the values of x, EF, and FG. The drawing is not to scale.
13. Find the distance between points P (6, -5) and Q (11, 10). Leave your answer in simplest radical form.
d  ( x2  x1 )2  ( y2  y1 )2
14. Which distance is farther: Landview to Seaside or Oceanfront to Seaside?
–8 –6 –4 –2
15. This diagram to the left is of a taxicab airport runway which intersects two parallel runways.
a. How are <7 and <3 related?
b. How are <5 and <4 related?
c. How are <3 and <2 related?
d. How are <3 and <2 related?
16. Which figure(s) below are convex?
17. Which figure(s) below are concave? (Note: 2 conditions need to be met in each question. First, is it a
18. The Polygon Angle-Sum Theorem states: The sum of the measures of the angles of an n-gon is ____.
19. The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is ________.
20. How many sides does a regular polygon have if each exterior angle measures 18°?
21. Define correctly each term and draw/label an example.
Equilateral polygon: _________________________________________
Equiangular polygon: ________________________________________
Regular polygon: ____________________________________________
22. Find the measure of <A. The diagram is not drawn to scale.
23. Supplementary angles are two angles whose measures have a sum of ____.
24. Complementary angles are two angles whose measures have a sum of ____.
are complementary angles. The m
measure of each angle.
= x + 6 and m
= x - 12. Find the
are supplementary angles. The m<1 = 2x and m<2 = x + 30. Find the measure of each angle.
27. Find the measure of each unknown angle.
28. The drawing below shows how 3 squares can be joined at their vertices to form a right triangle. Find the
area of the largest square.
29. Circle Q has a diameter WY. Point W is located at (6, -4), and point Y is located at (1, 4). Find the
 x1  x2 y2  y1 
2 
 2
coordinates of point Q, the center of the circle. midpo int  
Part 2: Semester One Exam Final Exam Review
30. A flagpole was broken during a tornado. Before it broke, the total height of the flagpole above the
ground was 80 feet. After it broke, the top of the flagpole touched the ground 40 feet from the base.
How tall was the part of the pole that was left standing? Hint: Use Pythagorean Triples
40 feet
31. Which expression below can be used to calculate the length of the diagonal of the rectangle?
 16
12  16
122  162
32. Write an equation in point-slope form of the line through point J (1, 5) with slope –1.
33. Write an equation in point-slope form: y – y1 = m(x – x1), for the line parallel to y = 4x – 1 that contains
the point (–4, 2).
34. Give the slope-intercept form of the equation: y = mx + b, of the line that is perpendicular to
9x + 4y = 18 and contains the point (0, 2).
35. Graph the line 3x – y = 4. (First write in slope-intercept form. Name the slope and y-intercept.)
36. Which 2 lines are parallel? Explain why they are parallel. Which 2 lines are perpendicular? Explain why
they are perpendicular.
 3x – 4y = -8
 4y + 3x = -8
 15x – 20y = 24
 8x - 6y = 12
37. Is the line with points (-2, 4) & (-3, 3) parallel to the line that contains the points ( 5, -5) & (4,- 4)?
y2  y1
x2  x1
38. Use the figure below.
a. If MATH is reflected across the line y = -x and then translated 2 units down to become
parallelogram M AT H  , what will be the coordinates of M  ?
b. What transformation(s) created an image with a vertex at (3,0)?
c. Rotate MATH 90° clockwise about the origin.
d. Reflect the figure across the line y = 1.
e. Translate MATH 4 units right and down 3 units.
39. About how many feet of fencing are needed to enclose a rectangular swimming pool with a 21-foot-long
side and a 35-foot-long diagonal? (First, draw a diagram and label. What are you looking for?)
40. The map below shows 2 different routes Ms. Bronson can take to drive to the airport from her house.
How many miles could Ms. Bronson save by traveling on the diagonal shortcut instead of the two
perpendicular roads to get to the airport?
25 mi
Ms. Bronson’s
41. Triangle ART is translated so that vertex R’ is at (2, -2). What are the coordinates of point A’ after this
A (4, 7)
R (-1, 6)
T (-3, 3)
42. EFG has vertices E(-3, 2), F(0, 4), and G(-3, -4). EFG is translated using the translation rule
(x + 5, y - 1) and the image is reflected across the y-axis. What are the coordinates of the final image of
G’’? (No figure provided. Use graph above, if needed.
43. Quadrilateral JHGF has coordinates J(2, -3), H(0,4), G(-3, 6) & F(4, -2) is translated 2 units left and 4 units
down. What will be the coordinates of G’?
44. A pure tessellation is a tessellation/tiling made up of congruent copies of 1 figure. There are only 3
regular polygons that can create a pure tessellation. Name them:
45. Draw an example of a tessellation in the rectangle below.
46. The six blades in a fan form a regular hexagon.
a. Which clockwise rotation about point P maps point B to point D?
b. Which counterclockwise rotation about point P maps point B to point F?
47. If
n 5
 , then 5g = _________.
g 6
48. If
n 5
 , then  _____ .
g 6
12 72
x 216
n2 n4
2n 2n  5
51. A scale model of a car is 4 in. long. The actual car is 15 ft long. What is the ratio of the length of the
model to the length of the car?
52. The Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., is about 556 ft tall. A three-dimensional puzzle of the
Washington Monument is 24 in. tall. What is the ratio of the height of the puzzle to the height of the
real monument?
53. The solid triangle is a dilation image of the dashed triangle. Find the scale factor of the dilation.
54. LMNO is similar to HIJK. Name a pair of corresponding sides.
55. Determine if each of the three pairs of figures are similar. If they are similar, write a similarity statement
and find the similarity ratio. If not, explain.
56. Given quadrilateral WYZW is similar to quadrilateral FGHE, let XY = 2 and FG = n + 1. Find the values of x
and n.